Wolf Tietze
As in many cases throughout the world, the development ofrailway lines and railway systems is closely linked to geopoliticalissues. This is also true in Manchuria. The completionof the Trans-Siberian by the end of the 19'h century and the afterall successful attempts of Japan to establish a large territorialstronghold on the continent have triggered a vigorous constructionactivity to match the Russian transit interests and the Japanesegoals of widespread colonization (settlement, agriculture,industry) in Manchuria. While this pattern shaped the first50-year period, the second (1953-2003) is subject to the strikingdevelopment in China.
C. Waiter Young: The International Relations of Manchuria.-
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1929.
Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China,
- 1929, Camegie Endowment for International
Peace, Concord, N.H. Rumford, 1929.
South Manchurian Railway, Third Report on Progress in
Manchuria, 1932. -Forth Report ... , 1934.
K. Bloch: Manchurian Railway Difficulties. - Far
Eastern Survey, Nov. 1941.
A Historical Outline of the Development of Manchurian
Railways. Contemporary Manchuria, Vol Ill, No. 3,
July 1939.
Communications in North Manchuria, Manchuria, Aug.
North Manchuria Railway Transfer Negotiations.- Contemporary
Manchuria, Vol. I, No. 2, July 1937.
Japan-Manchukuo Year-Book, Tokyo 1935 and 1939.
China Newsweek, 27.11.1947.
The Far East Yearbook, 1941.
Kuo Yen-ti: Pacification Campaign in North-China. Pacific
Affairs, Vol20, No. 3, Sept. 1947.
New York Times, 13. June
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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