Principal Contact
Editorial office Promet – Traffic&Transportation
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Vukelićeva 4, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 99 251 8510
Assoc. Prof. Ivona Bajor, Ph. D.
Ivona Bajor was part of the editorial board for over five years, where she held the positions of section editor for logistics and associate editor before becoming editor-in-chief in 2022.
Managing Editor
Mojca Brenko-Puzak, mag. bibl. –
Mojca Brenko-Puzak has been working in the Faculty of Transport and Traffic library since 2011. She has served as the managing editor of the journal since 2024.
Layout Editor
Ante Kulušić –
Ante Kulušić has been working as a layout editor in the Editorial Office of the journal since 2020.
Proofreading service
Sinonim d.o.o.
System administrator / Technical Support
Zdravko Šašek –