Alica Kalašova
Libor Palička
The article describes new possibilities of how to use globalsatellite navigation system Galileo, which is made by the EuropeanUnion and its European Space Agency ESA. Comparedto original army systems GPS and Glonass, Galileo is built tobe used for civil applications. Galileo is built up in order to becompatible with cun·ent systems. This fact creates the assumptionfor the interactive back-up, the enhancement of visible satellitesnumber and of required navigation performance demandedin transport and other applications, where extremeprecision, integrity, availability and connection are claimed.Galileo offers various kinds of services - from open servicethrough safety of life service, commercial service, public regulatedservice to the search and rescue service. These services willcover all sections of human activities, mainly the transport, inwhich the greatest expansion is expected in the area of automobiletransport
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(3] European Commission, ESA: The European Programme
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(4] Global Navigation Satellite Systems- konferencia Eurocontrol
Keviclcy, D.- Kalasova, A.: Satelitne navigacne systbny,
Zilinska univerzita, Zilina 2004, ISBN 80-8070-295-0
(6] Kulcak, L.- Blasko, P.- Dendis, T.- Palicka, L.: Zabezpeeovacia
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, ISBN 80-7100-583-3
grant VEGA 1/2616/05: Ntivrh metodiky elektronickjch
platieb pre Slovensku republiku a jej ekonomicke prinosy
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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