Traffic accidents leave lifelong after-effects and if the victim is disabled, they produce a production loss due to the differential in income that will be lost. This average value is very divergent in European countries, although there is consensus on cost components and valuation methods. However, many countries have legally standardised financial compensation so that it is calculated objectively and equitably for all those affected. This paper sets out the procedure for standardising the lost production cost of incapacitated road accident victims. An actuarial methodology relating to known inputs (age and salary) is used to obtain economic compensation for lost productivity. General principles and hypotheses are provided, and cases that require particular valuation are located. The standard cost thus calculated allows a homogeneous, fair and equitable compensation for all those involved in similar circumstances.
As the products of intelligent transportation systems, parking apps have become convenient platforms for implementing parking policies, which can be provided as parking app services. This paper proposes a traffic simulation model for evaluating the impacts of parking app services on the travellers’ choice behaviour and traffic dynamics. Travellers are assumed to use three types of parking app services: the provision of information on real-time parking lot occupancies, parking reservation, and the display of dynamic parking fees. The behaviour of travellers, such as travellers’ mode choices, departure time choices, and learning behaviour, are considered in this model. Numerical experiments show that providing information on real-time parking lot occupancies can be helpful in reducing the use ratio of commercial parking lots, but the effect will ultimately be smoothed during the evolution of traffic dynamics. Moreover, parking reservation is an effective way to reduce travel costs and encourage travellers to choose park-and-ride. Furthermore, dynamic parking fees usually lead to the oscillation of traffic dynamics and travellers’ choices, in addition to an increase in travel costs. This model is a useful tool for analysing the impacts of other parking management policies that can be implemented as parking app services and can be a reference for evaluating the impacts of other parking polices.
Although the four-step model is the most common method in transportation demand modelling, it is exposed to a considerable criticism in terms of representing the actual choice behaviours of travellers. For example, the four steps are presented in a fixed sequence and independently from each other. Such assumption may be correct in case of obligatory trips (e.g. work trips) where travellers’ behaviour has usually no effect on trip generation or trip distribution stages. However, in discretionary trips, they may simultaneously decide on various trip dimensions. This paper tries to overcome the limitations of traditional four-step model associated with discretionary trips by using a joint discrete choice modelling approach that represents destination, departure time and travel mode choices under a unified framework. The proposed model to be used is the Ordered Generalized Extreme Value model where potential spatial correlation among discretionary destinations can be considered as well. The research methodology has been tested by using shopping and entertainment trips data of Eskisehir city in Turkey. The proposed framework seemed to be more effective and offered an accurate alternative to the first three stages of the traditional four-step model in a setting with a limited number of discretionary destinations.
This paper compares the user experiences (UXs) while riding a scooter on the road to watching a 360° immersive scooter ride video in a laboratory using a Head-mounted Display (HMD) projection system. The aim of this study is to determine whether watching through an HMD projection system produces similar feelings of attractiveness, practicality, and enjoyment for the riding experience as riding on a real scooter. The data were collected from an experiment involving a total of 59 individual scooter commuters. The participants were asked to watch a 360° immersive video and to complete a user experience questionnaire (UEQ). The results verified that a virtual reality (VR) service with an HMD and panoramic scooter riding video content may be used as an experience tool to create reality-like scooter riding experiences for the users. Furthermore, the important factors that influence a user’s continued usage of watching 360° immersive video services were found to be attractiveness and pragmatic quality. Based on these results, a number of suggestions are proposed for the design of related VR services to strengthen the advantages of 360° immersive video in simulated two-wheeler ride experiences and providing road safety education.
Travel physical energy expenditure for travellers has impact on travel mode choice behaviour. However, quantitative study on travel physical energy expenditure is rare. In this paper, the concept of travel physical energy expenditure coefficient has been presented. A case study has been carried out of young travellers in Beijing to get the value of physical energy expenditure per unit time under three transport modes, walking, car and public transportation. A series of experiments have been designed and conducted, which consider influence factors including age, gender, travel mode, riding posture, luggage level and crowded level. By analysing the travel data of money, travel time and physical energy expenditure, we determined that the value of travel physical energy expenditure coefficient δ is 0.058 RMB/KJ, which means that travellers can pay 0.058 RMB to reduce 1 KJ physical energy expenditure. Next, a travel mode choice model has been proposed using a multinomial logit model (MNL), considering economic cost, time cost and physical energy cost. Finally, the case study based on OD from Xizhimen to Tiantongyuan in Beijing was conducted. It is verified that it will be in better agreement with the actual travel behaviour when we take the physical energy expenditure for different types of travellers into account.
Regional Traffic Signal Control (RTSC) is believed to be a promising approach to alleviate urban traffic congestion. However, the current ecology of RTSC platforms is too closed to meet the needs of urban development, which has also seriously affected their own development. Therefore, the paper proposes virtualizing the traffic signal control devices to create software-defined RTSC systems, which can provide a better innovation platform for coordinated control of urban transportation. The novel architecture for RTSC is presented in detail, and microscopic traffic simulation experiments are designed and conducted to verify the feasibility.
Policy decisions on the allocation of funds among sub-national regions for transportation infrastructure, specifically for motorways, face budgetary constraints and problems of geographical allocation. The purpose of this research is to assist the policymakers in efficiently allocating resources. The objective of this research is to test the ability of a limited model to identify regions whose freight transport capacity is constrained by lack of motorway infrastructure. This paper conducts an analysis of the relationship between freight transport volume, indicators of the demand for goods, indicators of congestion, and the availability of motorways and class one roadways across regions to determine if a model based on available data may inform the policymakers to effectively use limited funds and avoid unnecessary construction. The NUTS3 regions in the Czech Republic are used to estimate a preliminary model that may be generalized for the use across countries. The analysis finds sufficient variability across regions in the marginal effect of motorways on freight transport to assist the policymakers in determining which regions face the most economically severe constraints, and to separate the effects of population density from the lack of infrastructure. Although the Czech Republic is a developed country, there is significant emphasis, due to the increasing volumes of transportation flows, on the analysis of transportation in relation with the land use.
Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behaviour and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Vibration measurements were performed by the authors of this paper near the roads with traffic calming devices. The measurements were taken throughout two seasons: in the winter and in the summer in order to evaluate the influence of soil freezing on traffic-induced vibrations. The only car measured was Fiat Doblo (weight 1,405 kg), and its driving speed when passing a speed bump or a speed table was controlled (20 km/h; 30 km/h; 40 km/h). The results show that the Peak Particle Acceleration (PPA) values were higher in the winter season compared with the summer. The vehicles passing over the speed tables induce lower PPA values than those passing over the speed bumps.
During the last decade, the number of vehicles on roads has been rapidly growing. Therefore, the demands for communication on the move are also increasing and the attention from many researchers is focused on the Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) because of their importance for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs). Due to the complexity and cost of practical evaluation of VANETs, the researchers often rely on network simulation in order to evaluate their work. In this paper, we have developed a Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) based framework for VANETs that provides network performance analysis based on the key performance indicators such as throughput, packet loss ratio, overhead, end-to-end delay, jitter, etc. Since VANETs are highly dynamic networks, many researchers have proposed different routing protocols in order to improve the network performance. In this paper we have compared several topology-based routing protocols, and proposed utilization of the commonly used Expected Transmission Count (ETX) metric to improve VANET performance.
A variety of factors are involved in inter-city transportation route selection in the areas of complex terrain. With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS), three quantitative methods were employed to determine the transport routes between 44 cities in Northern Yunnan (China), an area with alpine valleys, Karst mountains, and plateau basins. The network analysis in GIS was used to find the routes based on the Transport Suitability Evaluation (TSE) map, which was produced from several factors, including population density, terrain slope, vertical terrain dissection, landslide and mud-flock area, land cover types, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), and Delphi analysis were used to collect and calculate suitability values of these factors. Finally, all the routes connecting 44 cities of Northern Yunnan formed a network which could provide reference for route selection planning in the area.
This paper proposes a new hybrid evaluation method including Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process (IAHP), Entropy Method (EM), and Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Method (GCEM) to assess the transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles. In particular, the IAHP method that replaces the nine-scale approach with three-scale approach to naturally meet the consistency requirements is applied to qualitatively calculate the weights of evaluation indices, the EM method is utilized to calculate the weights of evaluation indices with relatively high degrees of quantification, and the GCEM method is used to calculate the transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles. In addition, a three-level evaluation-index system including target level, criteria level and index level is established. A numerical example is also provided to verify the feasibility of the proposed hybrid evaluation method and explore the reasons for low transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming the forerunners of vehicle technology. First electric vehicles were overlooked because of not having adequate battery capacity and because of low efficiency of their electric motors. Developing semiconductor and battery technologies increased the interest in the EVs. Nevertheless, current batteries still have insufficient capacity. As a result of this, vehicles must be recharged at short distances (approximately 150 km). Due to scheduled departure and arrival times EVs appear to be more suitable for city buses rather than regular automobiles. Thanks to correct charging technology and the availability of renewable energy for electric buses, the cities have less noise and CO2 emissions. The energy consumption of internal combustion engines is higher than of the electric motors. In this paper, studies on the commercial electric vehicle charging methods will be reviewed and the plug-in charging processes will be described in detail. This study strives to answer the questions of how plug-in charging process communication has performed between the EV and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE).
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