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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 19 No. 6 (2007)
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Zoran Radmilović, Vladislav Maraš, Saša Jovanović
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
The real lock operations with ships and barge convoys areconsidered dependent on the transport technologies applied, ormore precisely, the kinds of ships/convoys requiring thelockage. The fleet can be divided as follows: (1) groups of singleships, (2) pushed and pulled tows of barges and (3) differentcombinations of previous systems (1) and (2). The groups ofships and tows passing through the lock have extremely stochasticcharacteristics thus forming various arrivals and setvicetime patterns. It means that uniform navigation or strongscheduling between locks and lock operations are not possibleeven though highly sophisticated equipment is at disposal.Therefore, in this paper an analytical method was developedusing bulk queuing systems for the analysis and planning oflock requirements supporting it with numerical example. Thedeveloped methodology can be applied to determine the meanqueue length of ships - convoys at lock anchorage, withoutblocking behaviour between upstream and downstream navigationfor single-lane traffic.

Miroslav Bača, Mirko Čubrilo, Kornelije Rabuzin
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
Terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, Districtof Columbia on the morning of September 11, 2001 havechanged our lives. The secwity problem became very importantregarding all spheres of human activities. Tracking persons(employees, customers etc.) in ITS (Intelligent Transport System)is a huge problem. Biometrics offers a very good solutionfor this problem and is today maybe one of the most promisingtechniques for person's secure verification and authentication;biometric system also features some advantages when comparedto other security systems. When using a biometric systemone has to be careful because the functionality of a biometricapplication can be dramatically aggravated if inappropriatebiometric features are selected. Classification of biometric featureson contact and contactless, or distinction between'strong' and 'soft' biometric features gives a framework for usingbiometric features, but it does not ensure that biometric featŁtres are implemented at a satisfactory level. The usage ofmultimodal or unimodal biometric system can significantly increasethe system security but it also opens plenty of questionslike privacy etc. This paper describes the implementation ofbiometric features which can be used in ITS, and delineates anew model of usage.

Andrija Vidović, Sanja Steiner
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
Current situation of emergency medical assistance indicatesthe need to organize faster and more efficient system oflinking all the parts of the Republic of Croatia. The solutioncan be found in the implementation of aviation as the fastestand therefore the best method of transporting the injured, diseasedand other persons who need urgent transpmt. The use ofmilitary helicopters for the purposes of emergency aviation doesnot satisfy the needs of the Republic of Croatia from the organizationaland legal aspect. There were 597 fatalities on the Croatianroads in 2005 and with the establishment of emergencyhelicopter medical service, the number of fatalities may be reducedby one third.

Anton Ogorelc
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
The author presents the results of the research in five parts,which are interconnected. After the introduction, in part two,entitled A Framework for Logistics Outsourcing Decisions,theoretical characteristics of outsourcing are presented. Partthree, Core Competences and Outsourcing, describes the logisticscompetences. Part 4, Transp011 and Logistics Outsourcingin Europe, discusses the trends in logistics development andoutsourcing. The paper will assist managers responsible for thedevelopment of logistics strategies. The paper offers a uniquebuyer-supplier pwtnership framework by proposing that the logisticsoutsourcing will increase the competitive advantage ofmanufacturing firms.

Tone Magister
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
The paper first illustrates the future civil application opportunitiesfor unmanned aerial vehicles and their unique operationalcapabilities. The expectations of the main stakeholdersare summarized and the main concerns and problem areas ofnon-segregated civil unmanned aerial vehicles flight operationsare identified considering relevant aviation regulatory aspects.The key technologies necessary for a safe unmanned aerial vehiclesoperation are explained. The intention of the paper is tocontribute to finding the optimal approach to the developmentstrategies and safe solution for the integration of today 's and futurecivil unmanned aerial vehicles into the non-segregated airspace.

Damjan Mlakar, Drago Sever
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
This article offers a survey of the cun·ent decentralised formof railway traffic management within the public railway infrastntcturein the The Republic of Slovenia, which is the result ofout-of-date and worn-out safety installations of railway stationsand railway lines. The article presents a new model of railwaytraffic management as the basis for efficient activity andharmonization of railway traffic management in the TheRepublicof Slovenia to the systems of railway traffic managementwithin EU. This article presents the advantages of a centralisedsystem of railway traffic management and demonstrates thatthe application of this system can solve the problem of decentralizedtraffic management as a function of the new infrastrncturemanager.

Nina Perko, Vlaho Đurković, Natalija Jolić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
The technical, traffic and economic parameters of the p011of Dubrovnik, specialized in goods traffic, allow for its reorganizationand conversion into a multi-purpose terminal able toaccommodate cruise ships. The following is required for its successfulconversion: development strategy analysis, financial ratioanalysis and conversion effect analysis. The paper providesthe definition and analysis of the components affecting theidentification of the port of Dubrovnik space requirements withthe aim of defining possible indicators of the port future dimensionswith respect to both, its sea and land area. The pwpose ofthis study is to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of theport of Dubrovnik as a passenger port with respect to both thenational liners and international cn1isers. The questions relatedto finding the optimal solutions for the port facilities and servicescan only be resolved by perceiving all the factors impactingthe traffic in the port, no matter whether marine or overlandconnecting the port with the highway and the airport.

Rajko Horvat, Joso Vurdelja, Marko Amidžić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 6
Already in its early phase, starting with initial general needsof people to survive and find food, traffic and traffic se1viceturned into a modern system which increased the complexityand interdependence within the traffic system, and then withthe environment as well. The financing problem is especially expressedduring the creation of new roads and road networksand achieving of better transport service. High investmentmeans required for the road construction require also systemicforecasting of financial sources. Financing of road infrastructureconstruction opens up the basic dilemma: whether totransfer the costs directly to the state budget and the cun·entgeneration or to transfer this burden to the future generations.These considerations require also a certain organizational approach.High investments in road infrastructure require a rationalselection before the decision itself on the selection of thetraffic system. Such selection has to be done based on adequatetraffic plans, which assumes classification of all the needs regardingtheir level so that every investment would be rationallyallocated.

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