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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 18 No. 6 (2006)
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Mladen Pahernik, Jadranko Tuta, Dražen Kovačević
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
This paper analyses capabilities of terrain serviceability ofvehicles in regards to the ground features. Two key relief attributesrelated to the slope inclination are defined, as well as reliefforms quantitatively defined as deviations of height above sea-level. As the secondary attribute, the topographic wetness indexis estimated, which, in correlation with the drainage coefficientyields the wetness value index as an essential factor of passablenessin the conditions of harder and more intensive precipitations,that is to say, sudden snow melting. By application ofGIS analysis, based on the digital model of space heights alongthe Kupa River from Pisarovina to SiSinec, the values of primaryand secondary relief attributes have been calculated, andthe analysis of Landsat satellite images has been used to definethe values of vegetation cover. Based on these values and dataon the soil type, the layer of ground wetness has been estimated.Cross Country Mobility Program of ESRI company, withinGIS program package Arc View 3.3. has been used to set themarginal values of the defined relief parameters and to estimatethe levels of mobility for single vehicles in different terrain conditions.The comparison of the obtained results clearly indicatesa possible application of the defined data in the analysisof terrain serviceability of military vehicles, with regard to therelief features of the terrain. For full applicability of the model itis also necessary to define other attributes of mobility related tohydrographical, vegetation, pedological, anthropogenic andother ground features.

Stane Božičnik
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
The article deals with the development of the new paradigmof the European rail freight system predominantly suitable forthe feeder lines (market niches). Taking into consideration theso far adopted legal solutions of the EU Commission for internationalisation(liberalisation) of the European railway system,the concept of the new rail freight model was developed inorder to contribute to the increase of the quality, as well as to thegrowth of the volume of the rail freight services in Europe.Based on the findings about the disadvantages of the existingrail freight paradigm, the new solution consisting of the threeinterrelated and interconnected subsystems: institutional, technical/technological and organisational, is proposed. New liberalisedaccess to the entire European rail infrastructure networkwill increase the competition and most probably attractnew railway freight service providers. The introduction of thesuggested innovative solutions in form of small, self-propelled,bi-directional train formation that can be automatically coupledand decoupled and equipped with the innovative loadingand unloading equipment (enabling loading/unloading operationswherever the truck can stay parallel to the train), is to beexpected predominantly on the feeder lines (market niches) ofthe European railways.

Ivan Dadić, Aleksandar Lončarič, Zvonimir Pejić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
For the needs of the traffic model of the Feasibility Study ofthe Split ring-road, a traffic swvey was carried out at 15 places.The result of this research is a travel matrix that contains93,885 trips in the base year. The analysis of the data and distributionof trips was done by the program package Visum. Thetraffic forecast was done for the period from 2001 to 2028 by themethod of equal growth factors. The output results were usedfor the economic evaluation of the project.

Caj Holm, Ronald Westermark, Mario Anžek
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
Helsinki is constructing in Vuosaari a new modem and effectivecargo harbour. All cargo harbour activities will be concentratedthere. The total project includes the harbour, a logisticsarea, traffic connections (road, railway and fairway) and aBusiness Park. The road connection goes through the Porvarinlahtiroad tunnel. The harbour will commence operatingin 2008. This paper gives an oveTView of the tunnel design phasefunctional studies and risk analysis tunnel incident detectionsystem design issues and some specific environmental featuresof the tunnel.

Drago Bago, Nerina Puškarić, Joso Vrkljan
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
The paper presents the current situation in public passengertransport in the town of Zapresic. The ana lysis of the passengertransport in urban and suburban traffic has shown that the carriersproviding the service of passenger transport in urban, suburbanand interurban traffic act individually, that there is nocoordination among them the aim of which would be cheaper,more economical and higher quality public transport of passengers.The activities have been proposed to introduce the traffictechnologies in urban, suburban and interurban transport ofpassengers with the proposal of a unique tariff system.

Antun Stipetić, Željko Bagić, Martin Starčević
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
The role of the railway in the development of every cargoport is huge, since the railway enables mass transport of goods.Therefore the influence of the railway on the development ofthe Port of Place is significant, especially in the context of connectingthe port with the Pan-European Corridor Vc. The paperstudies the possibilities of improving the transport of goodsfrom the Port of Ploce by rail and the influence of this type ofcarriage on the development of the p01t.

Miroslav Borković, Tino Jelavić, Doris Novak
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
In the last twenty years the number of flights at the busiestairports in the world has doubled, which, in the meantime hasled to a situation in which runways and taxi ways (manoeuvringareas) cannot follow such substantial increase. As the result,many airports could not use their capacities in the full range interms of handling passengers and cargo. As a consequence,there were delays and traffic congestion, fuel was unnecessarilywasted, all of which caused negative impact on the environment.Traffic capacity increase on the ground cannot be consideredwithout the development and implementation of thesystem infrastructure that would optimize traffic flows and itsdistribution on the airport itself In these terms, and for positivesolution of these problems, a new system for surveillance andcontrol of aircraft on the airport manoeuvring areas is necessary,one which could be implemented fairly quickly, would becomplementary with the existing international standards andwould be upgraded to the existing and available technology andinfrastructure. With the implementation of the Advanced SurfaceMonitoring and Control System (A-SMGCS) the aircrafttaxiing time could be significantly shortened and could be determinedmore accurately, which would have positive impacton the flight schedule. The unnecessary aircraft braking actionscould be also avoided, and this would reduce the fuel consumption,as well as noise and environmental pollution.

Evelin Vatovec Krmac
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 6
This paper analyses the possibilities and ways of utilizingRFID as a tool for more effective supply and logistics chainmanagement. It focuses on RFID technology used within andacross logistics processes and it looks to RFID as one of thepossibilities for automating logistics processes. The benefitsand implications of RFID technology implementation in thesupply chain are illumined.

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