Borivoj Galović
Goran Novoselić
Danko Čurepić
The work presents certain challenges that occur in the processof preparation and gradual transition to the unique Europeanagency I service of air traffic safety, as well as the interactionof EASA with other similar services I agencies in the world.The new agency, in the new legal and functional environmentthat is being created, has to take over painlessly and withoutany break, the important functions and responsibilities of theJAA/FAA related to air traffic safety and airworthiness at theEuropean and world level.
Claude Probst, European Commission, < the European Aviation Safety Agency or Building on Proved Expertise and Achievements», Medunarodno savjetovanje o izazovima institucionalnih promjena u Europi. Mary Cheston, F AA, < », Medunarodno savjetovanje o izazovima institucionalnih promjena u Europi. Barry L. Valentine, Senior Vice President, IAGA Manufacturers Association, «How do we transit from today to tomorrow?», Medunarodno savjetovanje o izazovima institucionalnih promjena u Europi. Claude Schmit, Airbus Chairman AECMA, «Situation, implications, Transition from current JAA/FAA», Medunarodno savjetovanje o izazovima institucionalnih promjena u Europi. B. Galovic, I. Alfirevic, A. Domitrovic, «Strategy directions for aviation safety issue in view of small vs. large category aircraft»
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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