Vol. 13 No. 5 (2001)
Published on 15.10.2012
Senka Pašagić, Jasmina Pašagić, Mihael Lovretić
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
The paper presents the significance of visual perception forthe safety of traffic participants. The essential guideline of visualperception is visibility, which is severely reduced innight-time driving conditions and/or conditions of reduced opticalvisibility. In order to increase the visibility in such conditionsa thermovision system has been developed, i.e. IR (infrared)system. The operating principle as well as the significanceof the new opto-electronic systems which in crease the visibilityat night and/or conditions of reduced optical visibility havebeen summarised in this paper. Based on the knowledge of theoperating principles it is possible to evaluate CO!Tectly the feasibilityof such IR systems.
Joso Vurdelja, Šemso Tanković, Nada Pleli
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
As environmentally clean industry and as the most significantworld industry regarding the number of employees and theimpact on the social and economic development of a countTy,tourism represents an extremely important social and economicbranch for Croatia.As a functional unit of the mutually interweaving socialand economic relations, tourism is a complex phenomenonwhose development depends on a number of compatible factorsout of which the transport infrastructure is considered to bethe most obvious and almost the most significant one, i.e. thefirst among the equal. This is primarily true for road traffic infrastructure,since road trai!Sportation of tourists by passengercars, buses and motorcycles accounts for more than 90 percentof the overall tourist journeys in Croatia.The topic of this paper is precisely, among other things, thetourist assessment of the Croatian road network by means ofthe so-called econometric model regarding the contribution ofa certain road route to the overall tourist traffic.Practical implementation of the elaborated problematicshould result in the improvement of road infrastructure eitherby constructing new motonvays and/or roads, or by reconstructionand/or modernisation of the existing traffic routes.
Zdravko Bukljaš, Jerko Radoš, Ivan Suić
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
way disturbed from its static balance will start to vibrate asa whole, or only some of its parts, i.e. it will startto move periodicallyaround the position of its static balance thus obviouslydisturbing the stability of the vehicle movements and the drivingcomfort and reducing the strength of materials of single vehicleelements. Basic cause for this dynamic excitation is the microand macro profile of the swface along which the vehicle moves.Vibrating vehicle has a reduced stability in movement.Due to traffic safety reasons transversal road humps needto be installed at a section at which the mot01ist who misreadthe traffic signals need to be forced to reduce their speed, that is,care must be taken of a number of various factors endangeringtraffic safety. This paper will try to analyse eve1ything that is includedin the 'Programmed macro-profile of road'.
Elizabeta Kovač-Striko, Estera Rakić, Goranka Andabaka
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
The basic aim of control in postal traffic is to insure high-quality se1vices for customers. The paper presents the analysisof quality control in collecting postal items, based on the dataobtained during the control performed by the internal ControlService in the postal centre for international traffic Zagreb. Thepaper also offers some measures for the improvement of thequality of services.
Igor Trupac, Igor Jakomin
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
What we can witness nowadays are the important changesand transformations of and in societies. Development strategiesof the countries demand taking into account the diversity ofindividual countries, i.e. the geographical, cultural, political,social and economic diversities. Each count1y should be consideredfrom this point of view.The effects of logistics as an overwhelming and pervadingactivity are felt in all areas of the socio-economic life. Space, inhabitedareas and logistics form a system, a whole that has to beconsidered as an integrated unit.The concept of the logistic development strategy in Sloveniashould take into account the interests of the government, of sectorsand companies, research and development policy, logisticalpolicy, the choice of the logistical activity, the choice of instrumentsfor the (macro )logistical policy, financing as well asinstitutional organising factors.
Vilabild Premzi
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
In the twentieth centwy motor and railway transport has increasedthe accessibility to goods and people through mobility,flexibility and comfort they provide. The result is generally theimprovement of living standards and beller opportunity forcommercial development of towns and regions as a whole. Theincreased number of vehicles in everyday traffic have increasedthe demand for new traffic infrastructures. A lot has alreadybeen built in open spaces as welt as in urban environment withbad impact on urban shape.Planning and construction of traffic infrastructurethroughout the urban structure is neither merely a11 engineeringnor just an aesthetic issue when integrating a new highway, freewayor railway into an urban environment. It is especially, if notprimarily, an issue of urban design. This means joint efforts ofengineering design and both urban and landscape architecturewith focusing sufficient alfention on possible multiple uses ofcommon urban space in good environmental conditions. TheSlovene Long Term Regional Plan, planning and constructionof highways in Slovenia initiated consideration and search foramethodology appropriate for the assessment of suitable layouts,especially in the complex cases of traffic infrastructure passingby or through urban areas. New findings described in this papersupplement the methodological approaches used so far.
Mladen Nikšić, Dražen Kaužljar, Denis Magličić
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
The paper deals with two topics. The one is strictly railways,that is theoretical theses for calculation of locomotive load atrespective gradient. The second is an overview of computer programMS Access with the basic terms and definitions includedin the program itself It is intended to bring closer the languageof information technology to the railways. The developed programfor calculating the allowed mass of trains that can behauled by certain locomotives enables fast calculation of any ofthe traction variants. A limitation related to mass has been includedin the program.
Nada Štrumberger, Renata Bradvica, Saša Vlakić
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
This paper considers the possibilities of using liquefied petroleumgas (LPG) as alternative fuel for propelling Olio enginesin passenger cars. The advantages of using LPG comparedto petrol are reflected in the reduced emission of harmfulgases, lower price. The disadvantages include the costs of installingthe gas equipment, occupying part of the boot, as well asfew gas filling stations. In spite of the disadvantages, liquefiedpetroleum gas is claimed to be the fuel of the future.
Igor Bogović
2001 (Vol 13), Issue 5
This paper considers the actual problematic of cycling intraffic. It emphasises possible bigger role of the bicycle in urbancentres as transport device that could be one of the ways of reducingtraffic jams. The author also considers bicycle influenceon health and environment. Special emphasis is on the dangerof bicycle riding in unsettled traffic conditions and failure to useprotective measures especially regarding the role of helmets oneve1y ride.