Vol. 20 No. 6 (2008)
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Milan Batista
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
This paper discusses a simple theoretical throw model forfrontal vehicle-pedestrian collisions. The model is based on thesimple assumption that pedestrian movement after impact canbe approximated by the movement of a mass point. Two methodsof vehicle-pedestrian collision reconstruction are discussed:one knowing only the throw distance and the otherwhen also impact to ground contact distance is known. Themodel is verified by field data available in the literature and bycomportment with full scale numerical simulation.
Igor Jakomin, Valerija Pučko
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
Due to today's globalization and driven needs of the competitivefreight transport, as a result of the opening of new markets,the necessity for the introduction of a completely new service,such as a special container train from Koper to Gdynia,may arise unexpectedly. The adaptability of the railway operatorsto the needs of the customer, i. e. the user of the transportservice, must be available. The core of the problem of the introductionof such a new service lies mainly in the confrontationbetween the needs and requirements of the users of the transportationservices and their capabilities.
Ratko Zelenika, Darko Bečaj, Helga Pavlić Skender
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
The environmental disburdening by means of outsourcinglogistics (sorting, bundling, transport) is today significantlymore present, since this has been regulated by the law provisionson environmental protection and the economic reasons.Outsourcing logistics in this field with its activities such as: improvementin assembling separate fraction, introduction ofnew, i. e. additional boxes, usage of specific vehicles for collectionand dispatch, reestablishment of information systems andorganization of a centre for disburdening of the environment(sorting, bundling and waste disposal) is contributing largely toa better accomplishment of the mission of logistics rationalizationand adaptation to new law claims on environmental protection.KEYWORDS
Čedomir Ivaković, Kristijan Rogić, Adrijana Orlić Protega
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
On 17 January 2006, the European Commission acceptedthe Action Programme NAIADES for the promotion of navigationon the inland waterways on the European Union territoryfor the period 2006 - 2013. The programme has been harmonizedwith the White Paper guidelines - the 'European trafficpolicy for 2010: time for decision', and recommends joining ofthe countries who are currently not the EU members, which includesCroatia.111e NAIADES action programme is based on five strategic,interdependent areas: market - improvement of market conditions;fleet -fleet modernization; personnel policy - developmentof human resources; image - creation of a better imageand infrastructure- realization of infrastructure preconditions.This paper analyses the basic hypotheses of the NAIADESaction programme in order to shed light on the possible implementationof its guidelines regarding the development and promotionof traffic on the Croatian inland waterways.
Goran Vojković
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
According to the 1998 Act on Inland Ports, the right to performall port activities within inland ports of the Republic ofCroatia is given on the basis of concession, obtained throughbidding. It has been noticed in practice that modem businessprocesses and traffic flows are more dynamic than before whenclassic concession relations were created. Also, types andamounts of cargo are changing every couple of years, which isfollowed by quick adjustments, instead of working according torigid and long-term defined decisions and concession contracts.Furthermore, the practice has shown for some activitiesthat the number of port providers (such as ship suppliers,port-agency and freight forwarders) should not be limited. Thismeans that the system of a limited number of port providers isimportant only for the activities that require location within aport, as the port area is physically limited. Therefore, the newAct on Navigation and Inland Ports from 2007, whose framehas been completed by sub-law acts during 2008, has replacedthe complex concession system for performing activities in inlandports by a more liberal approval system. On the basis ofthese, higher dynamics of work of port providers is enabled aswell as easier adjustment to market conditions. Furthermore,the main limitation factor that determines the number of portusers becomes the available physical space within a port, whichprovides undisturbed competition, along with larger offer ofport services that do not require that space. It is also importantto point out that the new Act specifically includes distributionand cargo logistics, also processing and improvement of goodsas well as industrial activities including production that enablecomplete economic utilization of port capacities into the existingport activities, thus significantly changing the role of the portitself as a logistic centre.
Martina Valaskova, Anna Križanova
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
This article describes the Quality criteria Method of the Servicesin the Integrated Public Transport System in Slovak Republic.The proposed method is based on the detailed list of theQuality criteria of the Services in Public Transport from theview of passengers. The criteria are determined based on theSlovak Technical Norm STN EN 138 16 which is related toquality of transport. The method has been applied in RegionalIntegrated Public Transport System of Zilina (ZRIDS) in theform of Passenger Quality Satisfaction Survey.
Ivan Grgurević, Adam Stančić, Pero Škorput
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
The paper presents the possibilities of insuring the credibilityand authenticity of the surveillance camera video by digitalsigning, using the public key infrastructure as part of interoperabletraffic and information system in the future intelligenttransport systems. The surveillance camera video is a sequenceof individual frames and a unique digital print, i. e. hash valueis calculated for each of these. By encryption of the hash valuesof the frames using private encryption key of the surveillancecentre, digital signatures are created and they are stored in thedatabase. The surveillance centre can issue a copy of the videoto all the interested subjects for scientific and research workand investigation. Regardless of the scope, each subsequentmanipulation of the video copy contents will certainly changethe hash value of all the frames. The procedure of determiningthe authenticity and credibility of videos is reduced to the comparisonof the hash values of the frames stored in the databaseof the surveillance centre with the values obtained from the interestedsubjects such as the traffic experts and investigators,surveillance-security services etc.
Željko Kokorović, Jasna Blašković-Zavada, Božica Radoš
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 6
The current transit procedure in railway transport that iscarried out on the basis of the Customs Act [ 11 of the Republicof Croatia is applied only up to the border, i. e. the issued documentsand guarantees are valid only up to the border, and byjoining the Convention on Common transit procedure, i. e. integrationof the Republic of Croatia in the European Union, theRepublic of Croatia will also have to implement the regulationsand rules of Simplified transit procedure valid in each of thethirty member states. In international railway traffic, the transportof goods is regulated by the Convention concerning InternationalCarriage by Rail- COT IF [2 1 and usage of the CIMwaybill (Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail).If the goods are transported in Simplified transit procedure, theformalities regarding the transport of goods performed by railcarriers using the international waybill CIM will be significantlysimplified and accelerated. In principle there are no delays dueto customs on the borders when crossing the EU borders andborders of the Convention member states, contributing greatlyto the acceleration of the transport of goods, reduction of waitingcosts and paperwork, as well as influence on the schedulereliability.