Vol. 16 No. 4 (2004)
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Rudi Čop, Franc Dimc
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
From the very beginning of its usage the navigation systemGPS has been applied in studying the cases of the car followingbehaviour of two-vehicle platoons. The navigation receiver isused for vehicle position and speed data collections. The measurementaccuracy is to be improved by the real-time dGPScorrection-data or by additional data post-processing. For additionalmeasurement of the vehicle-to-vehicle separation, bothvehicles should be equipped with a GPS receiver. The vehicle-to-vehicle separation is calculated later on, during the datapost-processing.This paper describes the choice of the experimental setup,on the basis of the radio-navigation system GPS, which may beused for recording the data on location, speed and time. Thepresented measurement results have been attained in two steps:first, the data were collected, through the process of tracking oftwo-vehicle platoons in real life traffic-flow, and then processed.The selected mathematical model is based on the PIDcontroller in the closed-loop control system. It enables evaluationof the measurement results and assessment of the behaviouralelements of each driver.
Elen Twrdy, Ivan Smredu
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
Maritime traffic, in particular container transport, is experiencingrapid and technologically advanced development oftransport means. This development has led to the constructionof vessels of constantly increasing capacity that transport containersaround the world. Vessels with a capacity of up to18,000 TEU are to be expected and port development will haveto adapt to these trends.This trend will inevitably change conditions in the northernAdriatic, which is lacking the maritime and market conditionsto accommodate large dimension vessels. Hence, the questionis raised whether the northern Adriatic ports will be able to establishconnections that will allow them to maintain their marketshare in relation to western European ports. The solutioncan be provided by an optimal feeder vessel service.
Ivan Mavrin, Damir Knežević, Ivo Jurić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
Fine particles that can be found in the exhaust gases of dieselengines and have a diameter of 2. 5 !Jl1l and ultra-fine particlesof 0.1 !Jl1l in diameter are mainly products of the combustionprocess. Experiments on animals have proven that theparticulates from the ambient air can cause damage to thelungs and can even end fatally. Therefore, it is necessary to reducethe mass of fine particles in the atmosphere and the numberof ultra-fine particles. Numerous studies of experiments onanimals have proven the toxicity of these particles. The air saturatedby particles resulted in cardio-pulmonary diseases in animalmodels. The epidemiological studies have shown the interdependenceof the increase in mortality and morbidity, especiallyin the elderly and persons suffering from respiratory ailmentsand cardio-vascular diseases. A hypothesis has been setthat the ultra-fine particles cause inflammatory reactions in alveoliand interstitium resulting in the increase of blood coagulationand deterioration of the condition in persons sufferingfrom the problems in cardio-vascular system.
Zlatko Sviben, Zdravko Toš, Miroslav Borković
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
Road noise disturbance on rough roads by means of loudnesssensor caused by wideband signal components with a significantimpact of tonal effects on smooth roads and in specificactions in driving lead to the annoyance of drivers. A systemicapproach has been applied for the sound quality estimation ofphysical properties of various noise sources and structuralvibroacoustic car properties and its components as an integratedparameter in car design for the purpose of the developmentand vehicle noise reduction. Simulation of the most importantcharacteristics of listening impressions was performedby modem systems of signal analysis together with the presentationof loudness, sharpness, and roughness as essential quantities.Optimization of the noise control measuring regarding vehiclesound was obtained by means of a simulation system withthe capability of the real time original sound filtering. Structuralanalysis was performed as an acoustic modal analysis on therear part and the car interior with the quantitative analysis ofsport and luxury car sounds. The possibility of active noise controlwas studied and examples are given for an application ofpsychoacoustic tools for car sound quality design. Sound qualitywas obtained by an observation of certain aspects, which areempirically or theoretically connected with the design. An experimentalsound synthesis with psychometrical measuring wasapplied. The sound quality of car interior is presented takinginto consideration the criteria of objectivity, reliability and validity.
Caj Holm, Mario Anžek, Slobodan Kaštela
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
This paper discusses the suitability of mobile phone positioningdata for travel time information. The Finnish NationalRoad Administration Finnra has carried out a study on thesubject (1) and managed pilot installations on two road sections(6) in order to determine the feasibility of mobile phonetracking for traffic monitoring and management purposes. Accordingto the study and the pilots, the mobile phone positioningcan provide useful link monitoring data, i. e. the travel timeand speed. Mobile phone tracking was found to be a very promisingtool for implementing travel time information service todrivers.
Teodor Perić, Andreja Lorković, Dalibor Vučić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
Management planning in traffic and other activities includesa choice of missions and goals, as well as actions undertakenfor their realisation. It requires decision-making, that is,a choice among alternative trends of future actions. Therefore,planning and control are closely related.There are several types of plans: purposes or missions,goals, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, programs and calculations.Once managers become aware of the opportunities, they rationallyplan the setting of the goals and assumptions about thecurrent and future environment, finding and evaluating alternativetrends, and selecting the one that is to be followed.Therefore, planning means looking ahead and controlmeans looking backwards. The concept of overall planning,thus including traffic planning, illustrates the approach to managementwhich is based on the achieved goals.
Jasna Golubić, Velimir Kolar, Tomislav Župić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
The work considers the differences in the aircraft engine exhaustemissions, as well as the impact of the emissions on theenvironment depending on several factors. These include theage of the engine, i. e. technical refinement, engine operating regimesat different thrusts during time periods: takeoff, climb,approach, etc. Also, the exhaust emissions do not have thesame influence on different atmospheric layers. The pollutantsemitted at higher altitudes during cruising have become agreater problem, although the volume of pollutants is smaller,due to the chemical complexity and sensitivity of these layers ascompared to the lower layers of atmosphere. One of the reasonswhy these problems have long remained outside the focus of interestof the environmentalists is that the air transport of goodsand people is performed at high altitudes, so that the pollutionof atmosphere does not present a direct threat to anyone, sincethe environment is being polluted at a global level and thereforeis more difficult to notice at the local level.
Jasna Jurum Kipke, Valentina Pirić, Marina Manucci
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 4
This paper deals with the application of BMW Group energystrategy communication in order to build excellent BMWcorporate image worldwide with the purpose of analyzing thecurrent situation regarding this topic on the Croatian car marketas well as analyzing the possible influence of BMW environmentprotection care and energy strategy on BMW corporateimage in the Republic of Croatia.To ensure sufficient supply of energy in order to meet the futureneeds, the BMW's chosen priorities worldwide are to promoteefficient use of today's available energy sources and to developinnovative solutions for the future. The company usesthese elements in building the desirable BMW corporate image.On the basis of the conducted surve, it was more than obviousthat these activities still do not play a large role in building agood BMW corporate image among BMW customers in Croatia.Obviously, there is great possibility for the BMW Group toimprove its corporate image in Croatia and on the similar marketsboth with the application of intensive environmental careand the energy strategy communication.