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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 19 No. 3 (2007)
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Dragan Peraković, Vladimir Remenar, Zdravko Šašek
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
Since the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences wasconnected to CARNet academic network, new informationand communication technologies are constantly being introducedand the old ones updated with the aim of improving thequality of studying, from the introduction of WEBCT applicationto complete design, development and implementation ofone's own solution of e-leaming. A complete e-Learning systemhas been developed, named e-Student which consists of severalprogram modules called SAN, DMS, SMSCentar, etc. Sincethe introduction of the system, the students and the teachingstaff have shown great interest for the system for the reasons ofeasier monitoring of the students' activities, through seminarpapers and tasks, exercises and throug h solving of variousknowledge tests. The work provides graphical illustrations andstatistical data which analyze the operation of the system andthe exploitation characteristics. The obtained results indicatethe increase in the interest of the teaching staff and studentswhich indicates further need to upgrade the system in order toincrease the safety and speed of information transfer.

Tanja Poletan Jugović, Alen Jugović, Ratko Zelenika
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
Logistics forwarder, as organizer and planner of coordinationand integration of all the transport and logistics chains elements,uses adequate ways and methods in the process of planningand decision-making. One of these methods, analysed inthis paper, which could be used in optimisation of transportand logistics processes and activities of logistics forwarder, isthe multicriteria optimisation method. Using that method, inthis paper is suggested model of multicriteria optimisation of logisticsforwarder activities. The suggested model of optimisationis justified in keeping with method principles of multicriteriaoptimization, which is included in operation researchmethods and it represents the process of multicriteria optimizationof variants. Among many different processes of multicriteriaoptimization, PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking OrganizationMethod for Enrichment Evaluations) and Promcalc& Gaia V. 3.2., computer program of multicriteria programming,which is based on the mentioned process, were used.

Sanja Barešić, Željko Radačić, Ružica Škurla Babić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
Global air traffic has been recording a growing passengernumber accompanied by the growth of lost and mishandledbaggage on final destinations. Airlines are facing cost-risingconsequences that lead to additional problems in global lATAtrends to simplify the business and cost reduction policy in theIndustry. The World Tracer program, developed for mishandledbaggage, based on simplicity and optimal costs has done alot to improve baggage tracing. Supported by SITA and lATA,the program has been created to meet the needs of airlines andground handling partners. The Program team leaders a re workingon improving the tracing procedure to catch up with thegrowing mishandled baggage problem. The paper examines theissues related to lost, delayed or pilfered baggage worldwide andespecially at Zagreb Ai1port. Zagreb Airport is the World TraceManagement subscriber with its Lost and Found office as aProgram user. The annual office statistics clearly point to therise of mishandled and lost baggage, thus being well suited forthe global problem of the growth.

Eva Birnerova
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
The paper deals with customer satisfaction with regards tomass urban traffic enterprises. The paper stresses the importanceand tasks of the research, preparatory stage of the researchis explained, special attention is devoted to the questionnaireconstruction. The paper describes realisation of the research,infom1ing about research methods, contact methods,respondents sample and research tools that were used. Researchresults are presented in tables providing inf01mation onconsumer priorities and enterprises peiformance evaluation.The CS! methodology and stipulation is also described here.

Velimir Kolar, Denis Magličić, Dražen Kaužljar
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
The increasing globalization has spread the production locationsto every part of the world thus increasing even more therole of transport in determining the price and quality of a product.Therefore, the producers and carriers join together moreand more frequently through the supply chains. Railway carriershave a very significant role in supply chains, both throughorganization of transport and forming the trains as final products,and through forming the logistic centres. Logistic centresare the starting and the final railway stations but also the meetingpoints of the national carrier with other carriers (sea, road,river as well as other railway carriers) and they also represent informationcentres. For the quality of service at logistic centres, itis important to have well organized operation of train traction.In order to keep up the regulmity of trains and the quality oftransport at logistic centres, among other things, it is necessaryto provide an optimal number of locomotives and to providethe technical inspection place. Special attention should be paidto the organization of work peiformed by the engine staff At logisticcentres it is possible to organize high-quality technical inspectionof wagons thus increasing the traffic safety.

Borivoj Galović, Željko Marušić, Omer Pita
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
The importance of the 'golden hour'; for optimal efficiencyof helicopter operations in emergency medical service (HEMS)to meet the 'golden hour' requirement the unconditional requirementis to establish a net of operational units to cover theentire area of the Republic of Croatia, capable to operate withinwide integrated area (international services). It is additionalback-up, not a competition to road and sea EMS vehicles. Therequired standards; HEMS operation, following complementarytraffic policy, i. e. complementary policy in line of trafficsystem integration within wider region, with reference to standards,must entirely comply with globally accepted standards.Republic of Croatia 's obvious objectives are traffic integrationinto EU (European Union) traffic system. Cost analyses; It isstressed that coherent traffic policy can by certain instrumentsreduce traffic assigned external cost in national budget. Significanttraffic external cost includes cost of traffic accidents, environmentimpacts and traffic jams, and could be reduced byestablishmentof multi-purpose helicopter operations. SWOTanalyses should be made as for any other strategy or project.Technical-technological criteria and other considerations;Considering technical-technological criteria for relief of criticalsituations in traffic, it is obvious that one helicopter type cannotcomply to all multi-purpose requirements that traffic sets beforeus - EMS on open roads, sea, mountains and urban trafficcongested area, and search and rescue operations. However,common factor for all types is compliance to global standardsand regulations. In the paper, some examples of HEMS operationsin the EU States are mentioned.

Petar Obradović, Leon Flatz, Perica Ljubičić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
The communications requirements in air traffic control areincreasing in complexity. From the middle 90s, huge progress inairport infrastructure, especially in air traffic control systems,has been made in Bosnia and Herzegovina in damage rehabilitation,caused by war conflicts, owing, first of all, to the EuropeanUnion aid that contributed to the re-establishment of regularinternational air traffic. The current air traffic control systemhas matured in its functionality. Therefore, the phase of advancementand preparation for the technological improvementis the next logical step. However, before establishing a new communicationsstrategy, the current application trends have to beanalyzed in details according to the existing communicationsenvironment interfaces. The goal of this work is to find theguidelines of technological development that will result in moreefficiency, safety and economic benefit in the near future, butthe air traffic safety must not be compromised by economicbenefit.

Vinko Višnjić, Marko Pušić, Ivan Žižić
2007 (Vol 19), Issue 3
Rationalization of the traffic systems in major cities, whichincludes Split, is possible at present only by providing a more diverseand higher quality supply of public urban transport.In Split the situation in public urban transport shows that itdoes not meet its basic function. Only partial or transitional solutionsare offered. All this contributes to the delay in makingthe decision which is the only possible one in the city of Split regardingits size and the level of motorization.The solution of the public urban transport lies in the introductionof the metro system through phase construction. Eachphase represents in fact the construction of one line. Due to thecomplexity of the construction of the underground section (tunnelconstntction in the centre of the City) the first phase is themost demanding one regarding construction works, with twometro lines intersecting (the need to build two-level stations)and therefore this section is the most complex and the most expensivepart in the network of the metro line system.

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