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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 19 No. 1 (2007)
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Milan Batista, Goran Zovak
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
In the paper two-car collinear collisions are discussed usingNewton's law of mechanics, conservation of energy and linearconstitutive law connecting impact force and crush. Two waysof calculating the mutual restitution coefficient are given: onebased on car masses and one based on car stiffness. A numericalexample of an actual test is provided.

Drago Pupavac, Jasmin Pašagić Škrinjar, Ratko Zelenika
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
Production and stock optimization in supply chains representsextremely complex problem, because it determines the optimumquantity production in time. Due to their multilevelednature, those problems are mostly solved by application of differentmethods and models of dynamic programming. Theproblem addressed in this scientific debate refers to determinationof optimum quantity of production and stocks within thesupply chain in a certain period of time, as well as in eachsub-interval of the said period, but with the condition that theproduction and stock expenditure remains minimal and thatthe predetermined demand in every sub-interval and throughoutthe entire observation period remains satisfied.

Ivan Mišetić, Sanja Steiner, Mirko Tatalović
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
The paper addresses several marketing related notions associatedwith airline strategic planning and positioning. Besideexamining the distinctions between network operator and nicheplayer, this paper treats the state of Croatia Airlines within thereported AEA benchmarking of the specific elements of airlinebusiness. It also studies certain aspects of the air market that influencepricing and demand elasticity, such as the impact oflow cost carriers and the practice of network hubbing.

Dražen Kovačević, Branko Maković, Davor Sumpor
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
The work presents the classification of engines for theECO test requirement at the technical inspection of vehicles.The types of harmful components in the raw emission of internalcombustion engine are listed and described, as well asthe possibilities of their reduction. In accordance with theclassification of engines for the ECO test requirements the allowedvalues of harmful components according to the legallystipulated standards in Croatia are given. The study includedthe number of vehicles that passed the ECO test at technicalinspection in 2004 and these were then statistically processedand analyzed according to the type of vehicle, classification ofcar engines for the ECO test requirements and the year ofproduction.

Milojka Počuča
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
The article gives a presentation of the port system of theRepublicof Slovenia and of the organizational, ownership andmanagerial structure of Slovenia's only cargo port in Koper.The analysis of the organizational, ownership and managerialstructure was carried out according to the methodology appliedin the European project entitled 'Commission Staff WorkingProject on Public Financing and Charging Practices in theCommunity Sea Port Sector'. The article performs a compara·tive analysis of the port of Koper with other ports of the EU inthe domain of organization, ownership and management, publicfinancing, accountancy monitoring of public money investedin the port infrastructure, principles of cost recovery ofinvested capital and possibilities of access of port operators tothe port infrastructure of the Slovenian cargo port. The articlepoints to the possibilities of ownership and managementchanges in the port of Koper.

Anđelko Ščukanec, Mario Šafran, Darko Babić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
During driving one of the basic tasks of the driver is to followthe traffic route in such a way as not to endanger in the processother traffic participants. In order to improve the drivingsafety, the manufacturers install new safety systems in the cars.Thus, the safety system !LAS (Involuntary Lane-crossing AlertSystem) warns the drivers of the unintended and incorrectcrossing of the full or broken line during driving. The properfunctioning of !LAS requires high quality road markings on thecarriageway in order to allow the mentioned safety system toidentify them on time and correctly. Road markings can be definedas a set of longitudinal and transversal lines, signs andsymbols, the combination of which designs the surfaces on thetraffic infrastructure. They represent a part of the whole trafficsignalization and cannot be replaced by other markings or regulations.The road markings have the task of visually guiding thedriver, allowing the drivers to be able to forecast the route oftheir safe movement. Every crossing of the full or broken line atspeeds higher than 80 km/h and without an activated indicatoris identified by !LAS and the driver is warned by the vibration ofthe driver seat. Road markings are the best aid in side, i. e.transversal locating of the vehicle and they influence directly theoperation of the safety system !LAS during driving.

Jasna Blašković Zavada, Josip Zavada, Dubravka Hozjan
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1
As a traffic system, railway is experiencing possibly the biggestorganizational and systemic changes ever, in its long existence.It has always been under the patronage of the state. It hashad privileged position on the transport market, and its losseswere covered by the state. In comparing the railways as a publictransport system and other transport systems, especially theroad system, railways features significant innate advantageswhich should be used by stimulating traffic policy. This paperstudies the future development of the railway from the transportaspect in the new conditions of the transport market, marketliberalization on railway lines and the privatization process ofthe railway as transport service provider. It presents the basiccharacteristics of the railway which emphasise its advantagesand drawbacks compared to other traffic systems. The characteristicsof the transport market are presented, and the positionof the railway in the given circumstances is analysed. The paperalso analyses the political relation of the governments of somecountries and EU towards traffic and favouring of individualsystems.

Stanislav Pavlin, Igor Dimnik, Martin Starčević
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 1

The European low-cost carriers share in passenger traffic isgetting higher each year. Their business model benefits frommany aspects. Still, one of the most important aspects is usageof secondary airports. Those airports are mainly regional incharacter with relatively low passenger figures. With arrival oflow cost carriers, traffic volume has greatly increased whichbrings additional load on airport infrastructure. Because of thisextra load, additional planning of future development as well asextension of movement surfaces, primarily apron area, and terminalareas is necessary.Several/ow-cost carriers currently operate to Croatian airports,and with forthcoming regulation liberalization theirnumber is expected to grow. The paper presents the increase inpassenger traffic at European and Croatian airports generatedby low-cost carriers, and its influence on development of airportinfrastructure.

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