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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 14 No. 1 (2002)
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Hrvoje Gold, Mario Samodol
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The work represents an artificial neural networkf01· recognitionof county centre post codes. The neural networkPOSTKLAS se1ves as the classification system for the sorting oftwo-digit address data. The de1·eloped model represents atwo-layer network which learns by using backpropagation algorithm.The method of address data recording in the model hasbeen presented. By analysing the sorting results the possibilitywas determined of applying the developed neural network forrecognition even in cases of distorted input pal/erns. The modellingwas done by means of Mat/ab programming ~ystem.

Mirko Čičak, Dragan Badanjak, Josip Kukec
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The objective of the railway is to offer high level of transportservices, i.e. the quality which is competitive to other transportmodes, but which minimises its internal costs at the same time.In order to increase the capacity of transport services andreduce the costs, splitting of trains between different categoriesof transport on separate railway lines will be more and more appliedin the 21' centtuy. Unfortunately, even in the developedcountries there will be lines or line sections where mixed trafficwill be cmTied, and in developing countries this will often be thecase even on the main trunk lines.Therefore, a topical issue is to establish the capacity andchoose the right solution. The problem becomes more complexin cases when two double-track lines with mixed traffic need tobe connected and the restructuring of traffic implemented. Atthe same time the exits to two new double-track lines with thespecific train categories have to be ensured and the requiredquality of transport services maintained.In this paper, the impact the capacity has on quality is discussedand some basic characteristics of a model, which enablesthe research of the conflict points capacity, i.e. of convergingand diverging points of two double-track lines is given. Although,there are some analytical elements in this model, it isessentially simulation which enables us to carry out tests underdifferent conditions, to study different variants and to systematisedifferent indicators and make conclusions.

Vedran Batoš, Vlatko Lipovac, Antun Sertić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
This paper presents the traffic rules in the EFT (ElectronicFinancial Transactions) networks, based on the implementationof the solution called Gold-Net developed and implementedby Euronet Worldwide Inc. Following the traffic rulesin EFT networks, out of its worldwide experience, Gold-Netevolved a comprehensive and expandable EFT network solutiondesigned to meet an institution's needs today and in the future.It is an ITM (Integrated Transaction Management) solution,modular and expandable, and consists of a comprehensiveEFT software modules with ATM and POS driving capabilities.The combination of ATM management and the onlineconnection form the intercept processing control module. Asthe marketplace grows, this solution ensures that an ente1prisemay position itself for future growth and expanded service offerings.

Davor Mistrić, Leonard Eleršek, Ernest Bazijanac
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
Because of the advantages of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring, it is in the interest of the Croatian Air Forceto examine its applicability in Bell 206B Ill helicopter maintenancesystem.The paper deals with the basic of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring procedure; and describes also the procedurefor Allison 250 C20J engine, which is installed in Bell206B Ill. Results of parameter readings are presented and reasonsof inapplicability of condition trend monitoring within pilottraining process are explained. Alternative procedure is recommended.

Tomaž Tolazzi
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
On the market today, there are various computer programsfor simulating traffic flows at level intersection, which are allbased on mathematics not seen by the end user. In this way theuser only supplies data without being aware of how the programworks and neither of the mathematical background. The resultsobtained are critically judged under this influence, resultingthus in subjective decisions.Therefore, the article presents simple alternative mathematicalpossibilities for the requirements and the length of aseparate left-turn lane at intersection.

Elen Twrdy, Evelin Vatovec Krmac
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and electronic businessshould be looked upon as a natural evolution in the internationaltrade and transport cycle. One of the principal reasonsfor starting to use EDI are the heaps of documents written,shifted, handled, conected, transcribed and copied for normalbusiness and administrative transactions. EDJ and in generalelectronic business would have none of the disadvantages ofpaper documents and have already brought substantial benefitsand savings to companies that implement it.Most port community systems today still do not provide forelectronic transfer of funds or for electronic interchange of invoicesand other trade documents, for instance bills of lading.Such services are specific toe-business and they are the necessarytransport-related documents.

Borivoj Galović, Miljenko Čop, Doris Novak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The CU/Tent system of air traffic is facing many drawbacksand problems that restrict its further development and makes itdifficult to follow the trends of increase in the traffic volume.By means of their technology, the systems such as ADS-8create rhe basis for further building, upgrading, improving anddeveloping of a completely new concept of the air traffic system.Through their functions they fully fit into and support the basicfunctions of communication, navigation and swveillancewhich form the basis of the new concept that needs to be implementedas soon as possible.

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