Vol. 17 No. 6 (2005)
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Jelenko Švetak, Livij Jakomin
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
The results of the data analyses show that accidents mostlyinclude damages to the ship's hull and collisions. Generally allaccidents of ships can be divided into two basic categories.First, accidents in which measures for damage control shouldbe taken immediately, and second, those which require a littlemore patient reaction. The very fact that collisions belong to thefirst category provided the incentive for writing the current paper.The proposed model of optimal collision avoidance manoeuvreof ships on the basis of electronic data collection wasmade by means of the navigation simulator NTPRO- 1000,Transas manufacturer, Russian Federation.
Evelin Vatovec Krmac
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
The paper presents the most important supply chain technologies,including the latest applications and software toolsused by companies that operate in the transportation and logisticsfields. The primary goals of these technologies are informationexchanges within and between organizations and/or managingsupply chain related data and activities. New electroniclogistics applications are increasingly being moved off proprietarysystems and private networks onto the intemet. With thee-commerce market exploding, portals are becoming a key elementin bringing together an enterprise's employees, businesspartners, and customers - the principle actors of every supplychain - through one interface, accessible via the intemet. Becauseof this capacity they are sometimes called e-supply chainmega portals.
Eldo Raguž, Daniel Galić, Tomislav Kralj
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
The attempt of this work is to systematically find solutionsfor Mostar Airport development through technical and technologicalharmonization of traffic processes undertaken in twoseparate organizations - airport and air traffic control and coordinationbetween other traffic branches. The work uses theindicators of traffic flows and tourist trends in the region, andtogether with the mentioned simulations it attempts to evaluatethe traffic potentials in the region by affecting the change in thecurrent negative traffic flows at Mostar Airport.
Ivan Miloš, Dubravka Maras, Ivan Filipčić
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
The Republic of Croatia, as well as many transition countries,is facing a number of difficulties in the field of transport,economy, foreign trade and foreign exchange transactions, externaland internal debt, social policy, demography, etc. In orderto solve these extremely complex problems it is necessary todetermine a strategy and an implementation plan of special instrumentsincluded in the state economic policy of the developmentof transport and economy. Until now the results haveshown that the implementation of conventional instrumentscannot lead to satisfactory results. One of the instruments of thecentral state economic policy - recognised internationally andmost frequently used instruments for solving the mentionedproblems without state investment and state risk - is the instituteof 'Free Zone'. The aim of this work is to help governmentauthorities and bodies to accept possibly quicker and more efficientsolutions to the actual problems by elaborating special instrumentsof state transport and economic policy and by proposingmeasures for their implementation in the Republic ofCroatia. Moreover, it invites professionals and scientists to contributethrough their expert knowledge in finding out new solutions.
Tomislav Hurtiš, Alen Križić, Dražen Vinščak
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
Deregulation of the railway transport in the EU, in particularthe acceptance of the E U instructions which regulate theright of 'the open access to the railway' is the reason forchanges on the European intermodal transport market. TheCommunity of European Railways creates the Trans-EuropeanRail Freight Freeways which will exclusively perform railfreight transport. That freeway net has been created in EUmember countries, but they are also extended to the countrieswith the candidate status for the membership in the EU, as wellas to the countries outside the European Union where the qualityof the railway infrastructure enables transport service to beperformed at the required level. Transport at the Trans-EuropeanRail Freight Freeways will be performed, for the most part,by the contemporary technologies which enable redirection ofthe goods from the road ways to the railways. Croatian Railwaysis planning to build and open truck terminals by the beginningof the year 2007 in Spacva, Split, Rijeka, Koprivnica andZagreb. This is necessary in order to introduce its own trains forthe transportation of trucks (so calledRo-La trains), which willhelp redirect approximately 150,000 heavy trucks a year fromthe roads to the railways. That way Croatia will profit at theecological and economic level, as well as regarding transportsafety.
Marinko Jurčević, Perica Madunić, Zdenko Galić
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
The traffic market is, by its nature, a market without importantprerequisites for free competition, because there is notenough flexibility in either supply or demand, which means itdoes not have the basic economic prerequisites for market lawsto develop freely. The relations between traffic service supplyand demand cannot be automatically regulated by the trafficmarket. Therefore, the structuring of the traffic system and theregulating of relationships between specific traffic branches inthe traffic system cannot be left to the sole influence of the trafficmarket. The possibilities of the traffic market, i. e. the influenceon the establishment of a certain structure of the trafficsystem, are very limited. Therefore, the market is partly regulatedby the state and the state regulations of the supply/demandratio. State regulations are implemented through economicand traffic policies.
Zoltan Bokor, Adam Torok
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
Logistics has become one of the determining factors inHungarian economic policy. This is supported by the fact thatlogistics has been included into the key programmes of the 2'dHungarian National Development Plan. Intermodallogisticsservices belong to the most important instruments emphasisedby the Hungarian transport policy. Although there have beenseveral improvements in the field of logistics centres and combinedtransport the national intennodallogistics network cannotbe regarded as finished yet. That is why additional investmentsare needed. However, the new developments shall besupported by updated strategic conceptions taking into considerationthe current and future trends in technology and economy,with special regard to changed conditions coming fromjoining the EU This paper aims to analyse the national and internationalbackground of intermodal logistics strategy improvementsand furthermore to draw conclusions on the possibledevelopment directions applicable for specific Hungariancircumstances.
Ernest Bazijanac, Jasmina Pašagić, Tino Bucak
2005 (Vol 17), Issue 6
Owing to the implementation of increasingly advanced andefficient transport technologies, air traffic in the world is showingcontinuous growth and an increasing number of significantresults. Since it is a very complex process which requires adequatesynchronization of numerous factors in all the phases ofthe traffic process, it is very important to know all the componentsof the process. One of the fundamental determinants inthe success of the mentioned development lies also in the necessityof constant increase in the level of productivity as the bestresponse to an increasingly severe competition of other transportbranches, and the increasingly expressed requirements foreven more efficient effects.The development of technology, organization and throughimplementation of science the productivity of performance isincreased also in general in any activity including the air trafficactivity.Air traffic is a system with a very complex structure, the interiorand exterior elements of which are interconnected and theyinteract. Air traffic can be considered also both as a technicaland technological system.Both in the technical and technological system the aircraftis the basic means of air traffic, its active part, the main andunique link in the transport manufacture, thus conditioning itseffect on the efficiency of all the air traffic subsystems. The efficiencyof the aircraft as a transport system is considered regardingtwo criteria. One of these criteria is safety, and the other isthe efficiency of air traffic.