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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 17 No. 5 (2005)
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Sergej Težak, Ivan Mavrin, Ivo Jurić
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
The paper studies the problem of constructing cablewayswith advanced technology and their influence on the operationand development of cableway companies from several aspects.Modern cableways with detachable grips enable faster ca'iageof passengers. They have the possibility of transporting morepassengers over the same distances. Recently, this trend of introducingmodern cableways has been particularly present inchairlifts which carry skiers. Such chairlifts with detachablegrips allow transport of skiers over greater distances and thereforemust have respective ski slopes covering wider areas whichin turn affects the expansion of the mountain tourist centres.The chairlifts with detachable grips require more knowledgeand personnel to manage and maintain them, as well as moreinvestment capital.

Željko Radačić, Mirko Tatalović, Ivan Mišetić, Ivan Furlan
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
By defining and selecting adequate factors of the total productivitymodel and by assigning specific relevance of each factor,the initial preconditions for the analysis and monitoring ofthe model application efficiency within the Croatia Airlinesbusiness policy have been established. Since the majority of theanalyzed factors have realized a more intensive growth thanplanned, the business year 2004 can be assessed as the mostsuccessful one in the Croatia Airlines history. Consequently,the difference related to the productivity indicators of the Associationof European Airlines has been reduced, particularly theaircraft productivity with remnant of 5 to 10 percent, and theproductivity of the employees with a remnant of 15 to 20 percent,and the productivity of fuel expressed as quantity at AEAlevel, and expressed as value below that level. Finally, althoughthere is no expressed correlation between the quantitative productivityindicators and business profitability, the highest realizednet profit since the foundation of Croatia Airlines fullysupplements the solid level of the comparison indicators, confirmingits complete readiness and maturity to join the Star Alliance.

Husein Pašagić, Antun Štimac, Jelena Rakulj
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
Public urban traffic (PUT) requirements are based on thespecific characteristics that dictate the requirements themselves.The problems faced by all the big cities regarding public urbantransport are very similar, and they range from unacceptabilityof the very organisational structure of the system facing the populationgrowth, limitations and congestions of the traffic routesloaded by an increasing number of automobiles, to the chroniclack of economic funds for the investments that would createthe necessary conditions for positive shifts. In PUT there aremany random parameters whose statistical laws are not easy todetermine and it is often the topic of research of various profilesof scientists. There is always the satisfaction, that is, the lack ofsatisfaction by the final user of the public urban transport andall the other involved groups. The result is that the potential usersof public urban transport give up and try to find other solutionsfor their transport needs, turning in principle to individualtraffic. Consequently, the number of passenger cars on the trafficroutes increases along with all the resulting negative effects.The complex systems of public urban transport facing the increasingrequirements to improve efficiency have to be subjectedto certain changes in order to achieve physical sustainability oftraffic at all, and to satisfy the environmental requirements thatoccur as counterbalance to the pollution of the urban area.With the aim of achieving optimal conditions for the qualityof service, and by introducing acceptable traffic solutionscombined with the integrated quality management systembased on the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 high-qualityshifts are made possible. The integration of these standards resultsin the rational combining of the quality management systeminto a single efficient system, reflected in achieving high-quality traffic and transport service, improved informationflow, unique documentation, positive orientation to the environmentwith concwTent reduction in the costs of resources,energy and number of automobiles on the traffic routes.

Bibiana Bukova, Zuzana Svecova
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
Smarl dust utilization is a futuristic concept that considersthe usage of equipment called smart dust in the railway transporl.It appears from the technology of the near future, whosebasis are tiny sensors able to collect, process and wirelesslytransfer information. The main idea of this technology is thepossibility, in a certain space (for example inside the wagon) torecreate hundreds of tiny sensors that are designed to sense,measure and transmit data like temperature, humidity or thepower of frequency of vibrations, so they would allow detectionof some devices, people manner in some space or detailedcheck of a given surrounding.

Andrej Novak
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
The paper analyses the Radio Direction Finding principlefor navigation and swveillance system. Radio Direction Findinginvolves locating the bearing of a transmitter called a radiobeacon. A radio beacon's signal is received aboard a vehicle bya device called radio direction finder (RDF). The navigatorturns the antenna of the radio direction finder to find the directionof the radio beacon. The RDF shows when the antenna ispointing towards the beacon. Radio direction finding is one ofthe oldest electronic navigation systems for aircraft and ships. Itis generally used as a piloting aid along coastal waters. Therange of a radio direction finding signal depends on the type ofradio beacon.

Natalija Jolić, Nada Štrumberger, Ivo Dropulić
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
Traffic on rivers and lakes in Europe has been ve1y well developed.The reason for this is the transport cost, relative speedand good connectivity of major European cities by rivers andcanals. In Croatia, this transport mode is lagging behind therest of Europe. Croatia is located at an interesting section of theriver transversal, but due to several reasons, river navigation inCroatia has not been developed to any major extent. As operatingriver ships the most frequent types are: towboats, pushboatsand self-propelled ships. The installed diesel engines, propulsionand auxiliary engines run at high power. Proportional tothe increase in the power of installed engines is also the increasein the volume of waste produced by the engines. Also, the olderthe engine, the greater volume of waste it produces. Ships mayalso cause pollution by wastewaters and garbage. This pollutionthreat grows with the greater number of people on boardand the age of the ship. In order to minimize these possibilitiesof pollution, it is necesswy to control all the time the properfunctioning of the ships, train the staff and construct receptionfacilities on land.

Gregor Veselko, Igor Jakomin
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
The impact of information technologies on transp011 serviceshas been very considerable in the last period. Along thesupply chain there is a variety of different activities going on,from ordering, invoicing, warehousing, shipment, insurance,custom clearance ... A long chain of subjects where each ofthem has an important role.Efficient and effective exchange of infO!mation between allthe involved parties seems to be a great challenge of today. Accomplishingthis will determine the best possible and sustainableposition on the logistics scene.Being successful in this environment today requires big organizationalefforts and financial investment in adequate technology.The basic task of such up-to-date technologies to providefast and reliable information flows between parties involvedin a certain business operation. There is therefore a needfor a good and sound information system.

Planko Rožić, Petar Rožić
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 5
Systemic traffic count on the Croatian road network hasbeen carried out for more than three decades in different ways.During this period a large number of automatic traffic countershave been installed, and they operate on different principles.The traffic count has been analyzed from the aspect of vehicleclassification. The count results can be only partly comparedsince they yield different structures of traffic flows. Special analysisrefers to the classification of vehicles by automatic trafficcounters.During the research, a database has been formed with physicalelements of vehicles of over five thousand vehicle types. Theresearch results prove that the vehicle length only is not sufficientfor the classification of vehicles, the way it is used in thepresent automatic traffic counts, but rather the number of axles,the wheelbase as well as the front and rear overhangs needto be considered as well. Therefore, the detector system shouldapply also the detector of axles.The results have been presented that were obtained as partof the program TEST- Technological, research, developmentproject supported by the Minist1y of Science, Education andSport.

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