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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 32 No. 5 (2020)
Published on 22.09.2020

Shidong Liang, Minghui Ma, Hu Zhang
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

An integrated control strategy is considered in this paper with the aim of solving congestion in freeway merging regions during peak hours. Merging regions discussed in this paper include the mainline and on-ramp. Traditional research mainly focuses on the efficiency of traffic, ignoring the experience of on-ramp drivers and passengers. Accordingly, a dynamic competition control strategy is proposed to balance individual behaviour and traffic efficiency. First, the concept of the congestion index is introduced, which is expressed by the queue length and the speed parameter of the merging region. The congestion index is used to balance the priorities of the vehicles from the mainline and on-ramp into the merging region in order to avoid poor individual behaviour of on-ramp drivers due to the long-time waiting. Additionally, a nonlinear optimal control approach integrating variable speed limits control and ramp metering is proposed to minimize the total time spent and the maximum traffic flow. The integrated control approach proposed in this paper is tested by simulation which is calibrated using field data. The results indicate that the integrated control approach can effectively shorten the total delay and enhance the traffic service level.

Yinying He, Csaba Csiszár
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

The ongoing development of the concept ‘Mobility as a Service (MaaS)’ along with Shared Mobility contributes to the integration of transportation systems. Several MaaS or similar services are already in operation. The perceived quality of MaaS by the users varies significantly, and no general method is proposed to evaluate the service quality. This scantiness is identified as the research gap. The objective of the research is to elaborate a quantitative method to assess MaaS services. The research question is how to assess the quality of MaaS, and how to transform the qualitative description into quantitative numerical values, namely, the quality index and the level of quality. Since user expectations towards the importance of criteria are taken into consideration, the modified triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method is introduced to calculate the weights of criteria. A quantitative method to calculate the quality index and to assign the quality level has been elaborated. Ten MaaS services are assessed with the method. It was found that the journey comfort is regarded with significant importance among the respondents. Furthermore, the quality index of MaaS services is not high; accordingly, the service quality requires continuous improvement. Our method facilitates decision-making when planning MaaS to identify the expected service attributes.

Daobin Wang, Guangchuan Yang, Xuesong Mao
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

This paper presents an analytical framework for evaluating the performance of dedicated bus lanes. It assumes that under a designated travel demand, the traffic volume on a corridor changes with the modal shifts. The modal shift affects the operations of both bus traffic and car traffic and eventually, an equilibrium bus share ratio that maximizes the performance of the corridor will be reached. Microsimulation modelling is employed to assess the traffic operations under various demand levels and bus share ratios. The results show that converting a general lane into a bus lane significantly reduces bus delay. For car traffic, the overall trend is that delay increases after converting a general lane to a bus lane. In addition, delay decreases with the increase of bus share ratio. Nevertheless, when bus share ratio reaches 0.6 (demand less than 10,000 passengers per hour, pph; or 0.8 when demand increases up to 14,000 pph), there is no significant difference in delay between the two scenarios. The identified bus share ratios have the potential to direct the development of bus lane warrants. Finally, this research recommends that the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies shall be developed to stimulate the modal shifts towards the identified optimal bus share ratio.

Goran Vukmirović, Jelena Končar, Aleksandar Grubor, Nikola Milićević, Radenko Marić
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

Cilj istraživanja je identificirati ograničenja i očekivanja proizvođača, transportnih tvrtki, distributera i trgovaca od uvođenja inteligentne ambalaže u lance opskrbe hranom na tržištu zapadnog Balkana. U teorijskom dijelu istraživanja identificirani su čimbenici koji pozitivno utječu na uvođenje i ubrzanu primjenu inteligentne ambalaže u prijevozu, skladištenju i fizičko-manipulativnim operacijama sa prehrambenim proizvodima do mjesta njihove krajnje kupnje. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 114 tvrtki s naglaskom na prikupljanju i analiziranju podataka o očekivanjima vlasnika i menadžera u vezi sa prednostima i ograničenjima uvođenja inteligentne ambalaže u njihovo poslovanje. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje značajne razlike u pogledu ograničenja koja imaju utjecaja na uvođenje inteligentne ambalaže u poslovanje sudionika fizičke distribucije, uvažavajući oblast poslovanja, broj zaposlenih, raspoloživi kapital i usvojene poslovne standarde. Suprotno tome, rezultati pokazuju da nema značajnih razlika kada su u pitanju pogodnosti koje analizirani subjekti očekuju od uvođenja inteligentne ambalaže u svoje sustave. Prijedlozi i smernice za buduća istraživanja navedeni su u radu.

Chuanlei He, Feng Xue, Qian Huang, Bharat Pathak
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

With the increase in severe environmental problems associated with fossil fuel vehicles, the development of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) has led to their promotion and use in Chinese provinces and cities. The comprehensive evaluation of competitiveness of the AFV industry in Chinese cities is beneficial to analyse the effects and relationships of different factors to promote the sustainable development of the AFV industry and guide the growth paths of the cities. An industrial competitiveness evaluation index system is established based on the characteristics of AFVs, and the development of the AFV industry in ten typical cities in China is comprehensively evaluated based on the Grey Relative Analysis (GRA) Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods. To evaluate the results, the entropy weighting method is used for the weight distribution, and the industrial competitiveness rankings of ten cities are obtained by the entropy-GRA, TOPSIS, PCA (EGTP) method. The results show that Beijing is ranked first, followed by Shanghai, and Qingdao is ranked last. By analysing the correlation between the evaluation methods and indicators, it is found that EGTP has a high correlation with the other three evaluation methods, which proves the rationality of the weighted linear combination of GRA and the other three methods. Indices C5 (pure electric car proportion) and C13 (average concentration of PM2.5) were outliers due to the small number of samples.

Iva Mikulić, Igor Bošković, Goran Zovak
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

Vehicles that are non-roadworthy pose a hazard for all road users and can be one of the main causes of traffic accidents. Previous studies have analysed the impact of the driving style on environmental sustainability and road safety. Starting from this, there was a need to further investigate the relationship between the driving style and vehicle roadworthiness as well. Vehicles that do not comply with the prescribed requirements should be excluded from traffic at a periodic technical inspection. However, the causes of detected vehicle defects cannot be established at a periodic technical inspection. The paper therefore, examines the factors affecting vehicle roadworthiness. First, the failure rate and mileage of vehicles at periodic technical inspection regarding the type of ownership was examined. In addition, a questionnaire was conducted to collect data about the driving style and maintenance habits of different types of car owners. The paper argues that vehicles owned by legal entities were generally in a worse condition than the vehicles owned by natural persons, due to the increased vehicle exploitation, but also due to a more aggressive driving style. Finally, it was found that by modifying their driving style, the drivers can affect the condition of their vehicles, considering the same mileage and maintenance habits.

Yadong Wang, Quan Shi, Zhifeng You, Qiwei Hu
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

In order to optimize the spare parts supply network, a multi-objective optimization model is established with the objectives of the shortest supply time, the lowest risk, and the minimum supply cost. A decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with differential evolution strategy is introduced to solve the multi-objective model. A series of non-dominated solutions, that is, representing the optimal spare parts supply schemes are obtained. In order to comprehensively measure the performance of these solutions, suitable quantitative metrics are selected, and the secondary goal-based cross-efficiency Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model has been used to evaluate the efficiency of the obtained optimal schemes. The improved DEA model overcomes the problems that the efficient units cannot be sorted and the optimal weight is not unique in traditional DEA model. Finally, the self-evaluation efficiency and cross-evaluation efficiency of each scheme are obtained, and the optimal supply scheme is found based on their cross-evaluation efficiency.

Ruoya Wang, Xiao Dong, Yaodong Zhou
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

Given the rapid development of large cities, the residents faced with pressure both at work and in their personal lives tend to solidify their choice of transport modes and form personal travel habits, which in turn leads to higher requirements for urban traffic management. Based on the modified Theory of Planned Behaviour, the structural equation method is employed to explore people’s travel behaviour. It is found that policy attitude, perceived behaviour control, and subjective norms comprehensively affect the residents’ travel intentions under the Vehicle Restrictions in place in Beijing. The residents without private cars display a stronger intention to change their travel choices under the policies. When considering the mediating effect of travel habits between travel intention and travel choice, the impact of the restrictive policies is weakened. Compared with lower-income people, those with higher incomes demonstrate more stable travel habits in response to the effects of the restrictions. The higher the income, the greater the dependence on private cars exhibited by the residents. To summarize, people’s travel habits weaken to some extent the effects of the restrictive policies. Such policies should be created with the explicit aim of gradually changing the people’s habits.

Dragana Petrović, Ivan Ivanović, Vladimir Đorić, Jadranka Jović
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

This paper presents an overview of the applied research methodologies and developed travel demand models that take weather impact into account. The paper deals with trip generation and modal split as elements of travel demand that best describe changes in the travel behaviour in different weather conditions. The authors herein emphasize the importance of research in local conditions in all climate zones, especially in areas where climate and modal split characteristics are different from those in common research areas. This review is designed as a brief guide on how the impact of weather can be explored in order to encourage conducting research even in the countries where there is no systematic traffic and travel data collection. The stated adaptation technique followed by the panel household travel surveys may be particularly appropriate for those countries. It is concluded that small budgets should not be considered an obstacle, because it is possible to draw reliable conclusions based even on small samples. Moreover, modern research methods enable a cheaper survey process together with the possibility of obtaining higher quality of results. The increasing popularity of research in this field should contribute to the creation of more resilient transport systems all over the world. A special contribution of this paper is the review of research studies carried out in central, western and southern Europe and not mentioned in any review paper before.

Karlo Babojelić, Luka Novačko
2020 (Vol 32), Issue 5

Driver and pedestrian behaviour significantly affect the safety and the flow of traffic at the microscopic and macroscopic levels. The driver behaviour models describe the driver decisions made in different traffic flow conditions. Modelling the pedestrian behaviour plays an essential role in the analysis of pedestrian flows in the areas such as public transit terminals, pedestrian zones, evacuations, etc. Driver behaviour models, integrated into simulation tools, can be divided into car-following models and lane-changing models. The simulation tools are used to replicate traffic flows and infer certain regularities. Particular model parameters must be appropriately calibrated to approximate the realistic traffic flow conditions. This paper describes the existing car-following models, lane-changing models, and pedestrian behaviour models. Further, it underlines the importance of calibrating the parameters of microsimulation models to replicate realistic traffic flow conditions and sets the guidelines for future research related to the development of new models and the improvement of the existing ones.

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
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