Vol. 16 No. 5 (2004)
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Bojan Pirš
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
The joining of the Republic of Slovenia in the EuropeanUnion gives special significance to the economic subjects becausethe past market and competition are open directly for theSlovenian economic subjects. It means that competition will increasefor the market of transport service. There will be morepossibilities for the enterprises to move faster towards culmination,the phase of degeneration - crisis. Since the business crisisendangers the future existence and development of the Slovenskeieleznice Holding, it has become very important to be ableto control it. In order to avoid this, the Slovenske ielezniceHolding needs clear and methodical business politics whichmeans common interconnections and interacting influence ofelements (rules, criteria, measures and activities), which constantlymove, change and develop. The business politics givesaims and feedback as a condition for the existence and functioningof everything, so it cannot be regarded only as a globalprogramme of development, but rather as a very complex anddynamic system.The elements of the business politics model- incorporatingfactor to the European traffic flows are the sub-politics of thebusiness politics which influence its realisation; production,staff, marketing, finances and development sub-politics. Theevaluation of the elements of the model has taken into considerationtheir condition and meaning in the realisation of the businesspolitics in 2003 and their expected values in 2008, whensimple transmission of achievements is expected in the railwaytraffic in the European Union and in the year 2012 when a repeatedenlargement of the European Union is foreseen.The model of business politics -factor of integration of theSlovenske ieleznice Holding into the European traffic flows isan experiment to restore the collaborating relation between certainelements of the model.
Teodor Perić, Nada Štrumberger, Dean Perić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
As an interdisciplinary science, ergonomics needs to makethe operating of traffic safer, faster and more reliable, for thesake of higher profitability and generally improved economiceffects. This is achieved by adapting and shaping the workplace,machines, transport means, equipment, physical environment,working process etc. according to experience abouthuman anatomic physica~ sociologica~ intellectual and otherminimal, average or maximal capabilities. Therefore, it is necessaryto analyse ergonomics from the standpoint of better productivenessof humans, greater safety (comfort) and security ingeneral.
Slavko Šarić, Zoran Božanić, Romeo Svalina
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
During the last decade of the 20th century, intensive developmentof telecommunication infrastructure set high requirementsregarding technical documentation that started to haveproblems in following the changes in the network. In the lastseveral years HT made a great shift regarding automation andpresentation of technical documentation, that is introductionof GIS (Geographic Information System), as precondition forthe introduction of DIS (Documentation Information System),thus realising the necessary preconditions to use the gatheredand organised spatial and atllibute data, for higher quality ofanalysis, processing and repair of interference in the telecommunicationnetwork The aim of this paper is to inform aboutthe segments and computer programs used for the developmentof technical documentation.
Stanislav Pavlin, Slavko Roguljić, Vedran Ivančić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
Capital city airports in the European countries realise trafficvolume of several thousands to several hundred thousandaircraft operations i. e. landings and takeoffs annually. In itsAirport Planning Manual, the International Civil Aviation Organizationrecommends that the capital city airports have atleast two runways in order to avoid complete closing down ofthe airport in cases of aircraft accidents on the runway or therunway strip, due to repair or maintenance of the runway, removalof snow, unlawful interference in civil aviation etc. Thepaper analyses the current situation in traffic and the capacitiesof the manoeuvring areas at the European capital city airports.
Gordana Brčić, Vinko Vidučić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
This paper analyses the features of passenger liner shippingcompared to tramp shipping as well as human resources ofliner companies. The biggest Croatian passenger liner company,Jadrolinija d. d., Rijeka is analysed as well as the capacityof the Croatian passenger liner companies in terms of the needsof tourism and promotion of the Croatian shipbuilding. Trendsthat appear in the capacity and characteristics of ships used inliner shipping and for cruising indicate the necessity of complexapproach to stimulating the development of these branches. Acomplex approach to shipping, tourism and shipbuilding is expectedto significantly contribute to restructuring of the Croatianeconomy and to stimulating the export sector.
Robert Muha
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
Car washing is a task performed by every passenger carowner more or less frequently, mainly to achieve a finer appearanceof the vehicle rather than for the need for cleanness.In the transport business, the owner's concern is to presentclean and orderly vehicles on the road as a relevant external elementof order, implying good corporate image to customers. Onthe other hand, in dangerous goods transportation there areother reasons requiring special technology of washing, applicableto the transport means used, depending on the change oftype of goods in carriage, the preliminary preparation of a vehicleto load the cargo, or to undergo maintenance.Water applied in the technology of washing collects the residueof goods carried in the vehicle and is polluted to such an extentthat it cannot be discharged into sewers - nor directly into awatercourse - without previous treatment.The paper presents a solution model and a sequence oftechnological procedures involved in an efficient treatment ofthe polluted wastewater in tank wash stations, in which mostlyvehicles carrying ADR goods are washed.
Peter Vidmar, Stojan Petelin
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 5
The basic aim of this treatise is to research the relevant featuresof the control and management of fire event in road tunnels.The simulation of 200 meters long cut out of the road tunnelis performed with the computer code FDS (Fire DynamicsSimulator) which is based on the computational fluid dynamics.FDS is used to simulate fire dynamics behavior in three differentscenarios: natural ventilation, forced ventilation with axialventilators and vertical smoke extraction.It is believed that the present research, the methodology appliedand its findings should promote and improve safety andreliability of fire safety in road tunnels and to cope with thecomplex contemporary logistic demands of safety and reliabilityin the transportation of passengers and goods.