Davor Mistrić
Leonard Eleršek
Ernest Bazijanac
Because of the advantages of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring, it is in the interest of the Croatian Air Forceto examine its applicability in Bell 206B Ill helicopter maintenancesystem.The paper deals with the basic of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring procedure; and describes also the procedurefor Allison 250 C20J engine, which is installed in Bell206B Ill. Results of parameter readings are presented and reasonsof inapplicability of condition trend monitoring within pilottraining process are explained. Alternative procedure is recommended.
E. Bazijanac, E. Hnatko, A. Domitrovic: Methods for the
Monitoring of Technical Condition of a Jet Plane Engine
- As a Basis for Successful Maintenance. Suvremeni
promet, 18, 1998, 1-2, 158-161.
Bell JetRanger Ill Rotorcraft Flight Manual. Bell
Helicopter Textron, Fort Worth, 1995.
Operation and Maintenance Manual-Turboshaft Engine
Models 250-C20, -C20B, -C20F, -C20J, -C20S,-C20W.
Allison Engine Company, 1996.
Aircraft Gas Turbine Operation Information Letter (no.
)-Engine Condition Trend Monitoring System for PT6
engines. Pratt&Whitney Canada Customer Support,
Longuenil, Quebec, 1984.
Safety Manual. Helicopter Association International,
Alexandria, Virginia, 1992.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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