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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 15 No. 5 (2003)
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Anton Pepevnik
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
Railway transport is facing a growing liquidity problem.The major problem in small systems is the detention of wagonsat marshalling yards, which prolongs the time of freight travel.To avoid this problem it is of great importance to search for parametersthat would enable creation of a model of technologythat would provide shorter wagon detention time at stations aswell as optimising the number of marshalling yards for smallsystems. It is at the same time a great opportunity to search for alink between the shunting work in the railway transport and thetheoretical system approach which presents it as a current scientificproblem. In classical technology the shunting work iscarried out with no application of and no regard for the systemapproach. With new shunting systems in the railway transportthe regard for theory of transport systems is crucial as the secondarylevel of classical methods.As already pointed out, from the theoretical point of viewan important contribution will be made to the use of system theoryfor shunting purposes, since the suggested model effectivelyprovides the approach of analysing separate elements in therailway transport structure into integral shunting operations atthe railway stations.

Andrej Godec
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
The paper presents an approach to the problem of railway-road level crossings. The goal is to improve safety in thetransport system network, which includes a considerable numberof »inadequately protected« crossings. The single crossing,in its abstract sense, is considered to be a system consisting offour subsystems: the external world, the crossing in its strictsense of the word, the railway and the road. The system analysisof the problem is based on an exhaustive set of bibliography,listed at the end of the paper. This analysis leads to many findingsand those exerting the greatest impact are selected as thebasis for the synthesis. The synthesis proposes a triangle of variables:time period, critical points on the railway network andthe value of the risk indicator. This simple model may includealso other variables by converting relevant values. The main resultis the risk indicator over the network It can be used for variousscenarios, thus enabling their mutual comparison as wellas application in investment studies.

Ivan Dadić, Goran Kos, Predrag Brlek
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
In the Republic of Croatia, changeable message signs arebeing introduced on high-serviceability roads in order to improvethe flow management in the network and increase thetraffic safety leveL The equipment installed in the past was notset according to the unique criteria, thus resulting in the installationof relatively incompatible equipment set in a disorganisedmanner. The work presents the basic guidelines in applyingchangeable message signs, primarily on the Croatian motorways.The types and levels of influence on the traffic are described,and the traffic and weather criteria for the applicationof changeable message signs are defined. The paper also analysesthe principles of installing the changeable message signs onroads and road facilities, recommending priorities in presentingthe changeable signs.

Dejan Paliska
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
This paper presents the application of MLCP location-allocationmodel in GIS environment to optimise the number andlocations of fire brigade units, which would intervene in case ofroad incidents. There are 40 fire brigade units that are more orless equipped and trained to intervene in such cases. For simulationpurposes, a potential demand for intervention of emergencysquads was calculated, and the potential spatial accessibilitywas investigated.

Teodor Perić, Savo Vojnović
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
The discussion about the various aspects of the cost price ofthe respective services starts from the previous knowledge aboutthe role and significance of the sea and river ports within thetraffic system, and the scope of their services. The previousknowledge includes also the knowledge about the used meansof long-term assets which are in this study classified into followingthree groups: a) objects of infrast/Ucture, b) objects ofsuprast/Ucture, and c) shopfloors and equipment.The st/Ucture and functional purpose of these means confirmsthe high capital intensity of the sea and river port terminals,which leads to the high share of the fixed components ofthe costs in the cost price of these services.Most of the definitions of the cost price start from the factthat it is a part of the value or price of production, i.e. services,which accounts for the price of the used means (raw materialsand ftxed capital) and the price of the labour.The procedure of obtaining the cost price is called calculation,and certain 1Ules or principles starting from punctuality,adaptability, updating, comparability, economic efficiency, etc.need to be complied with.Due to very high fragmentation of the sea and river port services,it is difficult to hannonise all the mentioned principles,and in calculating the full cost price various methods for calculatingthe common costs are applied, and the suitable methodsof distributing the common costs, i.e. overheads. In order tocalculate these procedures as precisely as possible, appropriateindicators are used, i.e. indirect indicators, but everythingwould be much simpler if the differentiation were narrower, i.e.if the number of given services were reduced by an adequateprocedure of levelling out.

Natalija Jolić, Mato Šimić, Sanja Brnadić-Zoranić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
Careful consideration of the intelligent transport systems -ITS, shows that the efficiency of ITS solutions is reflected in thetechnologies introduced in the recent information age. Today,it i.s possible to collect, analyse and undertake various activitiesbased on the data and infOimation, that had not been possiblebefore. The technological development in sensor technologyand devices for data collection allow almost immediate,real-time analysis of information and simultaneous performanceof feedback activities that are so fast that they can contributeto the functioning and operation of the transportationsystems.

Nada Štrumberger, Zoran Kovačić, Alen Gospočić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
Following the world conference on sustainable developmentof ecology, the care for the environment has to be strictlycomplied with, and this should be the task both of every individualand of the society as an organised whole. The work presentsconcrete measurements from practice and the indicators of thesituation regarding motor vehicles in Croatia. The EGO-TESThas been performed in Croatia according to the European Uniondirectives; first on the vehicles with petrol engines. Now, it isstarting to be applied on the vehicles with Diesel engines as well.Compliance with the EGO TEST regarding motor vehicles inCroatia will take into consideration the guidelines provided bythe European Union and thus reduce the harm from exhaustgases and noise pollution, and increase the possibility of usingmotor vehicles in order to reduce the danger and increase thesafety on the roads by excluding old vehicles from traffic.

Antun Stipetić, Nenad Klarić, Slavko Šerić
2003 (Vol 15), Issue 5
In accordance with the advanced concepts of humanisationand rationalisation of traffic, an increasing number of activitiesis being undertaken in order to calm the traffic in thecentral parts of the cities and to increase it in the suburban districts.The development of transport means is accompanied bythe need to redefine the segment of urban area due to greatermobility of the citizens. One of the efficient systems of organisingtraffic is the urban railway. The aim of the urban railway isto alleviate the burden on the urban and suburban traffic routesaccommodating excessive road traffic and to provide rationalintegration into the system of urban public transit.The traffic network in the Split-Kastela area has beenmainly constructed at times of very low traffic requirements,and today it cannot satisfy the increased traffic needs. Becauseof the impossibility to substantially increase the capacity of theurban roads, lack of parking space, and also due to environmentalrequirements, no increase in the share of the personaltransport of passengers should be expected. In such conditionspublic transport of passengers can save the urban agglomerationfrom total traffic and environmental collapse.The railways is precisely the mode of transport that shouldrepresent in the future the backbone of the public urban andsuburban transport in the Split-Kastela region.

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