Borivoj Galović
Miljenko Čop
Doris Novak
The CU/Tent system of air traffic is facing many drawbacksand problems that restrict its further development and makes itdifficult to follow the trends of increase in the traffic volume.By means of their technology, the systems such as ADS-8create rhe basis for further building, upgrading, improving anddeveloping of a completely new concept of the air traffic system.Through their functions they fully fit into and support the basicfunctions of communication, navigation and swveillancewhich form the basis of the new concept that needs to be implementedas soon as possible.
Buttenvorth, P.: A Guide to CNS/ATM, A lane's Special
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Fontaine, p_- Capezzuto, V.- Gray, D.: Swveilling the
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Lindberg, L.: CDTI-ADS-B operational experience,
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Mundra, A. i dr.: Potential ADSI-B/CDTI capabilities
for near-term development, The MITRE Corporation/
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O'neal, K. - Kilchner, L. - Lindberg, L.: ADS-B -
towards Free Flight and Collaborative ATM, Air Traffic
Technology International 2000, UK & International
Press, London, Vol. 1, 2000.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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