Gregor Veselko
Igor Jakomin
The impact of information technologies on transp011 serviceshas been very considerable in the last period. Along thesupply chain there is a variety of different activities going on,from ordering, invoicing, warehousing, shipment, insurance,custom clearance ... A long chain of subjects where each ofthem has an important role.Efficient and effective exchange of infO!mation between allthe involved parties seems to be a great challenge of today. Accomplishingthis will determine the best possible and sustainableposition on the logistics scene.Being successful in this environment today requires big organizationalefforts and financial investment in adequate technology.The basic task of such up-to-date technologies to providefast and reliable information flows between parties involvedin a certain business operation. There is therefore a needfor a good and sound information system.
Arrianto, M. W. et al: Supply Chain Information System.
National University of Singapore, Graduate School of
Computing, Singapore, 1999.
Bathia, H.: Electronic Commerce Moving on the Accelerating
Speed of Business. presentation by United Parcel
Service to the Information Science Student Council of
Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, 1999.
Bolero Rulebook: - The Electronic Trade
Community. First Edition, Bolero International Ltd.,
London, 1999.
Bolero Operating Procedures: The Electronic
Trade Community. Second Edition, Bolero International
Ltd., London, 1999.
Donovan, M. R.: Successful ERP Implementation the
First Time. Pe1[ormance Improvement, 2002, available at
Drakuli, 1.: Podjetja nimajo izbire. Gospodarski Vestnik,
Ljubljana, 2000.
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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