Vol. 21 No. 1 (2009)
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Jelenko Švetak
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
The paper discusses the ship domain zone or ship navigationsafety area. The navigation safety area around the ship hasbeen the object of research of many authors. Different variantsand algorithms have been suggested and the most popularamong them are as follows:- navigation safety area around the ship being observed by herown devices, presenting information of the danger of possiblecollision directly on the bridge;- navigation safety area around the ship when regulating hermovement by means of Vessel Traffic Se1vices.The article presents an algorithm for determination andplotting of the navigation safety area, which has the followingadvantages:- the algorithms give an instant solution to the problem ofevading one or more dangerously moving targets;- the calculation may apply the ARPA (Automatic RadarPlotting Aids) algorithm, which does not prevent the navigatorfrom keeping watch.The above mentioned algorithm allows simultaneous plottingof information about the situation around the ship and thedata for probable manoeuvring.
Željko Kurtela, Pavao Komadina
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
Having identified all the dominant factors and having puttogether a mosaic of all the factors resulting from a ship 's voyage,as well as a number of differently dimensioned criteria, theharmfulness evaluation method for water ballast managementon board has been elaborated. By careful analysis of the impactfactors to which status elements are adjoined, by the assignmentof harmfulness levels to the status elements, by determiningdifficulty factor values, by introduction of treatment methodsi.e. exchange of water ballast, certain characteristic managementscenarios according to ship type are developed. Cumulativescenarios provide insight into the total harmfulness ofwater ballast management. The introduction of a comprehensiveapproach results in the development of different scenariosapplicable to all ships. The established harmfulness evaluationmethod for water ballast management is applicable to all shiptypes, and it has been tested on various types of ships that weredischarging ballast in various ports worldwide.
Katalin Tanczos, Arpad Torok
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
The nowadays applied different macro models or parts ofthose, which describe the urban environment, can originate in afour-step modelling process. The paper focuses on the trip distributionprocess (the 2'd step) because of its significant calibrationrequirements. Therefore, it is possible to make the entiremodelling process more reliable (dependent upon the reliabilityof the available databases ).
Vlatko Lipovac, Vedran Batoš, Antun Sertić
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
This paper studies how end-to-end application peiformance(of Electronic Financial Transaction traffic, in particular)depends on the actual protocol stacks, operating systemsand network transmission rates. With this respect, the respectivesimulation tests of peiformance of TCP and UDP protocolsrunning on various operating systems, ranging from Windows,Sun Solmis, to Linux have been implemented, and thedifferences in peiformance addressed focusing on throughputand response time.
Libor Švadlenka, Aleksander Chlan
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
The paper deals with the postal sector control. It resultsfrom the control theory and proves the justifiability of control inthe postal sector. Within the price control it results from E U Directive97!67/EC requirements on this control and states individualtypes of price control focusing on ineffective price controlcurrently used in the Czech postal sector (especially withindomestic services) and proposes a more effective method ofprice control. The paper also discusses the principles of the proposedmethod of price control of the Czech postal sector. It describesconcrete fulfilment of the price control model resultingfrom the price-cap and tariff formula RP I-X and concentrateson its quantitative expression. The application of the proposedmodel is carried out for a hypothetical period in the past (in orderto compare it with the current control system) for letteritems tariff basket.
Juraj Vaculik, Ivan Michalek, Peter Kolarovszki
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
The paper deals with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)implementation and utilization within supply chain managementand also includes the economic feasibility of rollingout RFID. The members of the supply chain networks- suppliers,manufacturers and distributors - will operate independentlyfrom one another and according to their own agendas.This type of unmanaged network, howeve1; results in inefficiencies.The manufacturer might have a goal of maximizing productionin order to minimize unit costs. Clearly, all members ofthe supply chain stand to gain by coordinating their efforts toimprove efficiency and overall supply chain performance. Thisarticle is divided into three parts: Supply chain, Economic feasibilityof rolling out RFID and Processes of Supply chain management.
Marina Zanne, Mirjana Grčić
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
Natural gas is relatively cheap, environmentally friendlyand energetically efficient fossil fuel that is gaining in attractivenessdaily as it can be used in many sectors. As not all consumerscan be reached by pipelines the technique of transp01tingnatural gas in the liquefied form has been developed at the beginningof 20th century but it was only in 1959 that the firstoverseas transport of liquefied natural gas ( LN G) occurred. Inthe fifty years of operation LNG shipping has shown immaculatesafety records. LNG tankers can be described only in superlatives;they are without any doubt the most sophisticated and·expensive ships that sail around the globe, they demand specialattention when navigating to or out of harbours and need to bemanned with the most educated and experienced crew. LNGmarket is expanding and changing; demand is surpassing theproductivity, new importing and exporting countries appear,LNG fleet is growing in capacity and number at high pace, exploitationcontracts for the ships are being modified giving theopportunity for new companies to enter( . .. ). The paper givesan overview on liquefied natural gas market and the historic developmentof LNG shipping. It focuses on the recent boom inLNG shipping and emphasises questions concerning the safety,crewing and exploitation of the LNG tankers in the future.
Robert Muha, Drago Sever
2009 (Vol 21), Issue 1
The introduction of contemporary procedures to fleet managementprocesses has recently changed the work planning andsupervision of driver's work activities. Tendencies to control theimplementation of driver's work have been present in modemprofessional practice for quite a long time; however, the equipmentavailable on the market limited its implementation. Theintensified development of digital tachographs has, in technicalterms, ensured such equipment considerably before the legislativegroundwork was prepared for its practical implementation.The Commission Regulation (EC) No. 561!2006 (implementationof Social legislation relating to Road Transport) does notbring any essential novelties in terms of permitted workload.Consistent monitoring of drivers activities, made possible bydigital tachographs, will have impact on the existing workingmethods. The topic of the present paper is in deep analysis ofthe impact of the mentioned regulation with special emphasison the conditions for the regulation of the current stage of driverswork and on the expected consequences. The essential imp011ancelies on the expected change in the mentality and approachto planning the driver's activities in the transport processon the part of the ea n·ier: the outcome will eventually resultin the efficiency of each individual canier.