Vol. 20 No. 4 (2008)
Published on
Tone Magister
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
The paper proposes a novel Autonomous Flight Airspaceconcept as a bridge between pure innovation and integration ofthe existing and envisioned highly automated ATM concepts,methodologies, metrics, and procedures. Novel technologies,operations, and procedures will lead to air traffic flows withnovel properties which together with adapted geometry and organizationof airspace will define the complexities of air trafficsituations in the Autonomous Flight Airspace and in its neighbourhood.The problem of transition flights to and from theAutonomous Flight Airspace is addressed from the complexityof in-flight traffic situations and consequent increase in conflictsbetween aircraft in the area perspective. Those are thedriving criteria for the positioning of transition layers betweenthe Autonomous Flight Airspace and the controlled airspace,their organization, and management of traffic flows in bothzones adjacent to the boundary between them as well.
Darko Šumanovac
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
By analyzing and defining events, and then sorting them outinto two distinct groups, this paper will highlight the similarityand frequency of safety factors in a given time frame. The aim isto comprehend the current level of flight safety and compare itto the situation of some fifteen years ago, regardless of technologicalimprovements. This paper shows critical situations asstarting events with possible preventive actions with the aim ofpreventing the development of events with consequences.
Jasna Jurum-Kipke, Sarajko Baksa, Zvonko Kavran
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
Every human working activity is related to adequate workloadand therefore also stress. The workloads of people workingin different working postures form a wide but still insufficientlystudied biomechanical and ergonomic field. Carrying, liftingand manipulating freight often results in relatively high loads,and in case of the need for increased frequency of such procedures,the result is an exhausting dynamic strain of the humanbody. The loads that can occur during human activities are inthe majority of cases related to their extremely non-ergonomicworking position. It has been determined that the working posturesof the human body are supported by the action of the musclesystem on the human locomotoric chain. Non-ergonomicposture of human body is harmful, especially in case when it isforced or when it is in the field of suboptimal condition. Highloads affect directly the human safety, and in case of longer exposureof the body to the action of such loads, the possibility formore permanent organism damages of organism may occur.
Peter Jenček, Elen Twrdy
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
Reaching decisions in the process of establishment and operationof a regional transport logistics terminal performingintermodal transport and related activities should be based onthe results of preliminary analysis. The selection of the appropriatelocation for the regional transport logistics terminal is ofcrucial importance as it affects directly and/or indirectly the initialfinancial investment, environmental and spatial issues aswell as terminal operating costs and commercial sustainability.In the decision-making process regarding the location ofintermodal terminals or with regard to building of a new regionalintermodal terminal at a specific location a thoroughtransport logistics analysis should be performed. The paperpresents the methodology developed for transport logisticsanalysis of regional intermodal transport logistics terminals,based on the sets of parameters, criteria and indicators whichenable the determination of the overall performance index for aparticular terminal location.
Mugdim Bublin, Samir Čaušević
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
In recent time the spectrum and infrastructure sharing hasbeen gaining more and more on importance due to high spectrumlicense costs and expensive infrastructure needed formodem high-bandwidth wireless communications. In this paperthe advantages and disadvantages of spectrum and infrastructuresharing by analytical models and simulations are analyzed.Results show that operators could significantly reducetheir costs, increase capacity and improve network quality bysharing their infrastructure and spectrum. Using Game Theoryit is shown how operators could 'protect themselves' againstnon-cooperative behaviour of other operators.
Vinko Gorenak, Marko Prevolčić
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
In the theoretical part of this paper, the authors present criteriaby which the satisfaction of the public with police workcan be measured. The focus lies on those criteria that are significantfor police work in the community and for the reputationof the police as a state organ itself, which is co-responsible for(improving) security in the nation. The empirical part of thispaper is based on a study that included 120 residents from thearea of Slovenj Gradec police directorate. The interviewees hadto give their opinion on various questions or statements abouttheir satisfaction regarding police roadside procedures in thearea that they live in. Furthermore, the authors examined theextent to which the residents are willing to help police officers,how they evaluate their work, on what basis the residents shapetheir opinion and how they evaluate interpersonal competenciesof police officers. The results have shown that the satisfactionof residents with roadside police procedures in SlovenjGradec police directorate is relatively good since the majority ofanswers varies between 3 and 4 on a Likert scale ranging from 1to 5. Even though the evaluations are promising, the authorsconclude the paper with several recommendations.
Slavko Roguljić, Stanislav Pavlin, Denis Kosor
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
A substantial number of passengers landing at Split Airportduring the tourist season continue their journey to the destinationson the central Dalmatian islands. Today the transfer isdone mainly through the ferry port in Split. The insufficient capacitiesof roads from the airport to the city centre which accommodatesthe ferry port and waiting for the embarkation onthe ferries and the transport itself to the islands and the finaldestinations take much longer than the air transport itself toSplit. The paper studies the possible improvements of the existingcondition as well as the construction completion and openingto traffic of the passenger sea port next to Split Airport whichwould provide a much better solution of passenger transfer tothe islands.
Edvard Roškar, Jelenko Švetak
2008 (Vol 20), Issue 4
Liner shipping with all its specific features plays an importantrole in the economic development of a country whose portsare involved. In the strategic goals of maritime policy for the period2005-2009 the European Commission stresses the needfor a sustainable environmental development and economicgrowth. Besides, it points out the necessity for the fulfilment ofall maritime potentials. Yet, individual EU member states frequentlycreate the environment, which discourages the developmentof their own national maritime economy. Unfortunately,this applies also to the Republic of Slovenia. The current paperoffers a detailed analysis of the weaknesses and benefits of theclassical liner shipping in present day.