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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 14 No. 3 (2002)
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Jelenko Švetak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Human factors play an important role in the origin of accidents,and it is commonly claimed that between seventy andninety-five percent of industrial and transport accidents involvehuman factors, see Figure 1.Some authorities, however, claim that ultimately, all accidentsinvolve human factors.

Biljana Juričić, Tino Bucak, Ivana Francetić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
The function, working principle, the principles of usage andthe advantages of modern Automatic Dependent Surveillancesystem (ADS). The functions of the mentioned system aremanifold and its primary function is to enable the automaticexchange of various data between air traffic control units withthe aim of maintaining the safe separation of aircraft. Datasuch as call sign, aircraft position, time, altitude, vector information,speed, meteo information etc. can be fonvarded periodicallyor on request, and are received automatically in theaircraft via flight management computer (FMC). Also, theoverview of the possible communication systems which enablethe usage of ADS is given, with special emphasis on ADS aspart of further global development of navigation and air trafficsafety system, which was approved by the International CivilAviation Organisation (JCAO). Finally, a new, improved versionof Automatic Dependent Swveillance, ADS- B (Broadcast)is briefly outlined, a version which enables omni-directionalemission of addressed infonnation.

Polona Tominc
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
This paper studies the number of traffic accidents (TAs) inwhich people were killed or/and seriously injured over the peliodfrom January 1996 to October 2000 in Slovenia. The aimof this work is to ascertain if the reduction in the increase of thenumber of TAs after I May 1998, when the new road trafficsafety law (RTSL) was adopted, is statistically significant.Assuming that the time series analysed contains also a seasonalcomponent, we found out that the new RTSL had a ve1ypositive impact on the number ofT As, especially in the first year(approximately) after adoption. After this period the averageincrease of the number ofT As rose again, but not as high as beforethe adopti01~ of the RTSL.

Teodor Perić, Andreja Lorković
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Market is the integrity of relations between supply and demandof traffic or some other service (goods) which at a ce11ainplace and location, at a certain time affect the supply and purchaseof certain products, including services, stocks, money,and the set of all institutions, areas, devices and instrumentsthat act on the sale and other transactions realised at that point.It is the main resource allocator (~resource allocation) in thesystems of free private ownership economic and transport systems.

Eduard Missoni, Ivo Suić, Damir Egulja
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Incidence of cancer disease in Croatia is about 20,000 everyyear. In the same time, about 11,000 cancer patients die. Ifthe average survival of cancer patients is five years, it is obviousthat an enormous number of patients need rehabilitation andresocialisation, according to the stage of their disease. One ofthe best ways to achieve this goal is work rehabilitation, whichcontributes to the quality of livi11g and to the desire of the patientsthemselves to participate in the treatment and curing process,especially in the second phase which often includes reconstructivesurgery or use of rehabilitation devices. Work rehabilitationand resocialisation should be peifonned in assistance bythe family doctor and the patients organised in the Club ofCancer Treated Persons which has already gained high recognitionin the Croatian Cancer League.

Zdravko Bukljaš, Ivana Čuljak, Goran Zovak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
As part of organised social system, traffic is subjected togeneral social tendency towards adequate safety and sustainabilityof relations in such a system, probabilistically marked bythe risk of danger. Inte1polation of subjective factor facilitatesthe occwTence of negative phenomena. Road traffic system ischaracterised by extremely massive participation in traffic, contributingthus to a greater possibility of negative features characteristicfor imperfect human mechanism. This is precisely thereason why this paper deals with the problem of traffic safety onthe concrete example of the intersection between the SavskaStreet and the Slavonska and LjubljanskaAvenues over the periodof time prior to constmcting the new unde1pass solution,and the period of time immediately after the construction workswere completed. The used data have been provided by the TrafficPolice Department - Lucko.

Dražen Kovačević, Slobodan Kaštela, Alojz Brkić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
The work deals with the third generation of image processingse1vices including multimedia service of messaging. Adaptationof digital images on the Internet depends on factors suchas the number of Internet users, processing capacities and thebandwidth. In the context of mobile Internet, sending of imagesis still being developed. As the number of se1vices and users isgrowing, as well as the demands for image applications, this iscompared to the development of image applications in ftxedInternet.

Jasna Golubić, Ljupko Šimunović, Hrvoje Ivanković
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Apart from undoubtedly positive effects, the construction ofmot01ways unfortunately brings along negative impacts as well,including the major one influencing the natural system of theregion through which it passes. As such, a motorway representsa source of continuous emissions of various pollutants, causespennanent physical changes to the landscape and disturbs thenatural conditions of the plant and animal communities.Therefore, in order to understand properly and integrally all theprocesses in the natural system, it is necessmy, among otherthings, to analyse the impact of mot01way construction on thelandscape and biological diversity. The threat to the plant andanimal natural habitats is expressed through four basic types ofimpact whose analysis results in a bio-ecological and landscapeevaluation of a certain route with the aim of selecting themost acceptable one out of a set of variant solutions.

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