The Journal Promet – Traffic&Transportation was founded on 21 December 1988 at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. The first issue of the journal was published in August 1989 under the leadership of the editor-in-chief at that time, Stjepan Božićević, Ph.D.
Thomson Reuters recognized the journal as an international scientific journal on January 1, 2007, and included it in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) database in the field of Transportation Science and Technology.
As of 2023, we have discontinued the printed version of the journal. All past issues have been scanned and are freely available on our website, and new issues are published in digital format.
Past editors-in-chief:
1989-1989 Stjepan Božićević
1990-1996 Ivan Mavrin
1997-2006 Adolf Malić
2006-2020 Mario Anžek
2021-2022 Doris Novak
2022-now Ivona Bajor
The title of the journal changed over time:
1989-1996 Promet
1997-2005 Promet-Traffic-Traffico
2006-now Promet – Traffic&Transportation