Umit Kemalettin Terzi
Huseyin Enes Ilhan
Habib Kaymaz
Hasan Erdal
Huseyin Çalik
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming the forerunners of vehicle technology. First electric vehicles were overlooked because of not having adequate battery capacity and because of low efficiency of their electric motors. Developing semiconductor and battery technologies increased the interest in the EVs. Nevertheless, current batteries still have insufficient capacity. As a result of this, vehicles must be recharged at short distances (approximately 150 km). Due to scheduled departure and arrival times EVs appear to be more suitable for city buses rather than regular automobiles. Thanks to correct charging technology and the availability of renewable energy for electric buses, the cities have less noise and CO2 emissions. The energy consumption of internal combustion engines is higher than of the electric motors. In this paper, studies on the commercial electric vehicle charging methods will be reviewed and the plug-in charging processes will be described in detail. This study strives to answer the questions of how plug-in charging process communication has performed between the EV and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).
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Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD, Dario Babić, PhD, Marko Ševrović, PhD
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