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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 15 No. 2 (2003)
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Zdenka Zenzerović, Svjetlana Bešlić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
The paper deals with modelling of the problem concerningthe transportation of various kinds of cargo with one transportmeans from one source to one or more destinations. The mathematicalmodel of such a problem can assume different forms,often involving a non-linear criterion function and either a linearor non-linear constraints, with an optimal solution beingachievable by the dynamic programming method. The solutionto the problem concerning transportation of different cargoescan be approached as a problem of either a simple or a complexdistribution of a single source. The example presented in the paperillustrates how an optimum structure of container carriageby sea can be determined.

Anton Pepevnik, Jurij Kolenc
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
In agreement with the adopted traffic policy and with thedevelopment strategy of the Republic of Slovenia the SlovenianRailways will also integrate into the development strategic objectivesof the European railways. The perspective of improvementlies mainly in following the development of the Europeansystem.The technology and organization of the railway traffic systeminclude all the technological and organizational elementsand processes that take part in the realization of the system objectives.The notion system from the formal mathematical perspectiveindicates a roundup whole which is usually complex oreven very complex. The technology and organization of workinclude a multitude of means and procedures in order to carryout the basic activity which presents a roundup whole, the processof passenger and freight transport in the traffic system.Fast progress of microelectronics and computer science inthe last decade has brought a new generation of electronic signal-safety devices.All the changes of the last years that have been introducedin the railway technology raised the attractiveness of the railwaytransport. It is competitive with other forms of transport, so thatthe Slovenian Railways have to follow the development of technologyand gradually modernize its line network.

Igor Jakomin, Milan Pučko
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
The Municipality authority of Koper and the company Portof Koper Ltd. have agreed that a part of the existing port infrastructurebe returned to the town again. The development planof the town foresees that the old town core be revitalisedthrough the northern bypass road again.The paper presents the possibility of the integration ofKoper in maritime passenger traffic, which represents a newpossibility for the cuffent and future tourist and economic development.The solution proposed enables fast inclusion of theport of Koper port in the ferry service without substantial investmentsin infrastructure.

Teodor Perić, Azra Bišević, Željko Radačić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
As an active relation of the government towards the trafficsystem the traffic policy represents a correction measure of marketregulation of the relations within the traffic system and therelation of the traffic system with the environment due to theimperfection of the traffic market. Consistent traffic policy, aspart of the economic policy, assumes a clear definition of thetraffic policy goals, measures, and instruments as well as taskmanagers to realise the set goals. These are the preconditionsfor successful implementation of the traffic policy.

Nada Štrumberger, Željko Šekerija, Dragan Peraković
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
LPG is an international abbreviation for liquefied petroleumgas, i.e. autogas. Today, there are about 5 million vehiclesin the world that use autogas and the number is constantlygrowing. One of the reasons lies in its efficiency which is provenin the 50% lower fuel price and in the lower maintenance priceof the automotive parts! From the ecological aspect, autogas isa much, much lesser polluter which does not let out fumes,lead, solid particles and sulphur oxides into the atmosphere,generating at the same time less carbon dioxide andnon-degradable hydrocarbons. Because of its characteristicsautogas has favourable impact on the engine. The engine durabilityis increased by about 35% compared to petro~ the engineoperates more quietly, the cylinders wear out less, the oil lastslonger in the engine, the durability of the catalyst and thelambda tube is doubled. Complete combustion of the gas-airmixture in the engine cylinders does not result in fuel losses inthe exhaust gases. The exhaust gases are cleaner.

Serđo Kos
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
The paper offers some clear-cut equations and coefficientsexpressing the basic forms of productivity of the container carrierin service: specifically, the productivity of TEU-capacity,the tonnage productivity and transportation efficiency of thecontainer ships. In addition, the power economy of the containership's propelling plant is being analysed from the viewpointof transportation engineering and an equation is introducedthat enables us to establish the degree of transport economyof the container ship.

Igor Trupac
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 2
The characteristic of the present time is the crucia~ significant,and rapid transformation of the common conditions oftrade, transport, and information interchange. However, thestrategic role in this process belongs to the communication andinformation systems. The development of communication andinformation technology systems is incredibly fast, so that referenceis made to the world of advanced communications.The trend found in business life is very complicated. We arestriving both towards collectivisation as well as individualisationat the same time, since thus the world of competitivenessand co-operation is created.In this world the transport and communication and informationnetwork is expected to become fully integrated in the industrialproduction and service-providing system, so as to providethe foundation for a dynamic adjustment to the market requirements.It is clear that the transport infrastructure and cross-borderdevelopment stand for the predominant developmental impulseto the general and physical development of particular areasand of the Slovenian country as a whole. In the pre-accessionperiod of Slovenia to the EU (the accession of Slovenia tothe EU could only occur in 2003-2004, at the earliest), it is necessary,in both fields, to accelerate the activities that will provideco-operation on equal footing. Taking into consideration allthe increasingly open borders (associated members, full members),the economic development will have a favourable impacton the improved competitiveness and co-operation among regionsand states, which will result in an increase in the flow ofgoods, capital and services, and in particular in an improvedmobility of the population.

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