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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 26 No. 4 (2014)
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Edouard Ivanjko
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

Ivan Bolkovac, Marko Horvat, Kristian Jambrošić, Hrvoje Domitrović
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4
The paper discusses the issue of adding artificial warning sounds to hybrid and fully electric vehicles, in order to increase traffic safety by making these vehicles audible at low speeds. The goal of this modification is to enable the pedestrians to perceive possible danger coming from such a vehicle in time to respond accordingly. Following the results of previous research which state that the sounds of internal combustion engines are valid candidates for artificial warning sounds to be added to hybrid or fully electric vehicles, a preliminary examination of the suitability and acceptability of different engine sounds in various modes of operation has been conducted. The chosen modes of operation are running in idle, at 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm with the vehicle stopped. Both gasoline and diesel engines were investigated. To expand the range of engine sounds, the type of vehicles was not limited to personal cars. The results show significant differences in suitability of engine sounds for the stated purpose, with vehicle type being the main differentiating factor.

Ji-Young Song, Jin Ki Eom, Sung Il Kim
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

We analyzed the travel patterns of senior citizens in Seoul using Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) data. We focused specifically on mode choices and transfer patterns. Results showed that 99% of trips made by senior citizens (individuals over 65 years old), who were given free subway transit passes, consisted of single-mode trips. Average travel time was 31 minutes, and subway travel times were longer than bus travel times. Individuals made fewer transfers, took longer metro trips, and paid smaller fares when using their free subway transit cards. They were more negatively sensitive to bus travel time than metro travel time. Encouraging older adult travelers to use transfers that increase costs to a modest extent might help improve travel quality among a group of individuals who find it difficult to enter the metro system or who are uncomfortable making inter-metro transfers. Additionally, as older adults have more time, yet are economically disadvantaged and take more leisure trips, travel improvements could include adopting a time-flexible fare discount. We discuss these improvements in terms of the individual and social benefits afforded to transit passengers in South Korea.

Journal Editorial Board
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

Sadko Mandžuka
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

Deng Pan, Yingping Zheng
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

Both safety and efficiency should be considered in high-speed train following control. The real-time calculation of dynamic safety following distance is used by the following train to understand the quality of its own following behavior. A new velocity difference control law can help the following train to adjust its own behavior from a safe and efficient steady-following state to another one if the actual following distance is greater than the safe following distance. Meanwhile, the stopping control law would work for collision avoidance when the actual following distance is less than the safe following distance. The simulation shows that the dynamic control of actual inter-train distance can be well accomplished by the behavioral adjustment of the following train, and verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of our presented methods for train following control.

Ali Sercan KESTEN, Kemal Selçuk Öğüt
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

This paper presents a practical approach for monitoring public transportation systems' performance by focusing on customer evaluations. Within the framework of the developed method, 22 indicators are aggregated for 6 different measures, which are time, cost, accessibility and transfer, comfort, safety – security and quality of service respectively. Passenger Oriented Performance IndeX (POPIX) has been developed and applied to the Istanbul Metro, Light Rail and Tram systems. The goal of this research is to propose a new customer oriented performance index for transportation systems, enabling a reliable and objective base for monitoring system performance by setting performance goals and identifying priorities. Meanwhile, the proposed methodology also allows for the investigation of the performance changes of a particular transportation system and for performance comparison of different systems directly from the customer point of view. The data of the index is attained by the Customer Satisfaction Survey of Istanbul Public Railways' 2005, 2006 and 2007. The POPIX methodology has been defined and the corresponding POPIX scores are calculated for the systems investigated. Furthermore, the % POPIX concept has been developed for the comparison of different systems. Lastly, the shifted POPIX concept has been proposed for more reliable comparison between different years. The framework has been implemented to the public railway systems and individual index scores are calculated for each indicator, measure and overall system. The measures of cost, accessibility and transfer and comfort have lower index scores. Metro index scores are superior in comparison to the Tram and Light Rail for all the years analyzed.

Zvonimir Lušić, Stipe Galić, Serđo Kos
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4
Today's methods of plotting courses and selecting sailing routes and turn points in maritime navigation are still largely based on subjective assessment of the master or the officer in charge. This results in a great variety of course distribution and, accordingly, in various ship movements. Modern electronic aids, in particular ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) can significantly facilitate maritime voyage planning, course plotting, selection of turning points, etc. In addition to displaying electronic charts, the specific feature of these systems is that they facilitate route planning, supervision of ship movements, data recording, database search, alarm setting, etc. However, these systems do not yet provide automatic selection of courses on user's request in a standardised form. Therefore, in most cases, the routes and turn points are selected empirically or because they have been previously defined and used. This paper shows the drawbacks of the existing methods of selecting routes and plotting courses in maritime navigation and gives recommendations how to improve them.

Aleksander Sładkowski, Rafał Burdzik, Maria Cieśla
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4

The paper presents assessment of the impact of the processes handling efficiency on the transport process based on research done in the real object, using same technologies and material handling equipment. The aim of the paper was to confirm importance of loading and unloading processes of palletized cargo as an initial and final link of multimodal transport by developing methods’ proposal for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of cargo operations as well as development of measures and comparison estimators. The analysis of the manipulation operations’ duration throughout the transport process is based on the percentile rates of manipulation and carriage in total transport process duration and the percentage of manipulating time in the duration of the carriage. These indicators and examined loading and unloading times, are the basis for the development of scheduling algorithms for optimizing transport processes on the scale of the whole transport chain. This data is also a helpful input to support strategic decisions on the allocation of financial resources for the development of infrastructure and terminal equipment, warehouses and other facilities.

Carlos Guedes Soares, Carlos A Silva
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4
The potential growth found inthe short sea shipping sector motivated the development of a methodology usedas a decision support tool in which both the parameters regarding the demand ofmarkets and the characteristics of the fleet may be tested for its evaluation.It is also possible to determine the fleet deployment, establishing its routesand scales in the ports for a particular scenario. The considered methodologymay be divided in two parts, being the first one related with the generation ofall feasible routes, alongside all the parameters specific to each route foreach vessel class. The second part is the introduction of a linear programmingmodel that maximizes the shipping operation’s total profit, according a givenset of restrictions. The models were structured according to three main criteria:the evaluation of the fleet for each vessel’s class; the optimal route for eachvessel and the frequency in each port. To provide the methodology’s validation,the developed models shall be submitted to a fictitious operational scenario,considering three different situations: the fleet’s normal operation; aparametric variation of required demand for the same fleet composition; anevaluation of several fleet compositions for the same demand level.

Marino Lupi, Alessandro Farina, Antonio Pratelli, Alessandra Gazzarri
2014 (Vol 26), Issue 4
In this paper, the existing rules commonly used for port traffic comparison are described. These rules provide weighting factors for each freight category in order to make them comparable and exploitable for port ranking. These rules are based on the value added concept related to port activities. Two new rules are proposed. The first is again based on the value added concept. The second rule is based on the assumption that ports not only create labour directly, through activities related to port operations, but they also play the role of “gates” for the existing economic activities of a region or a country, as a consistent quota of the overall international trade takes place by sea. This rule is based on the relationship among the trend of traffic volume of each freight category and the trend of the national GDP. The rules existing in the literature and the proposed new rules have been applied in ranking Italian ports; the results are discussed. The sensitivity of the ranking of Italian ports, to the different weighting rules, has been analysed.

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