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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 18 No. 3 (2006)
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Martin Lakota
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
In this work modem navigation and Adriatic control demandcharacteristics are developed. It correlates the modemnavigation characteristics and the Adriatic sea control. Thepresent operating procedures used for sea control are mentionedas well as the new systems and procedures based on newcomputer and communication technologies (automatic identificationsystems, GPS, computer networks, Internet/Intranetstandards). It discusses unmanned aerial vehicles characteristicsaccording to demands and grading standards for picture/scene interpretation (NIIRS grading scale).

Danko Kezić, Radovan Antonić, Nikola Račić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
The article deals with the system of port cranes comprisingtwo independently controlled cranes which are simultaneouslyengaged in the transhipment of cargo between a vessel and arailway wagon assembly alongside. The crane operator's errorcan lead to tlie collision of cranes. Therefore, it is necessary toinstall the supervisor in an automatic control system with thefunctions of continuous supervision of the process of cranemovement, and blocking of commands that can lead to collision.The article shows the method of crane system modellingas a discrete event system by using PIT and P-timed Petri nets.There is a proposal of a formal mathematic method for calculationof the state supervisor by P-invariant method. The supervisorcalculated in this way is maximally permissive supervisor.The efficiency of the supervisor is verified by a computer simulation.

Boris Huzjan, Karolina Kregar
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
The article describes the significance of the Rijeka-Zagrebmotorway for the development of the Port of Rijeka, as well asits significance in the European road network and the networkof state motorways. It gives a short historic overview of thephase construction of the Rijeka-Zagreb motorway per sectionsand years of completion, and the most important parametersare mentioned that influence the justification of the upgradingof the motorway section to full transversal profile.Since 'traffic' is one of the key components of developmentand necessary for all the aspects of human activities, the completionof a safe, reliable and fast traffic connection of the Croatiancapital with the biggest Croatian port represents the keyfactor of the Strategy of traffic development of the Republic ofCroatia.Besides, the Rijeka-Zagreb motorway represents the backboneof the Croatian motorway network, since it integrates theCroatian space connecting it with the European traffic corridors.Thus, new possibilities are opened to the national economy,mainly tourism and port traffic, and bringing direct benefits.Therefore, the greatest significance of the construction i. e.upgrading of this motorway lies precisely in raising the qualityof traffic service regarding road connection, but also in a widertraffic sense.

Aleksandra Deluka-Tibiljaš, Sanja Lučić, Milivoj Benigar
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
A typical Mediterranean town develops as a rule around itshistorical nucleus which may be longitudinally set parallel tothe coastline or concentrated in the area of a minor or majorpeninsula or located in a bay. These towns are usually characterizedby heavy build-up in the area of a wider town centre, insufficienttraffic network and insufficient number of parkingspaces, and finally a conflict between the urban structure andthe terminals which aspire at tending to occupy the same space.The work analyzes the potential criteria that need to be respectedin selecting the location of the sea terminal regarding itsfunctioning in relation to the town and urban traffic. The comparisonof certain indicators related to the maritime passengertraffic of eight bigger European ports of the Mediterranean, aswell as in four major Croatian sea passenger ports, has beenmade. The objective of the work is to define the possible criteriaof assessing the location of the passenger sea terminal and todevelop the assessment method for each of the criteria.

Marinko Jurčević, Božo Skoko, Perica Madunić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
The application of the scope of marketing concept in modemmarket conditions of business operation is obligatory. Therole of marketing, as a business philosophy, is in the end unavoidablefor the improvement of business operation. It is impossibleto do business in market conditions and not to applybasic marketing rules. Therefore, the solution for the improvementof operation of Croatian seaports should be soughtthrough the systematic application of the scopes of marketingconcept. Marketing mix should be applied to the system of businessoperation of Croatian seaports, with a breakdown of allunderlying marketing functions based on the results of a systematicmarket research, and through monitoring not only ofthe current status but also of market trends and forecasts, listeningto customer demands and trends in this particularbranch of industry. In addition to the improvement of the qualityof transport services, through the analysis of the price policyand by strengthening the logistics of port operation, particularattention should be focused towards the systematic applicationof all promotion mix elements aiming at strengthening the identityand the image of Croatian ports. In the end, such businessand marketing-like thinking should result in economic developmentand business prosperity not only of ports but of maritimetransport as well; in other words, by the prosperity of theentire transport activity, as a prerequisite for the economic developmentof the Republic of Croatia.

Sander Dekker, Robert Verhaeghe
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
Port planning is complicated due to many factors, includingthe existence of economies of scale in port expansion andthe fact that ports operate under competition. The port plannershould provide an overview of all potential strategies to enhanceport competitivness. Choices should be made with tailoreddesign concepts within a framework comprising supply-demand planning and cost-benefit analysis. Port expansionis a strategy to enhance port competitiveness and can be characterizedas a stmctural port capacity measure. Non-structuralalternatives comprise supply and demand management measuresand aim at efficient capacity utilization. In the design ofport expansion, a certain level of traffic congestion should beaccepted. Full integration of port-commercial and public interestsby combining structural and non-structural capacity measuresis essential for planning of port capacity. Efficiency, themain guiding principle for such planning, addresses the simultaneousdetermination of 1) optimal expansion size, and 2) investmentrecovery period.

Vjekoslav Koljatić, Ivica Šegulja, Rikard Miculinić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
Environmental control of vessels is a management functionthat requires applied technology, training and diligentmanagement. Quality Management is a tool for developing environmentalprograms to control corporate environmental exposures.The management of environmental regulations, requirementsand concerns requires a systematic approach. QualityManagement (QM) embodies principles of policy delineation,operations accountability, documentation and review.These principles are all transferable to most aspects of shipmanagement. Properly implemented, they assign respective responsibilitiesfor both shore side and shipboard staff Both ISMand IS0-9000 Certification requirements embody the principlesof QM as requirements for certification. If, however, onelooks beyond the certification process, these principles makegood business sense. The benefits of QM are both economic aswell as assisting in corporate risk management. This paper willfocus on the risk management benefits as they apply of environmentalhealth programs in the marine environment includingports.

Tanja Poletan Jugović, Hrvoje Baričević, Barbara Karleuša
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
Since possibilities of the traffic route valorisation need to beanalyzed within market conditions, the traffic service of Pan-European corridor V8 which is the subject of research in thispaper, is analyzed from the viewpoint of the offer, demand andcompetitive su'oundings. Corridor VB> as vital transit route ofthe Republic of Croatia, is analyzed with an all-inclusive evaluationof selected economic and qualitative criteria relevant forthe analysis of the traffic service competition. The suggestedmodel for optimising the Pan-European corridor V8 competitivenessis justified in keeping with method principles of multi-criteria optimisation. Among many different processes of multi-criteria optimisation, in the research PROMETHEE methodand computer program Promcalc & Gaia V3.2., which isbased on the mentioned method, were used.

Dragan Badanjak, Marijan Rajsman, Čedomir Dundović
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
From the aspect of public transport of passengers andgoods, the traffic system in Central Croatia consists of road,rail, air and river subsystems. Regarding their share in the volumeof passenger and cargo transport as well as the carried outtransport operations in the traffic system of Central Croatia,road and rail traffic are the dominant traffic subsystems. Regardingits technical, technological, organizational and economicindicators, the river traffic system represents the less developedsubsystem of the traffic system of Central Croatia, andthe situation in this respect is not much different at the nationallevel either.The possibilities for the development of river traffic systemhave not been sufficiently used, although the potential trafficdemand for the transportation services are substantial, especiallywhen considering the river Sava which potentially offersa direct connection to the trunk European waterway. The advantagesof the Central Croatian location undoubtedly lie inthe traffic and geo-strategic position, but the value of this locationcan be used only then when the quality level of the trafficsystem and the construction level of the infrastructurecatch up with the ones in the developed European countries.The conditions for the traffic development are first of allstrong and daily faster changes in the strata, especially regardingthe implementation of new solutions and increasing theefficiency of the overall traffic system. It is precisely for thisreason that special interest should be to study the traffic valuesaccording to the available data, establish their possiblerules as function of time, and design appropriate mathematicalmodels with the aim of forecasting the traffic developmentin the future.

Evrim Pinar Genc, Nil Guler
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
The most important organizations for developing and advertisingthe yacht tourism in a country are the marinas.Yachting tourism, being a part of maritime sector tends to playa part in the tourist activities and provides important resourcesfor the general economy.In this study, the developments in yachting tourism are aplainedby considering the cu'ent status of the marinas in theMedite'anean countries. Basic characteristics of different marinasof the Medite'anean countries will be discussed and alsostatistical figures will be given. The yachting routes and the potentialof Turkey will be analyzed by emphasizing operational,infrastructural and service characteristics. The factors thatshould be taken into consideration and the methods used formarina marketing will be explained. By considering strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a SWOT analysis will bemade for Turkey marinas. Suggestions will be given fur furtherdevelopment of marina management in Turkey.

Anita Gudelj, Maja Krcum
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
Large ports need to deal with a number of disparate activities:the movement of ships, containers and other cargo, theloading and unloading of ships and containers, customs activities.As well as human resources, anchorages, channels, lighters,tugs, berths, warehouse and other storage spaces have to beallocated and released. The efficient management of a port involvesmanaging these activities and resources, managing theflows of money involved between the agents providing and usingthese resources, and providing management information.Many information systems will be involved.Many applications have to deal with a large amount of datawhich not only represent the perceived state of the real world atpresent, but also past and/or future states. These applicationsare not served adequately by today's computer managementand database systems. In particular, deletions and updates insuch systems have destructive semantics. This means that previousdatabase contents (representing previous perceived statesof the real world) cannot be accessed anymore.A review of how define temporal data models, based ongeneralizing a non-temporal data model in to a temporal one toimprove port management is presented. This paper describes apractical experiment which supports managing temporal dataalong with the corresponding prototype implementations.

Josip Kasum, Zvonko Gržetić, Eli Marušić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
Maritime safety infonnation1 are also presented in the infonnationcontent of marine charts and navigational publications.From the navigation safety point it is important that duringnavigation ships are aware of all maritime safety infonnationimportant for navigation in ports they are intending to use.Infonnation content of marine charts and navigational publicationsshow the real situation. The real situation is partiallydynamic and changing. In order to monitor the changes hydrographicorganizations collect data about them. The data arecollected by hydrographic survey2 and by reambulation3•Ports are classified in a special category of hydrographicsurvey4• Therefore, applying new methods and technologies inthe development of the system of managing reambulation inports is proposed. In order to develop such a system furtheranalysis is made of'- data to be collected,- necessary technical and technological equipment, and- planned activities of hydrographic organisations.

Bojan Hlača, Adrijana Orlić Babić
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
The shipping trade has also got caught up in the worldwideglobalization trend. Today there are some ten strong ship operatorsin the world (so called mega shipowners) who are workingeither on their own or are mutually connected to cover aspecific market. In an effort to meet the requirements of the endusers, the shipping companies tend to organize strong feederservices. Feeder services can also be initiated by terminal operatoror port authority which is most often reflected in the subventionof empty feeder ship cargo space (formerly 100 to 300TEU, now 500 to 1000 even 1500 TEU).Thus, the Feeder Service Rijeka/Ploce- Gioa Tauro/Maltastarted up at some time past by Losinjska p/ovidba, organizedby Rijeka Port Authority and subsidized by the Ministry of MaritimeAffairs, Transport and Communications of the Republicof Croatia 1999, is the beginning of the container transport revitalizationprocess in the Republic of Croatia. The service turnedout to have been reliable and accurate and attracted many users.Having logistic support of 22 Croatian companies throughcompetetive prices and high-quality service on the one handand three time bigger shore capacity on the other hand, containerterminal in the port of Rijeka has attracted two commercialweekly feeder services ( CMA-CGM and UFS), even thespectacular callings (twice a week) of so called Mother ships (ZIM and Lloyd Triestino). As their logistics support, the Croatianrailways have started off a direct container block-trainRijeka - Budapest. The annual growth achieved in the containerfeeder transport stands at about 60% and with the comingof other shipowners Rijeka container terminal has increasedits turnover from 6.000 TEU in 1999 to 30.000 TEU in2003

Vladivoj Vlaković, Davorin Sudac, Dario Matika
2006 (Vol 18), Issue 3
illicittrafficking of threat materials, especially explosives, chemicalsubstances and radioactive or nuclear material. The transportof the threat materials by using sea routes is an advantageto te'orists especially because of the possible use of ship containers.The container is the basis of world trade. It is assumed thatthe world total movement in containers is about 200 millionTEUs ('20-foot equivalent units') per year. The list of materialstransported by containers which should be subject to inspectionwith the aim of reducing the acts of te'orism includes explosives,narcotics, chemical weapons, hazardous chemicalsand radioactive materials.Of special interest is nuclear te'orism. The risk of nuclearte'orism carried out by sub-national groups should be considerednot only in the construction and/or use of nuclear device,but also in possible radioactive contamination of large urbanareas.The system of ship containers control is an essential componentof «smart border» concept. Modem personnel, parcel,vehicle and cargo inspection systems are non-invasive imagingtechniques based on the use of nuclear analytical techniques.The inspection systems use penetrating radiations: hard x-rays(300 keV or more) or gamma-rays from radioactive sources(137Cs and 60Co with energies from 600 to 1300 keV) that producea high resolution radiograph of the load. Unfortunately,this information is 'non-specific' in that it gives no informationon the nature of objects that do not match_ the travel documentsand are not recognized by a visual analysis of the radiographicpicture. Moreover, there are regions of the containerwherex and gamma-ray systems are 'blind' due to the high averageatomic number of the objects i'adiated that appear asblack spots in the radiographic image.The systems being developed are based on the use of fast, 14Me V, neutrons with detection of associated a-particle from nuclearreactionbywhichneutrons are produced (d+t>a+n).Jnsuch a way the possibility to determine object location inside aclosed container is obtained. This information is contained inthe measured time interval between the detection of the associateda-particle and the detection of y-rays produced by neutronsin the investigated object by (n, y) and/or (n, n'y) reactions.The object identification is performed by the analysis ofcoincidence gamma rays energy spectrum.Results obtained so far on the implementation of NATOSfP-980526 project «Control of Illicit Trafficking in ThreatMaterials» and EU FP6 project «European Illicit TraffickingCountermeasures Kit, EURITRACK» have shown that it ispossible to construct a multisensor system with a fast controlsensor using x-rays (whole container) followed by detailed elementalanalysis of suspect volume by a neutron sensor.

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