Vol. 15 No. 6 (2003)
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Ullrich Martin
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
Increasing demand of traffic is in strong interaction withspatial as well as economic development. The resulting problemsparticularly appear in countries with high population densityand high development potential. New solutions are necessaryto ensure long-term successful development, which arealso of great interest for developed industrialised countries tomanage traffic problems.
Zdravko Bukljaš, Jerko Radoš, Goran Zovak
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the criteria thatshould be taken into consideration when designing the profileof the given humps that would force the drivers to maintain thedesired speed limit and at the same time not to pose any threaton the stability of the vehicle itself and the stability of vehicleand traffic safety.
Igor Trupac
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
The fact that both ports, Koper and Trieste, share the sameprofile - universal ports with specialized terminals (except foroil and bulk cargoes), leaves way to two possible scenarios: eitheran exhausting competitive struggle between them, or anagreement on work sharing and specialization, which shouldgradually result in a single port system. Such consideration willbecome even more topical after Slovenia 's accession to the EU.In the long run it is therefore sensible to consider Koper with itsport as a joint nucleus with Trieste - of a large continental .systemgravitating to the central part of the North Adriatic.This paper sets out to help understand such a course by: 1)reviewing the current state of the development of transportationin the Mediterranean and in Europe, 2) assessing the potentialbenefits of such system, and 3) assessing the barriers and opportunitiesfor its implementation.
Tristan Šker
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
Road carrers are increasingly facing the risk of theft androbbery of cargo which they are carrying. CMR Convention allowsthe earners to be exonerated from their liability in the caseof circumstances which the ca'ier could not avoid and theconsequences of which he was unable to prevent. Unfortunately,there is no common inte1pretation and application inpractice at the European courts of this part of CMR Convention.With the analysis of court judgements in case of robbery ofthe road ca'ier in Italy it is possible to clarify the interpretationof such events and their connection with the exclusion of liabilityof the road earners contained in the CMR Convention.
Rok Krulec, Milan Batista
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
This paper describes the development of the user interfacefor the traffic accident reconstruction program SMAC. Threebasic modules of software will be presented. Initial parametersinput and visualization, using graphics library for simulation of3D space, which form a graphical user interface, will be explainedin more detail. The modules have been developed usingdifferent technologies and programming approaches to increaseflexibility in further development and to take maximumadvantage of the currently accessible computer hardware, sothat module to module communication is also mentioned.
Zoran Radišić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
Tug today represents irreplaceable part of port infrastructurein all the world harbours and it is almost unthinkable torun a business of some port in international relations withoutusing them. All the world ports intend to get equipped withbetter equipment in order to be more competitive for cargo handling.Modernization of port includes harbour tugs as well.Their purchase depends on the financial power of the investorin infrastructure, whether the state or a private company whichis the common owner of the tugs fleet in the port with which itmost often has a 'Concession contract' for undertaking thementioned activities besides the rest of the known contractedways of cooperation.
Nada Štrumberger, Stjepan Paler, Saša Šolman
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
Increased awareness of the problems related to environmentalprotection and numerous activities undertaken in thisfield represent one of the basic characteristics of the present.The Universal Postal Union - UPU, has also become aware ofthe threat to our environment and the need for urgent measuresin environmental protection. Not only do they understand theneed to act, but are also aware that they have the possibility ofsignificantly contributing to the preservation of the environment.The paper presents the activities that UPU has undertakenor is undertaking with the aim of reducing the environmentalpollution, as well as some practical experiences of thedeveloped postal administrations in applying the system of environmentalprotection management in the postal technologicalprocesses.
Slavko Šarić, Gabrijela Gorinšek-Halužan, Ivan Matković
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
The optical fibre is the highest quality transmission mediumfor broadband services, and therefore the new access cablenetwork has to be realized to the greatest extent and as closeas possible to the subscriber by means of the optical fibre cables,in accordance with the possibilities of the telecommunicationoperator. The development of digital technology in commutations,supported by the increasingly powerful systems of processorcontrol, development of optical communications andtransport technologies in the framework of SDH concepts, arereflected on the access telecommunication networks of the urbanareas. Urban areas are the most profitable regions in telecommunications.In planning of urban optical networks the fact should betaken as a guideline that only a well-organised urban networkwill allow high quality of service provision of the leased cablesto the end points of business customers.Business customers have greater requirements for the networkreliability, flexibility and maintainability, for the sake ofundisturbed telecommunication traffic.The optical medium based technology- FITL (fiber in theloop), provides almost limitless upgrading of the system regardingthe transmission bandwidths, as well as adaptation to allthe future customers' requirements.Considering the increase in the price of installing the coppercables, the prices of electronics and optical components arecontinuously falling. The application of the optical medium isincreasing and becoming more cost-effective, and due to higherreliability of the optical transmission systems the maintenancecosts are reduced.
Teodor Perić, Vinko Višnjić, Dean Perić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 6
Decision-making is defined as a selection of a certain actionamong several alternatives. It is the essence of planning, asin the managerial sense there is no plan until a decision of engagementof resources, reputation and direction of activities ismade. Decision-making is, in fact, only a step in planning, evenwhen it is performed quickly and without special consideration.It is what we all experience every day. It is one of the most fascinatingbiological activities and the subject of frightening implicationsfor the whole human race. Since various techniques improvethe system and the quality of managerial decision-making,they are classified into three assumptions: risk analysis, decision-making trees, and the theory of revealed preference. Allof these are based on the interaction of a certain number of importantvariables out of which many contain the elements ofuncertainty, but maybe also high level of probability.