Vol. 19 No. 5 (2007)
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Danko Kezić, Igor Vujović, Anita Gudelj
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
Modern port terminals are equipped with various localtransport systems, which have the main task to transport cargobetween local storehouses and transport resources (ships,trains, trucks) in the fastest and most efficient way, and at thelowest possible cost. These local transport systems consist offully automated transport units (AGV- automatic guided vehicle)which are controlled by the computer system. The portcomputer system controls the fully automated transport units inthe way to avoid possible deadlocks and collisions betweenthem. However, beside the fully automated local transportunits, there are human operated transport units (fork-lifttrucks, cranes etc.) which cross the path oftheAGVfrom timeto time. The collision of human operated transp011 unit andA GV is possible due to human inattention. To solve this problem,it is necesswy to design a supe1vismy control system thatcoordinates and controls both human driven transport unit andA G V In other words, the human-machine interactions need tobe supen·ised. The supen•ising system can be realized in the waythat the port terminal is divided into zones. Vehicle movementsare supen•ised by a video system which detects the moving ofparticular l'ehicles as a discrete event. Based on detected events,dangerous moving of certain vehicles is blocked by the supe1visi11gsystem. The paper considers the design of collision preventionsupen•isor by using discrete event dynamic themy. The portterminal is modeled by using ordi1za1y Petri nets. The design ofcollision prevention supe1visor is cmTied out by using the P-inl'ariantmethod. The verification of the supervisor is done bycomputer simulation.
Ratko Zelenika, Slavomir Vukmirović, Hilmija Mujić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
This paper deals with issues of shaping and functioning ofcomputer programs in the modelling and solving of multimoda Itransportation network problems. A methodology of an integrateduse of a programming language for mathematical modellingis defined, as well as spreadsheets for the solving of complexmultimodal transportation network problems. The papercontains a comparison of the partial and integral methods ofsolving multimodal transportation networks. The basic hypothesisset forth in this paper is that the integral method results inbetter multimodal transportation network rationalization effects,whereas a multimodal transportation network modelbased on the integral method, once built, can be used as the basisfor all kinds of transportation problems within multimodaltransport. As opposed to linear transport problems, multimodaltransport network can assume very complex shapes. This papercontains a comparison of the partial and integral approach totransp01tation network solving. In the partial approach, astraightforward model of a transp01tation network, which canbe solved through the use of the Solver computer tool within theExcel spreadsheet inteiface, is quite sufficient. In the solving ofa multimodal transportation problem through the integralmethod, it is necessmy to apply sophisticated mathematicalmodelling programming languages which supp01t the use ofcomplex matrix functions and the processing of a vast amountof variables and limitations. The LINGO programming languageis more abstract than the Excel spreadsheet, and it requiresa certain programming knowledge. The definition andpresentation of a problem logic within Excel, in a manner whichis acceptable to computer software, is an ideal basis for modellingin the LINGO programming language, as well as a fasterand more effective implementation of the mathematical model.This paper provides proof for the fact that it is more rational tosolve the problem of multimodal transportation networks by usingthe integral, rather than the partial method.
Anđelko Ščukanec, Kristijan Rogić, Darko Babić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
The system which connects all the elements between theproducer and the consumer is called the supply chain. This definitionof the supply chain shows its complexity, dynamics anduncertainty. Successful operation of supply chains requires thebest possible coordination of its elements, which obviously indicatesthe utmost importance of the information flow alongthem. The operation of supply chains on the whole has to bemore successful than the operation of their individual elements.It should be noted that such a complex process may give rise toa series of problems, unwanted events, as well as substantial reductionin profits and the level of service. One of such unwantedphenomena which may occur in the supply chain is the'bullwhip effect'. This is a possible increase in the diversity oforders which occurs when we move along the elements of thesupply chain (from the customers' orders to the producers' orders).The work analyses the processes within the supply chainsand the occurrence of the bullwhip effect. The main causes ofthe bullwhip effect that we encounter daily in the supply chainshave been clearly defined. The paper also presents the mainnegative consequences of such a disturbance within the supplychains, and provides possible solutions for avoiding the bullwhipeffect.
Josip Kasum, Zvonko Gržetić, Eli Marušić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
It is assumed that in strategic decision-making in managingnautical tourism p01ts (NTP) various decisions are made onthe basis of desc1iptions, calculations, statistic, economic andother indicators, and also of inadequate number of precise indicators(Branch, A. E., 1998). Therefore, strategic decision-making is slightly uncertain, which, it is assumed, may bemodified. This article explores the new measuring elements.They are developed on the sample of 47 NTPs in the archipelagicsea of the Republic of Croatia. It is assumed that by applyingthe new measuring elements it will consequently result inlowering the unreliability of strategic managing, which willeventually increase the profit of NTP.
Jasna Jurum-Kipke, Branko Maković, Davor Sumpor
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
According to the crite1ia of reliability, cost-efficiency andenvironmental fiiendliness the traffic on inland waterways inthe Republic of Croatia has not been fully used. The study analyzesthe current condition of vessels on inland waterways in theRepublic of Croatia. Also, statistical method and methods ofanalysis and comparison were used to research the current andpre-war condition from the aspect of type and number of vessels,and their capacity and engine power. The trend of the developmentof vessels in the Republic of Croatia has been comparedin relation to the European countries with developed inlandnavigation. The cun·ent trend in the Republic of Croatia isthe stagnation of the number of self-propelled vessels, and thereduction in the number of vessels intended for the transport ofgoods, then the reduction of total capacity and the enginepower of all the vessels, as well as changes in the relation betweenthe pushing and towing technologies in favour of thepushing technologies, in compliance with the trends in theworld. The methods of compilation and comparison were usedto research the preconditions of improving the condition of vessels,in compliance with the status and development in thecountries of the Danube COITidor VII.
Darja Topolšek
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
Traffic accidents that occur on freeways often end tragicallybecause of high driving speed. Wrong-way driving is also one ofthe causes of accidents on freeways. Research is based on theanalysis of traffic accident data caused by wrong-way drivingon freeways, and considering valid technical specifications forconnections and junctions design elements. Research is basedon the analysis of the data of traffic accidents that occurred becauseof wrong-way driving on freeways and on the considerationof valid technical specifications concerning connectionsand junction design elements. The thesis presents possiblecountermeasures for prevention of wrong-way driving and consequentialdecrease in the number of traffic accidents. The proposedprevention countermeasures of wrong-way driving onfreeways could greatly reduce incorrect traffic vehicle movementsthat are the consequence of wrong-way driving and thuspositively enhance the traffic safety level on freeways.
Sinan Alispahić, Željko Antunović, Erkrem Bećirović
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
The problem of the participation of young drivers in trafficaccidents is constantly present and represents a significant socialproblem. In complex and dynamic conditions of moderntraffic flows, the young drivers are exposed to various and unforeseenhazard situations and events which they had not experiencedduring the basic training. Therefore, they should be providedwith the possibility of acquiring additional experiences insolving typical hazard situations in traffic. This is possible bythe system of advanced training which places the course participantin the situation of facing possible hazards, with the aim ofincreasing the awareness of risk in driving and behaviour at thesteering wheel. Advanced driver training is based on the specificprogram and training the drivers to acquire additional experiencesin solving dangerous traffic situations.
Danijela Barić, Danko Čurepić, Željko Radačić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 5
The assessment of investment traffic-technological projectsmeans a set of activities whose basic aim is to determine the justificationand feasibility of the projects. The decision-makingprocess, including the decision-making on investments is an extremelycomplex process, and the decision-maker has to have avision of the future and make decisions accordingly in a modemand flexible manner. Therefore, the decisions need to be theresult of a planning and research process based on relevant scientificmethods. The work includes the selected, analysed andpresented methods of cost-benefit analysis, methods of multi-criteria decision-making and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities, and Threats) analysis methods. Regarding thebasic characteristics, the mentioned methods have been compared,the order of their implementation has been determined,and then they have been implemented in assessing the traffic-technological projects of reconstmction with the aim of selectingthe optimal variant solution.