Vol. 15 No. 4 (2003)
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Simeon Schreiber
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
Construction of high-speed transportation systems often requirescalendar planning of the job complex. This paper describesan optimized model of construction project, which includestime parameters as well as cost factors. Project optimizationcan be achieved by solving the following two problems:1) minimizing expenditures within the predetermined durationof construction;2) determining the minimum duration of project constructionunder the set spending level.Both tasks are based on the idea of reducing the duration ofcertain sequence of operations down to the set level, ensuringthe highest effect of accelerating the construction. Under theknown time-cost relationship, the optimal solution can be reducedto search for such types of activities within the networkmodel, acceleration of which is the most efficacious in terms ofboth spending and finishing the overall project. The algorithmfor solving the above problems using the network model of jobcomplex is offered in the current paper. This method can beused for planning and managing the work logistics/calendar inconstruction and related types of industry, for research and developmentprojects in other areas.
Sergey Shlikhter
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
The paper deals with the main features of the technologicaldevelopment of transport modes in the frame of integration.Economic integration needs a special transport approach quitedifferent from traditional one by transport turning into a propulsivelogistical-distribution system. A new quality level oftransport se/Vices being required ('just-in-time' principle)leads to the development of intermodal system, which wan-antsconsideration of mode-independent requirements. Thus, theintermodality principle should be regarded as the basis for futureintegration processes. However, it is hampered now by anenormous development of road transport with its economic advantagesand underutilization and low efficiency of railwaysand waterbome transpmt. Technical provision for theintermodality includes new rolling stock, new handling facilitiesand renovation of the network. The Trans-European transportnetwork project (TEN-T) is being aimed at the intermodal(combined) transport development taking into account fuelconsumption, ecological and economic efficiency features.
Hansjorg Kuster
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
Railways have connected various far-flung parts of Europefor much of the last two centuries. Recent years, however, haveseen a decline in direct international connections. This is not somuch due to political developments (the Iron Curtain ceased toexist during the period in question), but rather technical advancesthat have resulted in the development of high-speed networksspecific to various countries. Problems associated withthe use of different gauges, and also electrical and sophisticatedelectronic systems in individual European countries have resultedin high-speed trains being confined mainly to individualstates. During the next years, it is highly desirable to re-establishan international European train or Transrapid network to avoidroad and air-traffic chaos as European integration proceedswith the planned eastwards expansion of the European Union.
Claudio Ferrari
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
The future of the Alps depends on the human ability in realizingan effective sustainable development, able to preserve theenvironmental features without being detrimental to economicdevelopment. The present paper tries to analyze the role of theAlps in determining Italian foreign trade and in particular flowsrelated to the presence of some of the greater ports of SouthernEurope.
Geza Schubert
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
As Europe's economic integration proceeds, Hungary- situatedin the continent's geometric centre - is called upon to accommodatea huge volume of transit traffic. Congestion on thecountry's highways, already a serious problem, makes it desirableto shift transit freight traffic onto railways. For this purpose,and also to make transportation generally more efficient,the so-called logistic service centres are being established. Theseare expected to play a decisive role in the European freight trafficnetwork. An expeditious extension of their services is urgentlyneeded.
Joachim Weber
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
A giant new deep water container terminal in Germany, theproject of the 'Jade- Weser-port' is being pushed forward by differentactors in German shipping and transport politics. The articlediscusses the possibilities, the pros and cons of such a projectagainst the background of the latest developments in globalisedcontainer shipping. Thus, new trends in containerisation,shipbuilding and global economy are taken into consideration,as well as the specific aspects of the proposed project in the vicinityof the competing harbours in the same port range. The focusis placed on the German ports, since they are part of thesame legal and political framework, in which different interestsare at stake. Specifically Hamburg's position as a possibleshareholder or opponent of the JWP project, which is alreadyunder way, are discussed in detail. A critical evaluation of theJWP is given at the end.
Borivoj Galović, Goran Novoselić, Danko Čurepić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
The work presents certain challenges that occur in the processof preparation and gradual transition to the unique Europeanagency I service of air traffic safety, as well as the interactionof EASA with other similar services I agencies in the world.The new agency, in the new legal and functional environmentthat is being created, has to take over painlessly and withoutany break, the important functions and responsibilities of theJAA/FAA related to air traffic safety and airworthiness at theEuropean and world level.
Slobodan Kaštela, Dražen Kovačević, Tomislav Tepeš
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
The paper presents the provisions of the part of MontrealConvention which refers to the air carriers' liability regardingdamage to passengers and luggage, with the intention of indicatingthe possible influence of this Convention on the equal liabilityin maritime carriage, settled by the recent changes of theAthens Convention on the carriage of passengers and their luggageby sea. The provisions of these documents are comparedregarding the basic principles of the carrier's liability and theamount of liability for the damage, showing both some similaritiesand some differences in the carriage of passengers by air, sea.
David Turnock
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 4
The paper attempts a review of the Romanian Railwaysduring transition. The first half of the paper considers the fall intraffic and the resulting financial problems which have made itdifficult to maintain the system and continue with any development.The organisation has been restructured so that separatefreight and passenger companies can now concentrate on specificbusiness and compete on the market while the infrastructurecompany is catching up on the maintenance backlog andis proceeding slowly with further electrification. The secondsection concentrates on the European project for high-speedtransport corridors and especially the interest of Romania'srailways in Corridors Four and Nine. Although there have beendelays over several years in starting the complex work of upgrading,contracts for the first phase of Corridor Four (Bucharest-Ctimpina) have now been signed, a new passenger coachrunning 200 km/his in service and locomotive upgrades are underway.The significance of all this for regional developmentlies in the fact that remarkably little of the 1989 network hasbeen closed and the system has remained basically intact tocope with the upswing in the economy that has taken placefrom 2000 onwards. The high-speed corridors, which include anumber of variants, comprise suffteient axes to afford directlinks with the economic macro regions while additional projectsare on hand to improve cohesion on the eastern frontier wherethe most serious development challenges exist.