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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 14 No. 4 (2002)
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Jasna Blašković Zavada, Mladen Nikšić, Dražen Kovačević
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
General development of civilisation and constant growth ofpopulation have inevitably resulted in an increased volume oftraffic and energy consumption. One of the consequences isalso the adverse effect on the environment, i.e. people, climateand nature. Compming individual forms of transport, it may benoted that railway, as mass carrier in passenger and freight trafficplays a significant role and has great responsibility. Sincerailway represents a very convenient form of transport regardingboth power and ecology, it has to provide significant contributionto the passenger and freight transport in the future, in a waywhich is friendlier to the environment than most other forms oftransport.This work analyses the cun-ent and future role of railway inthe transportation of people and goods. It mentions the mostimportant strategic orientations in the railway development,that would render it competitive and attractive compared toroad and air traffic. Special emphasis is put on economic efficiency,ecological sustainability and social justice. The possibilitiesof reducing energy consumption, i.e. C02 emissions, aswell as reducing hannful exhaust gases of Diesel railway tractionvehicles are given special consideration.

Vinko Jenić, Damir Vukić, Draženko Fabijanić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
Tariffs are considered the basic instrument of selling servicesin railway cargo transport.The work identifies prices of transport services from the aspectof interactive elements by redesigning the tariff system or byintervention into the tariff system through certain conditions fortariff implementation in the cargo transport in local and internationaltransport through various existing models by: determiningthe starting (tariff) price, determining the expenses anddetermining the selling price.Then the tariff system is modified according to the conditionswhich are present in the environment and accordingly regardingstimulation of rational usage of the capacities and correctionof the horizontal and vertical digression in tariff tables.Since international federal tariffs feature no adequate functionality,their phaseout would eliminate substantial expenses,and the orientation is turning increasingly towards instrumentsof selling transport services in international transport.

Jasna Blašković Zavada, Dragan Badanjak, Dalibor Vučić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
Future development of traffic assumes its growth with increasedenergy consumption, greater environmental pollutionthrough hannful components, and noise, as well as overload oftraffic routes. The same development has been burdened by twoopposing tendencies. One is subjected to short-tenn interestsand oriented exclusively to profit, the other is a long-term careof environmental protection and energy savings which often excludesimmediate profit. Giving priority to this second tendencyis a must, and it requires joint efforts invested by scientists, trafficentrepreneurs and government institutions within legal regulations.This paper analyses the advantages of railway traffic comparedto other modes of traffic and indicates its potentials in thefuture development of traffic primarily from the aspect of environmentalprotection. The emphasis lies on the comparison ofharmful emissions and consumption of specific energy in cargotransport by railways and other traffic modes. The directives arealso given of the desirable future development of railways in orderto optimally use all its potentials.

Antun Stipetić, Zdravko Toš, Davor Janjić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
The work analyses the conflict points between road andrailway traffic as points of collision. The growing frequency ofboth transport modes meeting at the same level results in thegrowing danger at these points resulting in turn in traffic accidentsat collision points requiring therefore implementation ofprotection measures.Since misreading of traffic signs, unadjusted driving of roadvehicles, passage of road vehicles when the barrier is lowered,and inattention of motorists and pedestrians are the most frequentcauses of traffic accidents at railroad crossings, adequateand economically optimal solutions need to be found.By solving the above-mentioned problems, using the signaland safety as well as construction measures, the authors suggestsolutions which would increase traffic safety at railroad crossings.

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