Vol. 19 No. 4 (2007)
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Dejan Paliska, Jurij Kolenc
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
This paper discusses the effect of unscheduled stops requestedby passengers on bus transit demand and presents theresults of its study. In the research a set of regression modelsthat estimate the route-level demand were developed using datacollected with Automatic Passenger Counters and AutomaticVehicle Location systems installed on buses, and demographic,socio-economic and land use information from other sources.The results obtained indicate that the number of rider-requestedunscheduled stops have no significant effect on demand,suggesting that the company policy which tolerates unscheduledstops is inadequate for attracting new riders.
Oktavian Stradal
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The paper deals with utilization of fuzzy logic for simulationmodel parameter, which is changed during simulation experiment.Additive fuzzy system is used for approximation ofcontinuous functions, whereas the relevant membership functionsare based on ellipsoidal rules. Application of that methodologyis demonstrated on the parameter adaptation relatedto simulation model of an asynchronous machine. The mentionedadaptation depends on the changing magnetic properties.
Veselko Protega, Nikica Božić, Zlatko Lučić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The work studies the impact of the changed traffic flows(moto1way Al) on the development of the tourist economy ofthe Sibenik-Knin County. The selected three-year period (2003- 2005) includes three phases of different construction levels ofthe motorwayAl Zagreb- Split in the area of the Sibenik-KninCounty. This raises the issue of the cause-effect relation ofbetter traffic connections and the improvement of tourism aswell as the compatibility of the new road network with the tendenciesof reconstructing the tourist offer with special referenceto unbalanced development of different destinations.
Robert Spudić, Božidar Ivanković, Vlado Kovačević
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The use of advanced transport means understands alsotheir supply by spare and consumable parts. In order to solvethe problem of the required quantities, costs of purchase andstorage of the parts, it is necessary to solve the problem of stocksmanagement. The wear of tyres for military vehicles in extremeexploitation conditions is of random character. How fast thetyres will wear on the all-ten·ain and heavy motor vehicle dependson the driver's skill and the external conditions (weather,terrain). All the conditions are of random character and in orderto determine as accurately as possible the wear of tyres it isnecessary to monitor the wear of tyres within a certain time period,and to find the approximate probability of tyre wear in thefuture period of time. When the probability of tyre wear is determined,stochastic supply management model is used to calculatethe value of the stocks which allows optimal planning ofstocks of spare parts at minimal costs. The stochastic model allowsoptimal calculation for the purchase of consumable partsof transport means whose consumption depends on the randomconditions and events.
Stanislav Pavlin, Marko Rapan, Igor Štimac
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
General aviation, which in practice includes small aircraftin non-commercial traffic, in the City of Zagreb uses two aerodromes,Pleso and Lucko. Zagreb Airport at the Pleso locationis primarily intended for the handling of commercial aircraft,but provides also services to small aircraft in commercial andnon-commercial flying. The airfield Lucko is a sport and trainingaerodrome which accommodates operations of sport andrecreation flying, pilot training, activities of parachutists, glidersand flying-model constructors. Lucko Airfield is open to trafficabout half a year and it does not satisfy the non-commercialgeneral aviation requirements. The work presents the possibilitiesof developing the capacities for the needs of general aviationin the City of Zagreb.
Boris Aržek, Drago Pupavac
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The existing network for liquefied gas in the Republic ofCroatia is characterized by numerous weaknesses, led by lackof investment into LPG branch that has been going on foryears, i. e. outdated equipment and apparatuses, insufficientstorage space, outdated vehicles. The existing LPG logisticsnetwork has the following drawbacks: LPG market withoutcompetition, outdated legislative that imposes restrictions onimporters, lack of marketing know-how, insufficient investmentsfunding ( .. ). Since foreign investors have been showingincreased interest in entering the Croatian LPG market, itseemed appropriate to investigate and elaborate decisive factorsand effects of constructing a new competitive logistics networkin conditions of imperfect competition.
Čedomir Dundović, Mirjana Kovačić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The paper presents a systematic and comprehensive analysisof both the technological justification for the constructionof a container/multi-purpose terminal and a dry bulk terminal,and the efficiency of loading/unloading facilities. The organisationof Croatian ports is inefficient and the technology usedin outdated. Traffic links with the mainland, the continent andthe world are unsatisfactory, with traffic infrastructure impactingadversely on operational efficiency. Analysis results of thepresent condition of port traffic and the influence of traffic onport operations and development indicate that the Port ofPlace lacks a multi-purpose terminal that would enable modemcontainer traffic. Because of the inefficient cargo-handlingprocedure and manner of storing bulk cargo in the Port ofPlace, it is necessary to plan the construction of a coal andiron ore terminal taking into account spatia~ technological,economic and ecological development factors. The authorsalso examine the importance of regional initiatives spurringthe development of Croatia and, in particular, the port systemas part of the EU's Pan-European transport corridor V BranchC. Research results are presented by a traffic and technologicaldesign for a container/multi-purpose terminal and dry bulkterminal capable of providing an appropriate level of servicefor all terminal users.
Gordana Štefančić, Ninoslav Nogić, Drago Bago
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 4
The solving of complex problems in public transport requiresthe usage of models that are based on the estimate of demandin planning the transport routes. The intention is to predictwhat is going to happen in the future, if the proposed solutionsare implemented. In the majority of cases, the publictransport system is formed as a network and stored in the computermemory in order to start the evaluation process by specifYingthe number of trip origins and destinations in each zone.The trip distribution model which is used to calculate the numberof trips between each pair in the zone is based on the overalltravel frictions from zone to zone.