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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 24 No. 1 (2012)
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Miloš Poliak
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

The paper defines the problem of pricing in general cargo by impact of toll in the first section. Different usage of a vehicle in individual transportation causes that it is not possible to calculate the toll uniformly for every cargo by constant price for the customer in the same transportation. The next part analyses the existing processes of the toll share for general transport described in Austria, Bohemia and Germany. None of the processes can be used for another state in general. The rest is a draft of the new method of toll share for general transport determination.


Key words: transportation, pricing, cargo, toll, road

Mustafa Özuysal, Gökmen Tayfur, Serhan Tanyel
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

Passenger flow estimation of transit systems is essential for new decisions about additional facilities and feeder lines. For increasing the efficiency of an existing transit line, stations which are insufficient for trip production and attraction should be examined first. Such investigation supports decisions for feeder line projects which may seem necessary or futile according to the findings. In this study, passenger flow of a light rail transit (LRT) system in Izmir, Turkey is estimated by using multiple regression and feed-forward back-propagation type of artificial neural networks (ANN). The number of alighting passengers at each station is estimated as a function of boarding passengers from other stations. It is found that ANN approach produced significantly better estimations specifically for the low passenger attractive stations. In addition, ANN is found to be more capable for the determination of trip-attractive parts of LRT lines.


Keywords: light rail transit, multiple regression, artificial neural networks, public transportation

Julijana Krajnc, Klavdij Logožar, Bojana Korošec
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

Both the transparent reporting of logistics costs and the related accounting of their cost drivers present a significant factor for the successful management of material flows and the related logistics activities in production companies. These costs, which are mainly reported as part of overhead (indirect) costs in such companies, usually remain hidden or are not explicitly visible when the traditional method of accounting is applied. The aim of this research is to create a model of activity-based accounting of logistics costs in a production company, and to test its efficiency in the disclosure of logistics costs compared with traditional cost accounting. The application of the model in a production company shows that an activity-based approach discloses as much as 108% more logistics costs at the level of a group of products than the traditional cost-accounting approach. Further, detailed information on logistics costs obtained in this way enables their more efficient management.

Key words: logistics costs; activity-based costing; cost allocation; cost visibility; cost management

Marinko Maslarić, Aleš Groznik, Nikolina Brnjac
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

For the last few decades there has been growing interest in making more integrated business decisions across larger segments of the logistic and distribution networks. Modern information technology is allowing this idea to be implemented, but there is need to develop a way of effective use of information technologies that support this business direction. In this paper a methodology to assist distribution networks reengineering with the aim of integrating logistic processes within the distribution supply chain has been promoted. The emphasis of methodology is on the business processes modelling and reengineering in the distribution network. Finally, this paper presents an oil company case study to illustrate how the methodology can be applied in practice.

Keywords: distribution process, business process modelling, reengineering, information sharing, logistics

Iztok Ostan, Borut Poljšak, Eva Podovšovnik Axelsson
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

The aim of the paper is to present the results of a survey of railroad employees’ motivation for a healthy lifestyle. For this purpose a specific questionnaire was developed. The study was performed on 245 Slovene railroad workers (168 of them blue-collar ones). The great majority (66.9%) were found to be overweight or obese (BMI 25 or more), with no significant difference between blue- and white-collar workers. The great majority of them were in general aware of having unhealthy nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Most of the employees felt the need to improve (at least in part) their nutrition (74.7%) and lifestyle (78.0%); the majority (67.8%) also declared that they could adopt a healthier lifestyle despite the constraints of everyday life and work conditions; however, 57.6% said that they had been already putting considerable effort into a healthier nutrition and lifestyle. Thus the effort needed to overcome constraints toward a healthier lifestyle seems to be the key problem: the majority (54.3%) would rather choose walking than running or other intensive forms of exercise; they are not ready to do it for more than one hour per day (60%), and they are not ready to give up permanently food that they like and that is considered unhealthy. The differences in motivations for a healthy lifestyle between blue- and white-collar workers were not significant at the 0.05 level.

Further research in this field is needed; however, it seems that the methods of efficient marginal modifications of lifestyle are required.


human resources management, railroad, blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, healthy lifestyle, motivations

Matej Trapečar, Martin Ivan Lipičnik, Jože Balažic
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

The following paper aims to illustrate certain investigative activities in the forensic analysis and examination of the scene of traffic accidents. When a traffic accident occurs, the scene must be secured as soon as possible to enable professional and proper forensic investigation. Failure to secure the accident scene might result in losing or contaminating the traces, which makes it more difficult to prove or explain trace evidence in further procedure or even makes such evidence inadmissible. The topic is discussed from the viewpoint of crime scene examination, since analysing and investigating traffic accidents requires a great deal of expertise and attention of the investigators. Complex traffic accidents include feigned accidents, hit-and-run accidents as well as accidents in which the driver and passengers, dead or alive, need to be identified. In identifying the passengers, standard criminal investigation methods as well as police forensic and forensic medicine methods are followed. Such methods include confirming the identities with identity documents, other documents and vehicle ownership, fingerprints, biological traces, fibre traces, contact traces, traces of physical injuries on the driver and passengers, etc. According to the results obtained in fingerprint detection on human skin surfaces, this method can also be applied in confirming physical contact between the driver and the passengers in the accident, e.g. in the event of moving the victims and changing the scene of the accident.


Key words: traffic accidents, accident analysis, driver's identity, passengers' position, finger marks, human skin

Danijela Pjevčević, Aleksandar Radonjić, Zlatko Hrle, Vladeta Čolić
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

The aim of the paper is to apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method in measuring and analyzing the efficiencies of ports on the river Danube. DEA window analysis is used to determine the efficiency of ports and to observe the possibility of changes in the port efficiency over time. A study is conducted to evaluate the efficiencies of ports on the territory of Serbia in order to identify the sources of inefficiencies and formulate proposals for improving the services of those ports and their operations through a four-year window analysis with port efficiency trends and average efficiencies. The progress is made in the measurement of port efficiency in relation to port productive activities - total area of warehouses, quay length, number of cranes and port throughput, for the Serbian river ports.

Keywords: river ports, total area of warehouses, quay length, number of cranes, port throughput, port efficiency, DEA window analysis

Grgo Luburić, Gordana Miljković, Krešimir Buntak
2012 (Vol 24), Issue 1

The aim of research is to indicate the failure to use information on road depreciation in the process of making decisions about investment into road maintenance. Depreciation as accountancy category has not been sufficiently used as managerial information and its status has been marginalised. A big problem is also the non-defined status of “emergency” maintenance which some legal subjects responsible for road management book as investment maintenance which is used to compensate for the road value, and some as expenditure, in which case the mentioned investments do not even enter the base for depreciation calculation. In writing this paper the data about the book road value were taken into consideration, the amount of depreciation as well as the data about investments into the maintenance on state roads in the period from 2001 to 2008. In data analysis the methodology of descriptive statistics and regression analysis have been implemented. The results of the study of correlation between the value of depreciation and the investment into emergency maintenance have shown that the investment amount is at the level of 74% of the depreciation amount, which indicates the underestimated depreciation rate regarding the fact that roadway condition evaluations are not in harmony with such investment.

Key words: road depreciation, periodic maintenance, road value, road management

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