Igor Diminik
Stanislav Pavlin
Doris Novak
The work presents the development of carriers in passengerair traffic, and the focus is on the development and operationsof carriers in chartered passenger transport. After the SecondWorld War, there were only scheduled air carriers. The need formass transport of tourists resulted in the development of chartercarriers or usage of scheduled carriers under different commercialconditions acceptable for tourism. Eventually also low-costcarriers appeared and they realize an increasing share in thepassenger transport especially in the aviation developed countries.
Doganis, R.: Flying off course, third edition, Routledge,
London, UK, 2002.
The World of Civil Aviation 2000, Circular 287-AT/122,
International Civil Aviation Organisation, Montreal,
Canada, 2001
The World of Civil Aviation 2001-2004, Circular
-AT/123, International Civil Aviation Organisation,
Montreal, Canada, 2002
Aircraft Type and Utilisation: Individual Airlines 2003,
Civil Aviation Authority, London, UK, 2004
Digest of Statistics No. 511, Series T: Traffic: Commercial
Air Can·iers, 1998-2002, International Civil Aviation
Organisation, Montreal, Canada, 2003
Scheduled Services 1999, Civil Aviation Authority, London,
UK, 2000
(7] Non-Scheduled Services 1999, Civil Aviation Authority,
London, UK, 2000
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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