Joachim Weber
A giant new deep water container terminal in Germany, theproject of the 'Jade- Weser-port' is being pushed forward by differentactors in German shipping and transport politics. The articlediscusses the possibilities, the pros and cons of such a projectagainst the background of the latest developments in globalisedcontainer shipping. Thus, new trends in containerisation,shipbuilding and global economy are taken into consideration,as well as the specific aspects of the proposed project in the vicinityof the competing harbours in the same port range. The focusis placed on the German ports, since they are part of thesame legal and political framework, in which different interestsare at stake. Specifically Hamburg's position as a possibleshareholder or opponent of the JWP project, which is alreadyunder way, are discussed in detail. A critical evaluation of theJWP is given at the end.
F AZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), July 18th 2002
('Am neuen deutschen Tiefwasserhafen scheiden sich die
FAZ, Oct. 2'd 2002 ('Leere Terminals am tiefen Wasser').
Liipple, Dieter: The City and Port of Hamburg, in: Kreukels/
Wever: North Sea Ports in Transition, 1998.
Liipple, Dieter: Die Okonomie einer Metropolregion im
Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung und Regionalisierung.
Das Beispiel Hamburg, in: Fuchs/Kraus/Wolf: Die Bindungen
der Globalisierung, Marburg 1999.
Van Der Meer, Rimske: Project Jade Weser Port. A
feasibility study. Summary, 27.11.2002, at:
VSM (=Verband fur Schiffbau und Meerestechnik)
Jahresbericht 2001 (annual report), Hamburg 2002. (German Ministry of Transport), press
release No. 202/02., paper on national
infrastructure planning, 2002.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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