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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 14 No. 5 (2002)
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Teodor Perić, Nada Štrumberger
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
The elasticity of demand for traffic se1vices is the adaptationof traffic supply to traffic demand. The elasticity of suchdemand is low which is specific of the transport market, especiallyfrom the aspect of designing traffic demand.The essence of the problem of low elasticity can be noticedin three basic properties:First, in the change of place which determines the traffic demandor traffic relation.Second is the continuity of the need to transport goods andpassengers.Third, the needs for transport may vmy according to thechanges in society and economy, and they also change thesources of traffic demand. Therefore, the elasticity of demandfor traffic se1vices is relatively low.

Rudi Čop
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
For the first time in history, remole moniloring and safekeepingof the assels is now possible also during road lransporl.These possibililies were enabled by developmelll of !he informaliontechnology during the last decade. Whereas such developmenlcontinues in a planned direction, !he influence of !heimproved and cheaper means of informal ion upon !he transporicompanies could be foreseen.This arlicle includes !he !ales/ guidelines for !ruck and loadmoniloring syslems develop men!. On the basis of lhese guidelines,!he role of users in !he rem ole monitoring syslems developmentis also presenled. In order lo express !heir problemsmore quickly and lo respond wilh grea/er efficiency, if may benecessmy for !hem lo gel basic knowledge aboul lelecommunicalionand informalics.

Boris Visočnik, Stojan Kravanja
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
The paper presents slewing port cra11es with a luffing jib.The advantages of slewing port jib cranes are high lifting capacities,high speeds of re-loading and excellent mobility since theyare capable of load lifting, travelling, luffing and slewing. Thepaper gives a detailed description of their characteristics suchas the highest reached load-canying capacities, speeds of motionand accelerations. It also presents the crane assembly,driving mechanisms, loads and load cases, transport by shipsand testing of lifting capacity. As a practical example the paperpresents the slewing port jib crane with the capacity of25!15!5 tat a 27/37/40 m radius made by the Slovenian companyMetalna Maribor for the shipyard 3. Maj, Rijeka, Croatia.

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