Vol. 8 No. 6 (1996)
Federico Dušman
1996 (Vol 8), Issue 6
The report describes the application of the internationalISO 9000 standards in the engines and vehicles indusuy, thatforms part of the 'hardware induslly'. As opposed to classicalinduslly, engines and vehicles industry tends to computer integratedmanufacturing and is realized on the level of the worldwidecooperative system. The international ISO 9000 standardsmake the basis of the organizational aspect of quality andhave a great influence to the technical aspect of product andproduction quality. These standards presume the existence ofall written documents of the quality system that can be fullycomputerized. The basic phases of application of the standards,the certification procedure of the quality system and organizationsthat carry it out are mentioned. The advantagesand the imperfections of certification are pointed out.
Čedomir Dundović
1996 (Vol 8), Issue 6
The loading efficiency of harbor quayside and mobilecranes affects significantly the time duration a ship has tospend at a quay. Therefore, the dimensions of the quaysideloading equipment have to he detennined precisely on the basis of hypothetical production efficiency or the actual loadingcapacity of the harbor quayside and/or mobile cranes.When determining the theoretical average efficiency it issupposed that all the variable factors are contained within theposition of the starting point of the crane hook path, the positionof a half-loaded ship, mean sea level, and the distance ofthe ship center-line from the end point of the hook path at thequayside.The author studies the possibilities to peiform a more correctevaluation of efficiency of harbor quayside and mobilecranes, using the developed analytical method for calculatingthe time duration of the operating cycle traject01y.The applied method is based on the assumed conditionsand empirically determined factors that define single parametersin the path of the gripping device material point in order tofind out the necesswy simplifications in calculating the efficiencyof harbor loading equipment.
Ivan Smerdu
1996 (Vol 8), Issue 6
The article deals with the benefits of additional brake systems,and especially the potential to increase the travellingspeed without an impact of safety and without additional energysupply. These systems are environmentally friendly, as theydo not cause any hwmful emissions to the environment. Thesystems described are today most widely used and have thebest prospects in the future development.Additional brake systems have fundamentally changed theway of driving, also because the psychophysical condition ofthe driver who is operating a vehicle on such a system, is highlysatisfactory. The benefits gained from additional brake systemsexceed incalculably the purchase cost; it would be recommendableto fit out all motor freight vehicles with these systems.
Nenad Zuber, Ivan Smoljan
1996 (Vol 8), Issue 6
The analytical data on the status of road traffic safety inthe Republic ofCroatia in 1995 as compared to the year1994indicates a slight decrease in the number of injuries and fatalinjuries sustained in road traffic accidents, in the incidence ofaccidents with injuries and incidence of accidents in general,despite the reported increase in motor fuel sales and active integrationof a substantial segment of the road system in the Republicof Croatia.Regardless of the causes of road traffic accidents, relevantfactors of influence, types of road traffic accidents, locations,vehicle structure and technical functioning status, and circumstancesof accidents, it is indisputable that the years of servicei.e. experience (or better, non-experience) of drivers appear tobe of major impact upon the number of accidents. Of 62,120road traffic accidents in 1994, 44.4% of accidents resultingfrom driver error were caused by drivers having up to threeyears of driving experience, making 42.9% of all accidents.This fact is both logical and notorious, applying not only tothe Republic of Croatia but to most European countries. Themethods and activities taken to change these figures (effecttheir decrease) differ.
Josip Zavada
1996 (Vol 8), Issue 6
The paper deals with simulated train runs by application ofa mathematical operation model, aimed at reaching the optimumoperation per the criterion of minimum fuel consumption.The results obtained in the process of simulation indicate thatsubstantial savings of fuel can be reached by completion of optimumrun. The elaboration of operation information is recommendedfor practical application of the obtained results. Theauthor lists the required contents and form( at) of informationto be of use to the operator in the completion of the proposedoperation plan. The paper also deals with the simulation completedfor the series 2061 diesel locomotive in the traction ofpassenger and freight trains on the concrete realistic trackprofile. Furthermore the paper provides the recommendationsfor an all-inclusive traction simulation and application of theresults obtained.