Zoran Radišić
Tug today represents irreplaceable part of port infrastructurein all the world harbours and it is almost unthinkable torun a business of some port in international relations withoutusing them. All the world ports intend to get equipped withbetter equipment in order to be more competitive for cargo handling.Modernization of port includes harbour tugs as well.Their purchase depends on the financial power of the investorin infrastructure, whether the state or a private company whichis the common owner of the tugs fleet in the port with which itmost often has a 'Concession contract' for undertaking thementioned activities besides the rest of the known contractedways of cooperation.
Andersen, P., & Breslin, J. P., Hydrodynamic of ship
propellers, University press Cambridge- 2000.
Hughes, C., Ship performance, LLP - Itd., Legal &
business publishing division, London - 2000.
Reed's marine eng. series: Vol. 4, Naval architecture for
marine engineers, Thomas Reed publication, Bredford
(uk)- 2000.
Rowe, R. W., The shiphandler's guide, Nautical institute
London - 2000.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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