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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 28 No. 1 (2016)
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Pitchipoo Pandian, Vincent Devanayagam Sundaram, Rajakarunakaran Sivaprakasam
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1

Statistics reveals that the visual problems are the prime
reasons for a larger number of road accidents. The blind spot
is the major problem related to vision. The aim of this study
is to develop a fuzzy-based multi criteria decision-making
model for optimizing the area of the blind spot in the front
and sides of a heavy transport vehicle. To achieve this, the
statistical tool ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and multi criteria
optimization techniques like TOPSIS (Technique for Order
of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), FAHP (Fuzzy
Analytical Hierarchy Process) and GRA (Grey Relational
Analysis) were also used in this problem This paper consists
of three modules: first, the blind spots of the existing body
structure dimension used in heavy vehicles were studied
and the optimal design parameters were determined by using
ANOVA and TOPSIS methodologies; next, the weights of
the design parameters were calculated using FAHP method.
Finally, GRA-based Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
approach has been used to rank the vehicle body structures.
The proposed model has been implemented in a transport
corporation to compare four different types of body structures
and concluded that the body structure which was built
by an outsourced body builder is having a smaller area of
blind spot and optimal design parameters as well.

Martin Gregurić, Edouard Ivanjko, Sadko Mandžuka
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1

To ensure higher Level of Service (LoS) at urban motorways,
new traffic control concepts are being applied since in most cases there is no available space for infrastructural build-up. For urban motorways, the mostly used control methods are ramp metering combined with additional control methods like variable speed limit control (VSLC). This paper gives a review of the current ramp metering approaches with special emphasis on cooperative control concepts between ramp metering, VSLC, prohibiting lane changes system and the vehicle itself. Additionally, a learning framework for ramp metering proposed by the authors is described. The CTMSIM Matlab based macroscopic motorway simulator with ramp metering control support is used for the simulation of selected ramp metering approaches. The simulator
is also augmented to enable the development and implementation of cooperative ramp metering approaches. The
Zagreb bypass is used as test case for evaluation of several
different ramp metering algorithms.

Vidas Žuraulis, Dalius Matuzevičius, Artūras Serackis
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1

The aim of this study has been to propose a new method for automatic rectification and stitching of the images taken on the accident site. The proposed method does not require any measurements to be performed on the accident site and thus it is frsjebalaee of measurement errors. The experimental investigation was performed in order to compare the vehicle trajectory estimation according to the yaw marks in the stitched image and the trajectory, reconstructed using the GPS data. The overall mean error of the trajectory reconstruction, produced by the method proposed in this paper was 0.086 m. It was only 0.18% comparing to the whole trajectory length.

Nazli Dehghani, Masoud Hamedi, Shahriar Afandizadeh Zargari, Hamid Mirzahossein
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1
Traffic metering is one of the effective strategies of preventing gridlock at urban signalized intersections during oversaturated conditions. This strategy could be implemented by adjusting signal timing schemes of the connected intersections of congested network in dynamic setting. This paper demonstrates the benefits of internal/external traffic metering strategy on a real case study in Tehran, the capital of Iran. For this purpose, the model outputs have been considered as input to set of SCATS scenarios for signal timing. In each test case the system is forced to use plans obtained from the model instead of using common built-in plans that had been used before, and the performance is measured using the VISSIM simulator to show differences. The results show significant improvement in network average travel time when using internal/external traffic metering strategy. Additionally, the average queue lengths are maintained near the optimal level since the model utilizes upstream arterial capacity.

Daeseok Han, Sang Hyuk Lee
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1
To reduce travel time, the actuated signal controls have been implemented at urban intersections. However, the safety impacts of actuated signal controls thus far have rarely been examined. In this assessment of the safety impact of urban intersections with semi-actuated signal controls, the safety performance functions and EB approaches were applied. The semi-actuated signal controls have increased injuries and total crashes in all crash types by around 5.9% and 3.8%, respectively. Regarding the most common crash types, such as angle, sideswipe & rear-end, and head-on crashes, semi-actuated signal controls have been seen to decrease injuries by 7.7%. Total crashes have been reduced by over 9.2% through the use of semi-actuated signal controls. This may be result of optimal signal timings considering traffic conditions during peak time periods. In conclusion, safety impact factors which have been established in this study can be used to improve safety and minimize travel times using semi-actuated signal controls.

Chi Zhang, Shiyu Liu, Jennifer Ogle, Min Zhang
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1

Nowadays, the studies of parameter calibration for long-term work zones are limited to driver behaviour and car-following parameters, and no research was found related to calibration of the desired speed distributions during temporary work zones. Obtaining realistic results from simulations of temporary work zones is difficult. Thus, it would be valuable for gaining more valid simulation data if a method of calibrating the desired speed distribution could be applied for traffic simulation model of highway temporary work zones. The calibration method was proposed in five steps: (1) collect and analyse data, (2) plot the travel speed cumulative frequency curves and calibrate the desired speed distribution, (3) conduct simulation runs, (4) validate the simulation results, and (5) propose a new calibration method, which was assessed by T-tests, and the results are very promising. Finally, a simplified calibration method called “Five-Point Method” is presented and the recommended values of five-point are given.

Zdravko Peran
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1
The process of acquisition of the measured dynamic values of forces between the rails and the wheels on the real measurement train and the train tracks. The conversion of the measured values into the matrices and vectors enables numerous exact qualitative and quantitative studies of the dynamic phenomena behaviour. The paper shows the possibilities of using MATLAB computer tool. All the commands in the software are given and explained. Calculating of the empirical, normal and cumulative distribution on an example of the lateral force is given in detail. The new software is exactly verified mathematically and qualified for any further use. The developed software is the tool for the development of other two phases: software for the exact automatic evaluation of the maximum values of the dynamic values and software for the automatic approval of vehicles and railway due to the driving safety, loading tracks and driving comfort compared to the limited values regarding UI C CODE 518.

Marek Semela, Tomáš Coufal
2016 (Vol 28), Issue 1

The paper presents complete results of the head-on small overlap crash test of vehicle with driver moving at a speed of approximately 12 m/s against stationary vehicle with post-crash rollover. When a crash does not involve the main crush-zone structures, the occupant compartment is not well protected. The emphasis in the paper was put on determination and presentation of crash parameters for the application in traffic accident analyses and for simulation with the help of software for accident reconstruction. The experimentally measured data from the crash test were analysed and important crash parameters which are necessary for accident reconstruction were obtained. The crash test was specific because of rollover of the impacting vehicle resulting from small overlap. The results have shown that small overlap accident is extremely dangerous for the crew with the possibility of vehicle rollover and occupant head and neck injury. Also in this case, at relative low speed, the driver suffered light neck and head injury in the following days and the longitudinal damage was relatively large. The input parameters for accident reconstruction software as the result of performed crash test were gained.

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