Caj Holm
Mario Anžek
Slobodan Kaštela
This paper discusses the suitability of mobile phone positioningdata for travel time information. The Finnish NationalRoad Administration Finnra has carried out a study on thesubject (1) and managed pilot installations on two road sections(6) in order to determine the feasibility of mobile phonetracking for traffic monitoring and management purposes. Accordingto the study and the pilots, the mobile phone positioningcan provide useful link monitoring data, i. e. the travel timeand speed. Mobile phone tracking was found to be a very promisingtool for implementing travel time information service todrivers.
Juuso Kummala, Risto Kulmala, Raine Hautala, Jari
Oinas, Caj Holm: Matkapuhelinpaikannuksen hyodyntiiminen
liikennetietojen keruussa. [Mobile phone positioning
for traffic data collection] Helsinki 2001. Finnish
Road Administration, Finma Reports 61/2001. 44 p. +
app. 9 p. ISSN 1457-9871, ISBN 951-726-813-0, TIER
J. Liihteenmiiki: Presentation of positioning methods
at Finma workshop of the Mobile telephone tracking
study 17 April2001.
J. Syrjarinne: Studies of Modem Techniques for Personal
Positioning. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of
Technology. Tampere University of Technology, Tampere
Tuomo Eloranta, Matti Kokkinen, Pekka Rajala: Effectiveness
of License plate recognition based journey
time monitoring in the demanding Nordic environment,
paper at the 7'h World Congress on Intelligent Transport
Systems, Turin 6- 9 November 2000.
Timo Karhumiiki: Utilisation of GSM network in travel
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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