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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 2 No. 5-6 (1990)
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Dragutin Šipka
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the issue of traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the scope of changes of the economic system in Yugoslavia which serves the author to put forth some particular aspects of the current traffic status in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By reiterating the indispensable requirement of compatibility of the future EC traffic/transport system, the author draws references to the existing possibilities of traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina for integration into the European traffic system while emphasizing in this respect as a decisive development - related activity the decision on the required construction of the Šamac – Sarajevo - Kardeljevo highway route.

Mirsad Kulović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the reached traffic/ transport development level in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a brief reference to the state in individual traffic aspects, and then the assessment is provided of the possibilities of integration of traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina into the EC traffic system, while emphasizing as priority activities to be taken the granting of conditions for a uniform and standardized treatment of all traffic aspects/segments, rendering usable the traffic infrastructure facilities and advancement of technology, engineering and management of transport.

Nikola Zurković
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6
The author first reviews the characteristics of the European traffic system to give subsequently a detailed illustration of the status of the European railways within tile scope of the traffic system. The paper then deals in a comprehensive manner with the development of the Yugoslav railways up to the year 2000, starting from the present unsatisfactory state connected with the requirements of the economic reform, requirements of the EC and the Balkan cooperation, all this with reference to transit and tourist trade-related role of the country. In the concluding section the author quotes the recommendations from the Long- Term ' Development Plan of the Yugoslav Railways with respect to the construction of the rail infrastructure, procurement of rolling stock, development of combined transport mode, information science and personal policies.

Juraj Mađarić, Damir Božićević
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Upon providing the information on the work of the I. European Forum on Combined Transport - EUROMODAL 90 - held in Brussels earlier this year, the authors deal with the achievements of the INTERCONTAINER Railway Society in the process of development of container transport in Europe as well as the achievements of the German Railways in the development of combined rail and road transport mode. Special reference is made to the issues of piggy-back and its development in Europe per individual techniques to provide a detailed presentation ·of characteristics and advantages of new technology (techniques) of piggy- back mode, the so called bi-modal system and reiterate its economic effects and recommend its application in Yugoslavia.

Risto Perišić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper provides quotation of various authors who emphasize the importance of integrated logistics and distribution systems for which the author furnishes clear and well-defined graphic presentations of logistic processes. Giving reference to the conclusion of a distinguished J'oreig11 author that logistics makes the key to business at a single European market after the year 1992, the author reviews the possibilities o[ our country in joining the integrated logistics and distributio11 EC systems and reminds of the dictation aspect of the inexorable competition of the world market to which requirements we must inevitably adapt.

Rade Dmitrović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

In view of the fact that effective January J, 1993 a single European market of the EC is introduced and that traffic activities shall as well be adapted to this concept, the author points out the indispensable requirement for our country to absolutely adjust by that term its standards and regulations to those of the EC. Keeping to .the point this would understand for the segment of transport that the conditions are created towards a market-oriented behaviour of traffic/transport community. According to the. author it is necessary to define and adjust the conditions of business (earning the income) of i11dividual traffic segments on the transport service market as well as to introduce radical changes in to the concept and philosophy of the business policy of transport companies in the first place the railways.

Smail Smailbegović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author first reviews the correlation of transport factor and distribution of production in Europe, to subsequently point out the problems originating in the sector of transport in relation to the process of economic integration in Europe after the year 1992. The author reminds of the inevitability of introduction of a common transport system and a common transport policy in Europe which cannot proceed either in a smooth or a simple manner. Unless our country accepts this concept we shall witness a specific isolation which we cannot afford.

Milenko Lazić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the development of transport of heavy road vehicles and semi- trailers and swap-bodies by rail as a result the pressure exerted by the environmentalists concerns and quota restrictions in Austria and Switzerland in particular. The author points out the indispensable operations towards engineering/technological accommodation of rail and road transport in this respect as well as of container terminals. In the closing section the author reviews favorably the institution of the YUKOMBI organization and the reform in issuance and distribution of transit permits those for transit via Austria and Germany.

Nebojša Kolarić, Jovan Popesku
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors first review the transit routes through Yugoslavia of interest for the single EC market and this from the standpoint of passenger and freight transport. They remind of an urgent requirement of construction of a new and reconstruction of the existing rail network in accorda11ce with the high speed systems introduction trends. Especially the market which refers to the development of transit routes through Yugoslavia as a factor of advancement of transit and tourism in relation to the future common EC market.

Marijana Gjumbir
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

For projectors of the traffic development dynamics up to and after the year 1992 we can use the logistic trends if the observed (monitored) traffic feature exhibits typical development stages: running-in, pronounced expansion and stagnating development stage. This paper deals with the presentation of the criteria for the selection of this trend and less complex methods for the projection of parameters in it.

Željko Lesić, Nadica Miljanović, Ahil Dimitrijević
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors review the up-to-date cooperation between the 'EC and Yugoslavia with respect to the follow-up of the statistical data in the field of transport of common interest for the execution of a common transport policy. The bearers of cooperation are EUROSTAT and SZS, in the course of which particular difficulties originated from the follow-up of road traffic in the light of the fact that our border is annually crossed by approximately 900,000 heavy motor vehicles. In accordance with a new Project of the EUROS 'l' A T Cooperation the study conducted this year of 1990, will yield uniquely higher number of required statistical information as compared to some earlier studies.

Mirko Čičak, Marica Mirić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the freight flows proceeding between Greece and West European countries and then discusses their projections. The share of individual transport aspects is committed to an analysis to cover road, rail and sea transport. The trends evident in individual transport aspects are also reviewed as completed via Yugoslavia over the past 28 years. The authors review the measures taken by some West European countries in relation to transit traffic and define the basic trends of the traffic policy of Yugoslavia.

Antun Kovačić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Brzina dostave robe i optimalizacija procesa prevoza po svom značaju treba da zauzmu posebno mjesto u prometnom sustavu regije Slavonije i Baranje. Sa svojim prednostima kanal Dunav-Sava bitno bi utjecao na povećanje brzine dostave robe unutar prometnog sistema regije i šire. Robno-transportni centri i kontejnerski terminali u gravitacionom području Kanala inicirali bi primjenu suvremene tehnologije transporta u svim granama prometa regije.

Boris Ribarić, Nenad Injac
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors provide a review of the mathematical method, the so called Latin composition that has proved it to be very successful in the process of solution of multi-criteria program of the network optimization. Furthermore the algorithm of the Latin composition is provided and hypothetical model of the problem resolution on the planned network of depots.

Blaž Bogović, Mato Perak, Željko Radačić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Owing to some specific aspects of the transport service market there has always been present a minor or major impact of the state upon the fixing of transport service costs or the policy of investments into the traffic infrastructure. Currently we have the processes of deregulation going on, on one hand, and strengthening of the market functions on the other. In such circumstances one should expect in the future that the fixing of transport service rates is more and more affected by the economic factor which means that as with the costs/prices of goods and services in other industries the fares/transport service charges will be subject to a permanent impact of numerous market factors acting within the scope of the national market yet more and more with respective reflections of all regional and global economic trends.

Bogdan Zgonc
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

In the process of transformation of the transport system in the EC the railway as a major technological_ system plays a significant role. This refers to Yugoslavia as well while it should be taken into account that some major structure changes happened, as shown through the comparison of the state in the 1960s and nowadays given in separate graphic presentations. The author advocates the requirement of an urgent harmonization of operations and development in the first place in the infrastructure because without respective harmonization and coordination it is not possible to reach the aspired-to liberalization.

Zvonko Zdunić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author first reviews the high-speed routes of individual rail administrations in Europe and then furnishes the information on absolutely unsatisfactory speeds· with us particularly on the mainland-coast route. He therefore advocates the possibility of introduction of the 'Pendolino' type trains able to cut the journey times by some 20-30%. The paper then deals with the possible routes of the coastal railway track to lead via Rijeka through Lika·up to Knin and further over the central Dalmatia to Gabela by which the first section of the railway system would bi closed. The route would then lead in the direction of Dubrovnik and Nikšić that is Bar by which the link with the Belgrade-Bar route would be obtained. The author leads for an accelerated elaboration of projects and keeping the area reserved for this high-speed route construction.

Mirko Dokić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author first deal with the historical review of the endeavors to have a parallel main West-East railway route of Ljubljana- Karlovac-Doboj-Stalać constructed and discusses the level of completion up to date. The author reiterates the economic and strategic significance of this traffic route providing linkages of our four republics, while apart from its social and economic meaning its traffic- -related significance is of particular importance in view of the fact that it provides longitudinal links to four major transversal railway routes in the direction of the Adriatic coast and the main Belgrade-Niš route. By the constriction of the remaining two sections (Glina-B. Novi and Valjevo-Lipnica) on the stretch of 120 km the system would be completed as a whole.

Milan Janić, Dmitar Grubor
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the quality of transport services in passenger and freight rail transport of the EC, EFTA and Yugoslavia. For passenger transport services the respective level has been reviewed on the system of IC-lines while for the freight transport services it has been reviewed on the system of direct freight trains. For passenger transport services the frequencies and commercial speeds have been analyzed while for freight transport services the average commercial speed has been reviewed. The author puts forth recommendations for the increase of commercial speeds.

Mirko Čičak
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the prerequisites and objectives of the liberalization of the market in conjunction with the review of the position of the railways on the transport service market in the process of its development. The author then .exposes the basic strategy of railways of the EC member states, reviews some new concepts in passenger transport and freight carriage and defines the conditions of the Yugoslav Railways as such. The author states that the Yugoslav Railways should be an integral part of the European railways system which means that they should considerably expedite the introduction of conditions for the application of modern technologies in the passenger and freight transport service in the process of which the community that is the state plays a major role.

Tatjana Kobilica
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the development aspected orientation of the combined transport in Europe, in the first place of the EC member states, Austria and Switzerland, for the author to subsequently review the traffic policy and measures for the advancement of combined transport in the mentioned countries. In the second part of the paper the author discusses the significance of container transport in Yugoslavia and the indispensability of adaptation to the trends in the aforementioned countries and specifies respective measures to be taken for integration of our transport system into the combined transport system of Europe with particular reference to the aspired-to cooperation with the EC.

Branislava Božinović, Zoran Bundalo
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author first deal with the essence of integration processes on the EC member state railways to point out the problems related to the discontinuation of the state patronage over the railways. Forecasts refer to the introduction of the European 'Agency for high-speed railway systems, privatization of the railways and opening of the railways to the competitive trends of the services market. In the light of the fact that these measures affect, apart from the EC member state railways, the Austrian and Swiss Railways, also it seems inevitable that the Yugoslav Railways must find their respective place in the process.

Petar Petrović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author discusses the efforts of the European countries to excha11ge numerous accompanying papers in international freight rail transport for practically one single document. In this concern the CIT passed a decision to institute a separate project for this purpose entitled DOCIMEL according to which all required shipment information will be recorded on a computer and a unique document (DOCIMEL) will thus supersede the up to date abundant accompanying documentation. In order to materialize this it is necessary to introduce a uniform information system of the Yugoslav railways and a unique system of terminals in conjunction with the changes of the regulations concerning the obligations of providing written documents in the process  of freight carriage.

Jadranko Petrović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author deals with the issue of protection of data and software in general and with particular reference to the DOCIMEL Project Then author discusses the problem of the so called virus i.e. the programs capable of reproducing themselves and starting their destructive activity in computer systems. The author exposes a number of protection methods in fighting virus with particular reference to the DOCINIEL Project that will be available for access to a large number of users and as such more vulnerable than others.

Dragan Badanjak
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author deals with the scope of freight transport and its structure on the Yugoslav Railways as well as the reported transit volumes for the period of 1985-1988. The paper then furnishes data on palletization and containerization on the Yugoslav Railways in conjunction with piggy-back transport on European and particularly Austrian Railways, with reference to the information on the Munich-Ljubljana route transport volumes. The author provides recommendations of the Yugoslav Railways into the international system of piggy -back transport.

Šefkija Čekić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with a general review of the restructuring impact to serve the author· to draw comparison on the essence of the criteria and standards and characteristics of road transport in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The tables furnish the information on the structure of passengers and freight motor pool (fleet of vehicles} by purpose, years of operation, and models/ manufacturer. The author gives recommendations for a series of measures for the improvement of the situation (possibility of institution of joint enterprises with partners from the EC, leasing, timely securing of an adequate number of permits, etc.).

Faruk Jašarević, Ismet Dedić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors review transit volumes foreign tourists and their vehicles and in this concern refer to the deficiencies in the process of repair and servicing of foreign vehicles. With reference to the requirement and need of urgent repairs the authors recommend respective locations and systems of service management for these purposes. The existing structure and operation modes of the capacities is unsatisfactory, so that there is absolutely the need for the reconstruction and extension of the existing and building of new servicing capacities on locations with busy traffic to contribute to a better promotion of our country on the tourist trade community.

Milan Janić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the most important technical and utilization related characteristics of heavy motor vehicles, whose intensive introduction in transport services among the EC, EFTA and Yugoslavia is expected after the year 1992. Particular reference has been drawn to a series of institution limitations affecting the features of uti1ization/operation, service level and characteristics of' operation of heavy motor vehicles.

Henrik Oblak
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

U radu se razmatra privredni razvoj članica EZ i njegov utjecaj na Jugoslaviju, te kakve su šanse jugoslavenskih poduzeća u konkurenciji s onima iz EZ s obzirom na očito nejednake startne pozicije. Ukazuje se na nužnost marketinške logistike u poslovanju s firmama iz EZ, pri čemu je najvažnija dostupnost relevantnih informacija u pravo vrijeme.

Ivo Županović, Boris Ribarić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors deal with the issues of integration of our road transport i.e. trucking trade into the traffic flows of the EC and discuss the factors of immediate influence upon the increased level of services, as basic factors of discontinuation of further tendency of traffic isolation of our country. If these prerequisites are met there are strong chances for us to successfully join the EC road traffic flows.

Gordana Štefančić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

U radu se ukazuje na teorijsko-metodološke aspekte uvođenja suvremenih tehnologija na jugoslavenskim putničkim terminalima. Modernizacija terminala je preduvjet za optimalno iskorištavanje postojećih kapaciteta i bolje povezivanje sa zemljama EZ.

Aleksandar Ećim, Steva Grbić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

U radu se obrazlažu karakteristike autoputa 'Bratstvo-jedinstvo ', kao i analizira gustina saobraćaja na karakterističnim odsjecima posebno tranzit stranih vozila i njihovo učešće u saobraćajnom toku na naplatnim rampama duž Autoputa. Detaljno je obrađena problematika na odsjeku Beograd-Niš u teretnom prometu, gdje se uočavaju vrlo mala kolebanja po mjesecima, dok su mjesečne neravnomjernosti stranih putničkih vozila znatne i promet se pojačava u ljetnim mjesecima. Iz godine u godinu uočava se stalni rast prometa, koji trend će se svakako i nastaviti kompletiranjem Autoputa.

Blagota Radović, Metod Di Batista, Ljuba Brank, Marjan Kranjc, Ida Šubić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the issues of the road system of Slovenia and reviews the existing state of things in the year 1988 with reference to the state of roadways, traffic volumes, level of services and quality of traffic linkages with neighboring states. Based upon these reviews the authors provide their forecast of the traffic conditions for the year 1992 and 2000.

Damir Šimulčik
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The facilities of the traffic infrastructure make an integral part of the traffic and economic system of any country. This fact requires of the investment policy to find its basis in scientific nations and synchronous activities of all segments of economy. This paper deals with the optimization of the development of facilities of traffic infrastructure in Yugoslavia as an important factor in the process of passing the investment decisions i.e. their being grounded on scientific methods, to which it is imminent to dispose with facts yielding an optimal solution within the scope of respective consideration.

Nadica Miljanović, Željko Lesić, Milan Tojagić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors review the issues of introduction of one unique administrative document (JAD) in the EC member states and EFTA which makes possible a uniform customs procedure and accelerated transport of goods in international exchange. The authors explain the activities taken on a federal level being in the process so that it may be expected that the introduction of such a document follows after January J, 1993 in our country. Particular references have· been drawn to the advantages of the document in traffic statistics having close contacts with the corresponding institutions in the EC-member states and individual countries.

Jelka Šinkovec Funduk
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the hazardous action of toxically matter emissions originating from different sources of pollution as thermal plants, industries, heating, and in particular, from motor exhaust emissions, being regarded the highest level of pollution hazard. In view of the fact that there exists the request on the part of the EC to enable as good as possible connection of the EC member states with Greece, other Balkan regions and the Near East, the very environmental reasons make the hest possible argument for the need of the EC commitment 011 the improvement of our main railway route.

Ljubo Đorđević, Samo Modic
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The cooperation in the EC in traffic and integration into the common market do not condition an equal treatment regarding the physical and mental features of drivers on assignments in international passenger and freight transport. The authors describe the up to date state of affairs in Slovenia and Yugoslavia and the steps taken or to be taken to adapt to them maximum to the regulations of the EC i.e. those originating from the accepted obligations stated in the 1978 Convention.

Mirko Tatalović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author deals with the history of efforts within the EC concerning the process of deregulation or liberalization of air transport in Europe, as for the most significant activity taken he refers to the Package of Measures in Air Transport of the Commission for Civil Aviation of 1987. In conjunction with providing the information on transport volumes reported by the airlines and airports in Yugoslavia the author pleads for the elimination of bilateral restrictions, protection of the interregional transport, right of salvage and abandonment, as well as other restrictions in opposition to the proclaimed liberalization.

Tomislav Jovanović, Milan Janić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The paper deals with the basic characteristics of airport systems and the process of operation of airports for the authors to subsequently assess the relevant factors influencing demand, their size and direction of impact. They advocate the planning of airport system development with particular reference and accent upon the transport/technological assessment of elaborated solutions.

Nenad Injac
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with different systems used lo1· landing in the world and the author lists their respective flaws. Particular reference has been drawn to the advantages of the most recent system, the so called 'Glisada', used more and more all over the world particularly in the USSR, and discusses its mode of operation. The author proposes adequate examinations and introduction of this system to our airports.

Milan Janić, Tomislav Jovanović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors discuss some possible quality- related changes of the characteristics of the system of air transport in the EC member states after the year 1992 as expected of airlines, airports and air traffic control aspects. The genera tor of these changes will rest in the change of behavior of air carriers, who will, in conditions of a free market, have to change the structures of their services in parallel with increased supply of transport capacities (aircraft capacities}. The change of the structure of the network of services will lead to the change of the role of individual airports and partially to lacking capacities. The latter will be evident in the system of air traffic control as well.

Ivan Suić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Autor obrazlaže potrebu i sadašnje stanje u pogledu mjera sigurnosti na aerodromima, te navodi i opremu za tu svrhu. S obzirom na trend usavršavanja terorističkih akcija i sredstava, pledira da svi sudionici u zračnom prometu maksimalno surađuju u provođenju mjera na nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou.

Sanja Steiner
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The paper deals with the meaning and function of the forthcoming deregulation and security aspected problems in this respect, providing respective statistical data for the past two decades on accidents and casualties. The author furnishes the projections on operation in conditions of deregulation, and lists some innovations in the field of security and precaution measures. The author pleads for the following of technical minimums of equipment (means) and procedures of control at airports as recommended by the international Air Transport Association.

Jovo Ivović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The paper deals with the significance of maritime transport for the EC member 'states and furnishes the data on capacities i.e. the fleet of cessels of the EC quoting a series of unilateral acts and bilateral treates on booking of cargo to subsequently review the policy ill shipping trade and institution of the European Register. The author then analyses the fiscal policy in shipping in the EC and mutual cooperation within this scope in the EC. The author any thinks that the shipping trade ill Yugoslavia would not experience any negative affects due to the innovations in the shipping policy of the EC.

Antun Sbutega
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author deals with the economic, cultural and political aspects of the Adriatic orientation to subsequently dedicate most space to the review of traffic as an element of this every important orientation. In the closing lines the author draws references to the relationship of the Adriatic and the European orientation and pleads for better linkage of the ports with the mainland.

Josip Muščet
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

World market niches come close to one another more and more while the transport systems in this respect exhibit invigorated activity. Within this scope we witness the introduction of the EDIFACT system that makes considerably easier the exchange of business information between the parties involved in the international exchanges of goods. in which area the shipping companies reached farthest. Tile author considers that EDI will in the last decade of ibis century transform the shipping trade to the same extent the process of containerization did in the 1960s.

Mihajlo Batalić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author deals with the objectives of introduction of the Code of Conduct and its application in shipping with particular reference to the shipping trade of the EC member states. The author points out a variety of changes that have taken place since the introduction of the Code into effect in relation to the polarization of the two concepts - the protectionist and the liberal one. The development of the container fleet of vessels has in many ways questioned tile theses of tile Code so that the author believes that in the conditions of deregulation; the distribution of cargo, as grounded on the Code, will soon assume a new shape.

Hrvoje Baričević
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author discusses the position of the four North. Adriatic parts, the Italian Venice and Trieste and our Koper and Rijeka, whose container and Roll on-Roll off terminals make the basis for the introduction of a more efficient multi-modal system, all toward s the objective of a high -quality level of transport services  provision for a board European market makes all ideal medium or a more comprehensive application of the multi-modal transport in which process Koper and Rijeka are in a less satisfactory position with respect to inadequate links with the continental region.

Tatjana Delibašić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with respective data on the fleet of vessels of the EC member states and Yugoslavia including the structure and tonnage as well as the effectuated volumes in cargo transport and development trends. The author pleads for the Adriatic Orientation with particular reference to as close as possible cooperation with the corresponding institution in the EC.

Vladimir Mirić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with the condition of being navigable and the issue of regulation of the Sava river and pleads for an as urgent as possible completion of the Danube-Sava Canal to shorten the route for freight flows Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to north and West Europe, in most Cases for as many as 400 km. This is of particular importance due to the fact that in two years the Danube will be linked with the Rhine so that a portion of the transport volumes may be rerouted to this river.

Milan Jelenc
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

West Europe endeavors’ in an accelerated manner to introduce modern telecommunications systems particularly by introduction of integrated services of digital network (ISDN). Our telecommunications are lagging behind considerably as compared to the Western World so that the question may be raised about liberalization and separation of the posts from the telecommunications and accommodation to the trends experienced in the EC.

Slavko Jaram, Krešimir Acinger
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Izneseni su podaci i analizira110 kretanje pismovnih, paketskih, telegrafskih i telefonskih usluga koje se razmjenjuju s Evropom u razdoblju od 1979-1988.g. Predlaže se koncentrirati ulaganja u modernizaciju telefonije, razvoj mreže za prenos podataka i racionalizaciju ostalih usluga. Eventualnim ulaskom Jugoslavije u EZ došlo bi do povećanja PTT prometa i povećanih ulaganja u dohodovna telekomunikacijsku mrežu.

Mato Perak
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

Autor obrazlaže nova pravila igre u EZ u vezi telekomunikacija i primjene donesenih mjera u pogledu deregulacije. i liberalizacije u pojedinim državama-članicama EZ. Godina 1989. predstavlja prekretnicu u tom pravcu, a na nama je da se pravovremeno i što prije prilagodimo promjenama koje se dešavaju u EZ.

Krešimir Acinger, Slavko Jaram
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The authors review the tendencies of development of telephone communications of Croatia with European countries which is rather important for the planning of development and introduction of the information systems in the international traffic. The development of telephone communications systems and the introduction of new attractive telecommunications services will give an urge to the future and continued growth of telephone traffic, while an inadequately developed network of systems can have adverse repercussions upon the development of international trade, tourist trade and overall economy and industry.

Ivan Markežić
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

The author exposes the development aspect of the mobile telephone systems in Europe and mentions the three regions of compatible systems (Scandinavia, Benelux and Great Britain with Ireland) while some special systems are operated by France and Germany. Seeing the inevitability of introduction of a common system, CEPT has formed the GSM Project i.e. a trans-European mobile telephone communication system joined by 17 European countries to be functioning from the year 1991. In the closing lines the author expresses his regrets regarding our activities on a different incompatible system - the NMT 450- so that it is po8Sible for us to meet considerable difficulties in the future in the process of integration into the trans-European GSM system.

Miodrag Zdravković, Hamdija Hadžihasanović
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper points out the development of industrial motor vehicles of the TAM Maribor Manufacturer alter their joining the IVECO Grouping and efforts to accommodate their production to the requirements of environmental protection effective in the EC. Care is further taken about the implementation of new equipment and devices in braking systems as well as the application of the CAB/CAM designs. The TAM Manufacturers obviously take all efforts to adapt themselves to the requirements placed before the automobile industry in the EC member states.

Čedomir Ivaković
1990 (Vol 2), Issue 5-6

This paper deals with different methods of bi-modal transport technology as well as the possibility of their application. The concept and term of bi-modal technology has been defined, respective advantages and disadvantages have been reviewed and a comparison drawn as to their economical aspect based upon respective data for piggy-back transport.

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