Stanislav Pavlin
Marko Rapan
Igor Štimac
General aviation, which in practice includes small aircraftin non-commercial traffic, in the City of Zagreb uses two aerodromes,Pleso and Lucko. Zagreb Airport at the Pleso locationis primarily intended for the handling of commercial aircraft,but provides also services to small aircraft in commercial andnon-commercial flying. The airfield Lucko is a sport and trainingaerodrome which accommodates operations of sport andrecreation flying, pilot training, activities of parachutists, glidersand flying-model constructors. Lucko Airfield is open to trafficabout half a year and it does not satisfy the non-commercialgeneral aviation requirements. The work presents the possibilitiesof developing the capacities for the needs of general aviationin the City of Zagreb.
Statistika Zracne luke Zagreb, 2002-2006.
Pavlin, S.: Lokacijska dokumentacija vojno-sportskog
aerodroma Lucko, IGH, Zagreb, 1997
Pavlin, S.: Aerodromi I, Fakultet prometnih znanosti,
SveuCilista u Zagrebu, 2006
Aerodromes, Annex 14 to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, International Civil Aviation
Organization, Montreal, Canada, 2004
Zagreb Airport Master Plan, NACO, The Hague, the
Netherlands, 1997
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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