Vol. 19 No. 2 (2007)
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Mirano Hess, Serđo Kos, Svjetlana Hess
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
The paper demonstrates the application of the queuing theOIYin modelling the port's bulk cargo unloading terminal. Abulk cargo terminal can be obsetved as a queuing system definedby basic parameters: the rate of bulk cargo ship arrivals orquantity of bulk cargo and the rate of ship servicing i. e. quantityof bulk cwgo, in an observed time unit. Appropriate indices ofbulk cmgo terminal operations are computed on the basis ofthese parameters. The unloading terminal is detennined as aqueuing system marked with MIMI I by Kendall notation. Thesystem is characterized by Poisson distribution of entity arrivalsand exponentially distributed service time. Subsequently, themodel set up will be tested on the real example of the unloadingterminal of the bulk cmgo port in Bakar. Through applicationof the proposed model it should be possible to make a decisionon how to optimize the transhipment processes on the bulk dischmgingtemzinal to increase its efficiency. The obtained parametersand the calculated indices point to solid capacity employmentrate in 2005 and the probability that the berth is unoccupiedis relatively low. Indices show that the tenninaltrafficrate has dramatically improved taking into consideration theprevious years.
Dražen Cvitanić, Deana Breški, Boris Vidak
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
This paper deals with problems related to the capacity anddelay models at unsignalized intersections. The parameters ofvarious models are calibrated based on the on-site data obtainedin the countries where the models were developed. Thispaper deals with two problems: The first is the reliability of appliedmethodology in general, and the second is the acceptabilityof model parameters for the use in prevailing road and trafficconditions in Croatia.The first section presents the background review of the gapacceptance theory which is the basis for the development of thecapacity and delay models. The mathematical derivation of thebasic capacity models is presented as well as the resulting capacitymodels according to the assumed theoretical distributionof head ways in the priority stream. This paper also presents themethods for the calculation of the capacity considering the existenceof traffic streams of different hierarchies. The results ofvmious theoretical capacity models testing are presented. Thesecond section presents a review of queuing theory and the resultingstationary and time-dependent delay models. The underlyinghypothesis as well as reliability and limitations of thedelay models are presented. Also, the Highway capacity manualdelay model was tested against field data.
Dubravka Hozjan, Jasna Blašković-Zavada, Luka Novačko
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
Passages in the central resetVes of mot01ways are intendedfor redirection of traffic during planned special maintenance ofmotorways and in accident situations, as well as for the requirementsof emergency vehicles (ambulance, fire-brigade, police).The observed problems in deficient legal regulations of thedesign and length of the passages are reflected on the existingcondition of the passages in the central resetVe on the Croatianmotorways. Our practice shows diverse solutions, especially regardingthe lengths of the passages.Considering the issue of the passages in the motorway centralresetVes in a certain number of the European Union countriesone can notice various design solutions contained in thenational standards. Having in mind the purpose of the passagesunder the condition of safe flow of traffic, the required passagedimensions have been studied regarding their position on themotorway. The study resulted in two design type solutions.As result of the perfonned study and the obsetVation of thenational and foreign practice, recommendations are given forthe design solution of the passage in the central rese1ve on theCroatian motorways.
Jasna Jurum-Kipke, Morana Ivaković, Jasmina Zelenković
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
The experience of our environment is based on the informationthat reach us by means of our sensory organs, andwhich are subsequently processed in our brains. Digital interpretationimplemented to mathematical models of the studiedsubjects brings us to the so-called virtual reality that allows us toreplace some natural human senses, in this case the visualones, by computer-generated infonnation. The procedure is expandedto three-dimensional (3D) scanning i. e. searching ofthe special form of the obse1ved subject/object, then digital recordingof the space point cloud (pixels) which correspond tothe item, then vectorisation of the fonn, rendering and finallyanimation. In this way, by watching the display, the impressionof the virtual environment can be generated in the human perception.Moreover, in this way the human model can be realizedin a characteristic way in such a virtual space. The implementationof this virtual reality, in accordance with the possibilitiesthat it provides, has been the subject of very intensive researchin the world, and in Croatia as well. The work presentssome possibilities of applying virtual reality in the field of ergonomicanalysis of the collision process of two vehicles.
Mihaela Bukljaš, Natalija Jolić, Ante Jolić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
Quite a number of scientific and technical papers havebeen written about the elements and the factors of the portsystem operation in the developed maritime countries. Thestudy of a port system may be based on the research of thetraffic, commercial and industrial role separately, or in an integratedapproach of the technical, technological, organisational,economic, ecological and legal elements. The drawbacksof both approaches come to the fore if one studies thecompetitiveness of the port system as the end goal of the portfunctioning which also determines the operation of the portsystem subjects. A comprehensive study of the competitivenessof the Croatian port system must combine the study and researchof the possibilities of sh011 sea shipping integration inthe European maritime countries, especially regarding theCroatian integration into the European Union. From the Croatianaspect, the term as accepted by the Ministry of the Sea,Tourism, Transportation and Development, 'meduobalnoprometno povezivanje' (English: short sea shipping) has multiplemeaning, and this is primarily the traffic connection ofthe Croatian and Italian coasts, redirection of a part of cargotransported from the European Union to the countries of theSouth-eastern Balkan, via Croatia, reduction of harmfulemissions in traffic and increase of traffic in domestic ports.'Meduobalna plovidba' (Eng. intercoastal navigation) refersto the movement of goods and passengers by sea between theports located in Europe or between these ports and those outsideEurope having the sea border with Europe. The goal ofintroducing short sea shipping is to alleviate the burden on theEuropean road routes and to redirect the transport of part ofthe cmgo and passengers to sea transport; and furthermore,the improvement of the traffic connections between Croatiaand the European Union and connecting of the Danube andthe Adriatic.
Sabina Zebec, Ratko Zelenika, Slobodan Zečević
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
The age of knowledge has come and the enterprises presentthemselves as »knowledge ente1prises<< and their employees assources of knowledge - »knowledge workers«. Knowledge hasbecome a merchandise, to be on the knowledge market. In anenterprise knowledge becomes the capital, important forachieving competitive advantage on the market but it cannot bemeasured easily. The field of intellectual capital is ve1y complex,mostly because it is difficult to categorize it. The importantconcepts and definitions for intellectual capital include an emphasisthat intellectual capital is based on knowledge and is usablein any enterprise. Knowledge and skills determine the possibilitiesof an individual to actively influence the social developmentand ensure their quality of life.
Evelin Vatovec Krmac
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
With the growing trend toward the use of intema tiona/ supplychains and e-commerce, logistics service providers for productwarehousing, transportation and delivery are placinggreater emphasis on infomwtion communication technologies(ICT) in order to remain competitive globally. In the last decades,innovative ICT have deeply affected the way business ispeJformed and the way that organizations compete. Innovationsin electronic commerce play a key role in managinginter-organizational networks of supply chain members. Theintemet represents a powerful technology for commerce andcommunication between supply chain participants as well as atechnique for the improvement of supply chain management.But there are still some barriers that prevent the use of ICT insupply chains and consequently the ability to utilize all potentialICT advantages.
Alica Kalašova, Libor Palička
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
The article describes new possibilities of how to use globalsatellite navigation system Galileo, which is made by the EuropeanUnion and its European Space Agency ESA. Comparedto original army systems GPS and Glonass, Galileo is built tobe used for civil applications. Galileo is built up in order to becompatible with cun·ent systems. This fact creates the assumptionfor the interactive back-up, the enhancement of visible satellitesnumber and of required navigation performance demandedin transport and other applications, where extremeprecision, integrity, availability and connection are claimed.Galileo offers various kinds of services - from open servicethrough safety of life service, commercial service, public regulatedservice to the search and rescue service. These services willcover all sections of human activities, mainly the transport, inwhich the greatest expansion is expected in the area of automobiletransport
Drago Spajić, Krešimir Šapina
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 2
The work presents the AMQM (Automatic Mail QualityMeasurement) system for measuring the quality of postal services.The system has been developed at the request of UPUtheworld postal union. AMQM represents an advanced managerialtools whose main task is to obtain objective data on thequality of providing postal services. Based on the obtained datafrom the AMQM system, the activities may be planned whichare necessary for quality improvement of postal services.