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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 16 No. 3 (2004)
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Željko Trošelj, Goran Zovak, Ivica Premužić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
The analysis of the data from the case history of patientswith tibia and ankle fractures was carried out to show the significanceof identifying such conditions and the consequent implementationof transporl immobilisation as the first step intreating the injured persons. The implementation of transporlimmobilisation in indicative conditions should be imperativein providing first aid regardless of who is providing it (a laymanor a medically educated person). The tibia and ankle fracturesare easily identifiable and it is not difficult to diagnose them.The data that have been gathered lead to considering thelevel of education or negligence of the participants included inthe first aid chain. Taking into consideration the facts that thenumber of traffic accidents is increasing in the world, thatCroatia is at the very top of the list regarding the number of fatalitiesper capita, that the timely and properly provided first aidreduces the frequency of complications of the injury itself, thuscausing the reduction of the treatment costs, in our opinion immobilisationas one of the aspects of providing first aid did notlose its actual significance, but acquired additional significancewithin the framework of increased and higher-quality possibilitiesof providing first aid.

Igor Trupac, Jurij Kolenc
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
Today, the countries of Central andEastemEurope (CEE)have developed into a fast growing and promising part of Europe.The vision of the management of the Port of Koper is tobecome the most important logistic centre for these countries.In the future the North Adriatic region will have to cope withfurther challenge, i. e. an increasing presence of the Asian Pacificeconomies on the European continent and in the CEEcountries in particular. For the traffic flows from this source,the North Adriatic is, from the geo-transport aspects the mostconvenient seaway/ route.It was for this reason that the Port of Koper as the key companyjoined a pilot project- STLC (Slovenian transport logisticcluster) as a stakeholder. The main purpose of the STLC is topromote the Slovenian transport route using the Port of Koperas the focal point.This paper aims to: (I) review the current state of the developmentof Slovenian transport logistic cluster, (JJ) assess thepotential benefits of such a cluster for the Port of Koper (Ill) introduceinitial presentations, experiences and results.

Ratimir Dovečar
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
The basic aim of this treatise is to research relevant featuresof multimodal transportation chains, their advantages and disadvantagesas well as the problems of the synchronization ofwork of all the participants in multimodal transport. With thedevelopment of information technology the method of optimisationof multimodal transportation chains is more and morebased on the computer programs being representative tools insolving of comprehensive tasks.It is believed that the present research, the methodology appliedand its findings should promote and improve multimodaltransportation chains in order to cope with the complex contemporarylogistic demands of global economy.

Rudi Čop, Milan Batista
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
The traffic flow theory is dealing with the better understandingof the traffic flow and its improvement. Most often, the researchedsubject was been the road traffic. It is namely thatheavy traffic and traffic jams are the frequent phenomena onthe roads.The traffic flow theory incorporates the different areas ofknowledge necessary to establish a successful traffic-flow simulationmodel. Good correlation between the simulation modelresults and data collected in the open road conditions are notthe only conditions which are necessary to approve the simulationmodel as accurate. The obtained simulation results may beused for the improvement of traffic conditions, only if themodel obeys the classical laws of physics.This paper is dealing with the simple microscopic model fortwo-vehicle-platoon behaviour in the traffic flow. The model isbased on solving of the delay differential equations. The simulationmodel results have been compared with the measurementresults. The comparison has enabled assessment of the selectedsimulation model to check whether it would be goodchoice for further traffic-flow researches at the microscopiclevel.

Vladimir Marić, Zvonko Kavran, Dražen Kovačević
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
Public urban transit system is of special significance in thetraffic and economic system of big cities. Continuous laggingbehind of the public transit system development compared tothe city development can be noticed as a consequence of thetraffic policy and the fascination by the passenger cars. Plannedorientation of the urban traffic systems is of a recent date. Thispaper tends to give incentive to the need for a more complex urbanplanning and planning of traffic in a unique multidisciplinaryprocess within the urban planning system.

Drago Pupavac, Ratko Zelenika, Marinko Jurčević
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
The main goal of this scientific study is to explore the significanceof human potentials management in micro and macrotransport systems, i. e. whether and to what extent do the humanpotentials represent the factor of growth and developmentof transport systems. The facts gathered by this study shouldrepresent quantitative starting points for viewing the specifics oftransport service productions and future movements on thetransport labour market, and the possibilities of informationtechnologies implementation in transport human potentialsmanagement optimisations, all with the aim of producing newand of improving the inherited comparative advantages of theCroatian transport systems.

Antun Stipetić, Srečko Kreč, Vinko Jenić
2004 (Vol 16), Issue 3
Considering the strategy of the railway traffic infrastructuredevelopment of the Republic of Croatia, the authors have alsoconsidered the restructuring of the railways in EU and Croatiawith the aim of insuring the very complex process being carriedout in everyday lives, full ofinterdependencies. First, the paralleldevelopment of the three networks that form the EU railwayssystem is given, together with their characteristics and futureroles. These are: the network of the Trans-European conventionalrailway line system, the high-speed railway line network(HS Net) and the network of railway lines intended prevailinglyfor the cargo transport (RTEFF, TEFFN). This is followed by apresentation of the basic aims of the strategic development ofrailways in Croatia and the overview of the conditions and thenecessary activities on the Corridor railway lines so as to preparethem for the integration into theE U traffic system. In elaboratingthe development strategy of the railway traffic infrastructurein Croatia, a summarised overview of the objectivesand the necessary activities is given, in order to renew the railwaynetwork, and to reconstruct it so that it could meet the requirementsset by the AGC andAGTC standards which are thecondition for the Pan-European railway lines.

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