Caj Holm
Ronald Westermark
Mario Anžek
Helsinki is constructing in Vuosaari a new modem and effectivecargo harbour. All cargo harbour activities will be concentratedthere. The total project includes the harbour, a logisticsarea, traffic connections (road, railway and fairway) and aBusiness Park. The road connection goes through the Porvarinlahtiroad tunnel. The harbour will commence operatingin 2008. This paper gives an oveTView of the tunnel design phasefunctional studies and risk analysis tunnel incident detectionsystem design issues and some specific environmental featuresof the tunnel.
H. Mattila, Traficon Ltd, Vuosaaren sataman liikenneyhteydet,
Tie- ja katuverkon sekii sataman porttialueen
toimivuustarkastelut (Vuosaari harbour traffic connections,
Functional analysis of the road and street network
and the harbour gate area), Helsinki, October 2005
Niels-Peter Hoj, HOJ Consulting GmbH, Vuosaari
Project, Porvarinlahti Road Tunnel, Risk during temporary
conditions, Brunnen, March 2005
Sauli Pahlman, Finnra, Isokyliin tunnelin hairionhavaitsemisjarjestelmiin
toimivuusanalyysi (Functional
analysis of the Isokyla tunnel incident detction system),
draft report, Helsinki, 2005
Pekka Plathan, Finnish Meteorological institute,
Sumut Porvarinlahden tunnelin etelapaassa (Fogs at
the southern end of the Porvarinlahti tunnel), Helsinki,
Anzek M., Bosnjak I.: Measuring Real Usability of ITS,
'h International Symposium on Electronics in Transport-
ISEP 2006, Ljubljana, 2006
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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