Vol. 18 No. 5 (2006)
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Mitja Pavliha, Peter Jenček, Elen Twrdy
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The 'state-of-the-art' of the present global European situationis in desperate need for a new approach to development ofurban and rural environment with an interdisciplinary approach,when introducing the elements of transport infrastructureand transport infrastructure landscape into space and environment.In order to reach a decision regarding the location of a certaintransport logistic terminal some constraints (technical andtechnological as well as financial) should be considered. Aspart of the process trying to respond to these constraints, associatedprimarily with the traffic conditions at the appointed networklocations, a careful evaluation in respect to cargo flowsand infrastructure connections as well as spatial planningshould be performed.M01phological indicators, which directly and indirectly affectthe structure and the form of the transport infrastructure elements- transport logistic terminals, are extracted and presentedin the paper. At this point, the paper concludes that thelaying down and the evaluation of transport infrastructure elementsare based on two categories of morphological elements:Constructed morphological elements (all constntctionsand their elements), andNatural morphological elements (topography, climate, vegetation,etc.).The presented spatial methodology deals with the interactionsbetween the constructed and natural morphological elements- the quality and the characteristics of the design areadded to both groups.Findings and projections acquired on the basis of a spatialevaluation and transport logistic analysis constitute, togetherwith financial-economic assumptions, the basis for elaboratinga business plan - a significant element in the decision-makingprocess regarding the development of a transport logistic terminal.
Igor Diminik, Stanislav Pavlin, Doris Novak
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The work presents the development of carriers in passengerair traffic, and the focus is on the development and operationsof carriers in chartered passenger transport. After the SecondWorld War, there were only scheduled air carriers. The need formass transport of tourists resulted in the development of chartercarriers or usage of scheduled carriers under different commercialconditions acceptable for tourism. Eventually also low-costcarriers appeared and they realize an increasing share in thepassenger transport especially in the aviation developed countries.
Antun Stipetić, Jasna Blašković Zavada
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
Considering the traffic development of Croatia and thewider traffic environment, special significance lies on the developmentof the Port of Rijeka and its traffic connection with thehinterland. The planned and necessary increase of the capacitiesof the Port of Rijeka requires adequate support by the railand road traffic towards the interior of Croatia and other partsof Europe. Here, the support of the rail traffic is of special significance,regarding its advantages over road traffic. The workanalyses the demand for transport of goods and passengers inrail traffic on the pan-European Corridor V.B in the present andthe planned circumstances in the future. The work analyses theforecast of the transport of goods and passengers for the perioduntil 2020 as part of the planned development of the Port ofRijeka. Based on this development a possible improvement ofrail connection of Rijeka and the interior of Croatia and EastEurope is proposed.
Milojka Počuča
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The paper presents a methodology of assessing the day-to-day fixed costs of maritime cargo ships. The authoress refersthe reader to factors that affect the amount affixed daily costsand the day-to-day voyage costs of ships. In the last chapter thepaper presents an estimation of the average daily fixed costsand day-to-day voyage costs of ships per type and size for theyear 2003. Besides particular explanations, the reader is refe'ed to data bases that authentically impart data on the structureof maritime fleets and their technical characteristics, aswell as databases on prices and costs in maritime transport.
Hrvoje Baričević
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The geographical/traffic position of the P01t of Rijeka is animportant factor in its integration into the European traffic system.In this respect, Bakar emerges as an important point,which, unfortunately, has not been sufficiently valorised andtherefore holds much unused potential (especially in the formercoke plant area). The existing infrastructure facilities and theirtechnical and traffic elements synthesize the aim for a well-balancedmaritime, road and/or railway traffic. The road freighttransport routes correspond to the distant traffic itineraries towardsBakar, i.e. the Rijeka Traffic Junction, and further towardsthe Italian Port of Chioggia. These are the routes fromthe continental hinterland, i.e. Central and Eastern Europe,which primarily exist as two access routes from Zagreb andLjubljana and, secondarily from Dalmatia and !stria. In the future,the Rijeka Traffic Junction access road together with themotorway links will be integrated into the Rijeka by-pass Road.A possibility of introducing intermodal railway alternativeshould be considered as well as the ''piggyback' system. The assumptionsfor the justification of such operations should be examinedin a special research taking into consideration similar,already well-established intermodal services in Europe. Theset-up of the existing Rijeka Traffic Junction infrastructure andsuprastructure allows for an uninhibited start of an extremelypositive initiative. Howeve1; an efficient intermodal route betweenthe countries of Central and Eastern Europe and NorthernItalian ports is possible only with an integrated logistic support.
Ratko Zelenika, Sanja Zebec, Helga Pavlić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The development of logistics has contributed a lot to all thebranches of economy. A successful economic subject cannotexist without a well-developed logistic branch. In economicsthe organization of logistics is becoming a strategic element regardingthe policy making of enterprises. Logistics belongs to anarea that will play an important role in our lives; therefore, thedevelopment of a logistic system is of an exceptional significancefor the economy and also for the non-economic sphere ofactivities. So, modem logistics enables us to bring into line differentinterests in management of material current. Global organizersof logistic services are developing and specializing insome essential services, such as combining of cargo into assemblyconsignments and also their distribution. The biggest globaltenderers of logistic services are considered, DHL, TNT,FEDEX, UPS ...
Marinko Jurčević, Perica Madunić, Ivica Tolušić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
Relations between tourism and transport industries are importantfor the entire Croatian economy and are expected togrow in the future. The most important thing from the aspect oftransport is definitely the infrastructure of all branches of transport(primarily road traffic), followed by the development ofship and ferry lines, both along the Adriatic coast and betweenthe islands. The construction of transport access and infrastructureof our tourist destinations, as well as transport linksbetween them, is crucial for the development of tourism. Morethan 70 per cent of foreign tourists and 70 per cent of touristboats (up to 7 m) come to Croatia by roads. They all expecttransport infrastructure on a European level, providing fast,safe and comfortable transport from their homes to tourist destinations.Therefore, our transport lines and their quality, roadfeatures, traffic capability and equipment are what the developmentof our tourism depends on, especially in central andsouthern Adriatic, considering the wider economic goals ofCroatia and the growing interest of the European Union in ourcountry, its economy and tourism.
Gordana Štefančić, Ivana Krobot, Zlatko Hrženjak
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 5
The work proposes the transport policy instruments, suchas the infrastructure measures, management measures and informationprovision measures as the means that could reduceor eliminate transport problems. All these measures have beenfollowed through the provisions for passenger cars, provisionsfor public transport, provisions for cyclists and pedestrians andprovisions regarding transport. A range of solutions is given toreduce congestion, improve accessibility and improve the trafficconditions for those who depend on public transport along withthe improvement of environmental conditions.