Željko Kurtela
Pavao Komadina
Having identified all the dominant factors and having puttogether a mosaic of all the factors resulting from a ship 's voyage,as well as a number of differently dimensioned criteria, theharmfulness evaluation method for water ballast managementon board has been elaborated. By careful analysis of the impactfactors to which status elements are adjoined, by the assignmentof harmfulness levels to the status elements, by determiningdifficulty factor values, by introduction of treatment methodsi.e. exchange of water ballast, certain characteristic managementscenarios according to ship type are developed. Cumulativescenarios provide insight into the total harmfulness ofwater ballast management. The introduction of a comprehensiveapproach results in the development of different scenariosapplicable to all ships. The established harmfulness evaluationmethod for water ballast management is applicable to all shiptypes, and it has been tested on various types of ships that weredischarging ballast in various ports worldwide.
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Cawthron Institute; 'Cawthron's Ballast Water Research Programme, Cawthron Report No. 41'1', 1997.
Cawthron Institute: 'Cawthron Report No. 468, Mid Ocean Ballast Water Exchange: Procedures, Effectiveness and Verification', Cawthron PB 2, Nelson, New Zealand, 1998.
Design Study Report, Northeast-Midwest Institute: 'Full Scale Design Studies of Ballast Water Treatment Systems', Washington DC, 2002.
Det Norske Veritas: 'Ballast Water Scoping Study', Report No. 2005-0638, Det Norske Veritas, 2005.
Det Norske Veritas: 'EMBLA - Enviromental Risk, Management System for Ballast Water Assessment', 1999.
Det Norske Veritas: 'Ballast Water Transfer Atlas, Hazard Assessment and Decision Suppor
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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