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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 15 No. 3 (2003)
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Eberhard Grossert
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
The system technique, the routing of the track, the usedguideway constructions as well as their production plants aredescribed in this report. Parts of the planning activities will beexplained which are required on the German side to cover theinterface between German delivery parts and Chinese planningand production activities. Information about the absolutelyshort realization time for the erection of the guideway constructionswill be given.

Shao-Ying Chu, Run Sha
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
Maglev railroads have taken actual steps in China sincethe cooperation work between Germany and China, whichbrings more prospects to this technology. However, due to variousreasons, large-scaled long lines seem to be not so practicalat present in China, while the small and medium space scaledlines may be the initial alternatives with the booming ofthree super-metropolis groups in China, namely, the ZhujiangRiver Delta, the 'Grand Beijing' area and the Yangtze RiverDelta.

Serguei Tarkhov
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
20. 000 km of new railways were built in China in1988-2002. The railway network has increased its topologicalcomplexity from 75 to 112 circuits and the new 3nt topologicallayer appeared in 1993 and the 4'h will emerge in 2004 after the opening of the rail ferry Dalian - Yan-tai. The main features ofthe recent Chinese rail network are: 1) the predominance ofmeridional-ity, 2) the spatial disproportion between the easterncoastal area (with dense network) and the empty western part,3) the low level of electrification (20%) and the low share ofdouble-track sections (30%), 4) the land-lock orientation ofthe whole network and a small number of lines along the seacoasts. These disproportions are the main obstacles for a harmonicspatial devel-opment of the economic structure.

Wolf Tietze
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
As in many cases throughout the world, the development ofrailway lines and railway systems is closely linked to geopoliticalissues. This is also true in Manchuria. The completionof the Trans-Siberian by the end of the 19'h century and the afterall successful attempts of Japan to establish a large territorialstronghold on the continent have triggered a vigorous constructionactivity to match the Russian transit interests and the Japanesegoals of widespread colonization (settlement, agriculture,industry) in Manchuria. While this pattern shaped the first50-year period, the second (1953-2003) is subject to the strikingdevelopment in China.

Andreas Steingrover, Rasmus Krevet
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
The transport system AUTOSHUTTLE integrates roadand track guided traffic using and combining the specific advantagesof each of these means of transportation. Conventionalroad vehicles are transported including their passengersand freight in individual cabins. The operational concept ofA UTOSHUTTLE provides operation of the cabins without intermediatestops at almost constant travelling speed. During thejourney convoys with low aerodynamic drag are formed in orderto lower the energy consumption and increase traffic capacity.Approaching a station only those cabins that have reachedtheir destination leave the convoy on a passive switch and decelerateon a brake track, while other cabins close the gap in theconvoy and travel on at the usual cruising speed. This paper describesthe planning and economical aspects of a proposedcommercia/line along the motorway A3 in Germany betweenthe cities of Duisburg and Cologne as a typical example formany other applications.

Anton Pepevnik, Blaž Bogović
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
Economy demands quality peiformance of transport servicesfrom all spheres of the traffic system The shunting systemin railway transport is a part of the traffic system. The fact thatthe railways are an organization of special social interest makesits organization structure the more important for the economicdevelopment. Problems that appear in the development of theeconomic system clearly point out numerous irregularitieswithin the railways. The demand of quality transport servicesrequires rationality of transport which consequently requiresgreat changes in the field of traffic organization structure andexploitation of transport capacities.Elementary parameters of the quality evaluation of thetransport service in all traffic subsystems are: speed, safety andregularity of transport. The same parameters can be implementedas the basis of technical and exploitation characteristicsof traffic.The shunting system in railway traffic is affected by numerouselements which are interconnected and represent a uniformtechnological process. Subsequently, the shunting system isconsidered a uniform technological system. The characteristicsof such a system are apparent in the technical and technologicalprocess, e.g.:- integrality, i. e. characteristic of collective production oftransport services;- homogeneity of transport means;- standardization of means of integral transport.In the process of transport demands, maximum servicequality is incessantly required. However, maximum quality withcertain quantitative dimension in regard to mode, place andtime of the transport process requires engagement of transportmeans, which directly affects the costs. Therefore, it can be assertedthat the optimum lies between the maximum quantitativeand qualitative dimensions of transport services and in thedetermined time of minimum costs of means.

Wolf Tietze, Maireluise Steinmann-Tietze
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 3
Behavioural preferences of people are changing rapidly andmaking use of all sons of technical opponunities or progress.These changes mark a general and global process usually summarizedby the term 'urbanization' - rightly referring to urbansettlements. Towns and cities are parlicularly prominent manifestationsof cultural achievements of mankind. They are, atthe same time, the most imporlant means of housing, and aretools to create the values for the material base of life. Most citiesand towns do, however, cope no more with the speed of development,they lag behind and end up in structural chaos, theyfail to adapt to the future requirements. As analysis reveals, theforemost reason is inadequate location of functions resulting inunnecessary traffic. Urban settlements are inefficient, indeed,strangling themselves.To help solve this problem a model is presented here of afull-fledged city of average size. Implementation may be accomplishedpiecemeal. It is a realistic target, it is not utopia butnecessity.

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